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Fail of Your Day



  • I finished my genetics lab final way before anyone else so I could wait for her outside. I waited and waited and then she came out but people were putting posters on the halls and it was hard to pass through them, by the time I got to the second floor I remember that the psychology department had a presentation for their graduates and the halls were full of people. I finally left the building but she was nowhere to be found.
  • Michelle Bachman: It's interesting how the last swine flu outbreak occur ed under a democratic president.
    Saw this posted in a Facebook comment:
    I know it's like obama said he wanted to bring the world together.......and a plague of swine flu breaks dumb ass in office woo hoo. I blame him, he's breaking borders. ha. but yes things are going to get much worse before they get better. hey guess how many mexicans can fit in a 6 person seat blazer??? I counted today, there were 13, NO JOKE TRUE STORY....there's your swine flu.I'm not a racist, I'm just being honest.
  • I waited and waited
    If she doesn't know you're waiting for her, it could easily turn to be off putting.
    Just go and talk to her.
  • I ordered boots online. They are too tight in the calf. Sad.
  • edited April 2009
    Destroyed the LCD on my camera. That said, it still functions (I think) so I'm just going to have to get by without any kind of viewfinder, this could be interesting.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Sail: Michelle Bachman is pretty much the superfail for the Republicans right now. Every time she opens her cake-hole, something ludicrously stupid tumbles out.
  • Sail: Michelle Bachman is pretty much the superfail for the Republicans right now. Every time she opens her cake-hole, something ludicrously stupid tumbles out.
    Hey, don't be associating her with cake. It's insulting to the cake.
  • It's insulting to the cake.
    But the cake is a lie. Just like everything Michelle Bachman says.
  • But the cake is a lie. Just like everything Michelle Bachman says.
    Old, but well played.
  • 2 weeks till prom. No date.
    Fuck getting a date. If you have no one to ask that you don't already know you're going to have fun with, just don't. I made that mistake last year and it ruined my fun. You can go on a date anytime, and chances are you're going to have a lot more fun with your friends than some chick you barely know.
    Compare Socha's two proms:

    Junior Year: Went with friend after finding out her boyfriend couldn't make it (He had a legitimate reason). Ended up in a limo with a bunch of girls who were going stag. Friend said it was okay for me to hit on them. Had a wonderful time and met my girlfriend for the summer.

    Senior Year: Wanted to impress girl from a few towns away who seemed into me. Went out with her and asked her to go with me. One less awkward date later, tried going in for a kiss, and she weirdly tensed up. Next day, the day I spend $250 on our tickets, she told me it wouldn't work out, but she would still go with me. Naive to what any of this meant and still positive I could win her over, I decided to go with her. Four days later, after a night of being completely stuck to her since she didn't really know anyone else, her Facebook status changed to "In a relationship" with some guy I didn't know.

    Take my tale of woe, WindUpBird, and just don't think too much of it. It's not the most "magical night of your life" it's really some expensive shindig that's two steps down from a wedding. Go with a friend and maturely acknowledge this doesn't mean anything, and then have an awesome time. (PROTIP: Try dancing! It's not hard!)
  • 2 weeks till prom. No date.
    Fuck getting a date. If you have no one to ask that you don't already know you're going to have fun with, just don't. I made that mistake last year and it ruined my fun. You can go on a date anytime, and chances are you're going to have a lot more fun with your friends than some chick you barely know.
    Compare Socha's two proms:

    Junior Year: Went with friend after finding out her boyfriend couldn't make it (He had a legitimate reason). Ended up in a limo with a bunch of girls who were going stag. Friend said it was okay for me to hit on them. Had a wonderful time and met my girlfriend for the summer.

    Senior Year: Wanted to impress girl from a few towns away who seemed into me. Went out with her and asked her to go with me. One less awkward date later, tried going in for a kiss, and she weirdly tensed up. Next day, the day I spend $250 on our tickets, she told me it wouldn't work out, but she would still go with me. Naive to what any of this meant and still positive I could win her over, I decided to go with her. Four days later, after a night of being completely stuck to her since she didn't really know anyone else, her Facebook status changed to "In a relationship" with some guy I didn't know.

    Take my tale of woe, WindUpBird, and just don't think too much of it. It's not the most "magical night of your life" it's really some expensive shindig that's two steps down from a wedding. Go with a friend and maturely acknowledge this doesn't mean anything, and then have an awesome time. (PROTIP: Try dancing! It's not hard!)
    I also thought that I just HAD to go to my senior prom. God was it horrible.
  • edited May 2009
    2 weeks till prom. No date.
    Totally go out with a hot but platonic friend, if you have any. Makes for good pictures. That's what I did for my junior prom. It was great!

    I skipped out on the senior prom, because I didn't feel like spending the money and I had just gotten back from Japan. I went to see the second matrix movie with a friend. It was terrible, and then we went to the convenience store and ate ice cream sandwiches. It was fun.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • ice cream sandwiches.
    I... I don't know what to say.
  • Swine flu is SRS BSNSSS for furries.

    I won't ask how you found this...
  • I skipped out on the senior prom, because I didn't feel like spending the money and I had just gotten back from Japan. I went to see the second matrix movie with a friend. It was terrible, and then we went to the convenience store and ate ice cream sandwiches. It was fun.
    Good choice.

    I skipped my senior prom and went to Six Flags with some new friends instead, including a girl I ended up dating for three years, and that night was kinda the beginning.
  • I went to 5 proms. I had a lot of gay friends and I always dated people at other schools, so I went to several as a beard date or a real date. The only one that sucked was my own (mostly due to a crappy date). However, our after party of all night bowling was excellent. Proms are great fun when you are with a friend and partake in a crazy after party (crazy as in silly, not crazy as in alcohol poisoning and unsatisfying teenage sex).
  • Swine flu is SRS BSNSSS for furries.

    I won't ask how you found this...
    Friend of mine on DA linked me to this. In the middle of trooooolll''n, I found the furry version which is more hilarious.
  • edited May 2009
    OMFG! White tea curez teh fatz!

    But the diet pills, they'll kill you. That's okay though, because at least you'll die skinny.
    Post edited by misakyra on
  • edited May 2009
    I just saw this and found it completely hilarious. Maybe it's the NyQuil I just took...

    Post edited by bunnikun on
  • edited May 2009
    I had a show tonight, the last of my senior year (I'm the one of the leaders of my school's improv troupe, took four years of work and outside study to get this far). Well, one of my best friends (we've known each other since the first day of high school) gave me a firm "yes" when I asked her if she was coming. I saw her out and about with her boyfriend before the show, so I assumed they were coming. It became apparent during about the third scene that I was wrong. They had either come momentarily and left, or she lied to me completely.

    Well, awesome. A person who I have had talks with about how to keep in touch during summers, and do you want to go to Bonnaroo next June, etc. sold me out for some guy she's been dating for a month and a half and who has already strip mined his body with everything from gas vapor to heroin to Rx meds (oh, but it's cool, he's supposedly clean now).

    I hope she invites me to an art show next year, just so I can stay the entire time and remind her that that makes me just that tiniest bit better.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Sort of fail of a month, but here goes...
    I ordered a ThinkPad in late March. My grandfather was paying for it because it was a graduation/birthday present, so we entered his billing information and my address so that it would be shipped here. A few days later I got an email from Lenovo saying that there was a problem with the credit card. Apparently my address wasn't on the credit card company's list of approved places to ship stuff Papa buys. Okay, we make some calls, fix it. A week after I get an email saying the whole order was CANCELED. There were more calls and much yelling, through which we found that due to the fact that the manufacturing center is in China, the approval information crossed the IDL and expired. So we had to make a whole new order, tell them to ship to my grandfather's house, and wait again. Three weeks later (yesterday) the thing finally arrives (for some reason, at my house)---and it doesn't have the specs I requested. Meanwhile, my grandfather receives ANOTHER laptop at the same time! I haven't seen that one yet, but I didn't notice the lack of camera on this one before I'd already installed Ubuntu and a whole host of other things. But we have to send it back anyway. ARGH.
  • I work as a waitress at The Bridge Restaurant on Tilghman Island, MD. I was playing hostess today, and got a call from a lady asking for help with directions. When I asked her current location, she replied "Uh... I'm in Delaware now".

    "Ma'am, you need to turn around, stay on MD-50, and drive for two hours until you reach Maryland..."
  • I seem to have become brutally paranoid about my CPU temp. For no real reason.
  • Okay, so this is my thing of the day, but I felt it fits better in this thread than the Things thread.

    [Trans-Siberian Orchestra FTW]
  • edited May 2009
    Okay, sothisis my thing of the day, but I felt it fits better in this thread than the Things thread.
    It's a fail! No it's not! It's a fail! No it's not!

    Post edited by omegafinal on
  • Well, on Thursday my monthly train ticket ran out and today I got on the train without realizing that I had to buy a new one. Luckily enough, right before me another passenger also didn't have a ticket and the conductor was distracted long enough so I was able to get off at the next station without getting a ticket. Problem is that station only has an automaton for ticket sales and no counter and the automaton only sells tickets for that station which is neither my starting nor end station.

    So then I had to walk for about half an hour until the nearest bus stop of the city buses of the city my university is in, also most remote bus stops in the entire city. Then take the bus into the city to the main train station of the city, my usual end destination, buy a monthly ticket for the train which also enables me to use the inner city buses (thankfully there were no conductors in the bus) and then on to my university.

    It all resulted in me missing the first course of the morning :/
  • Problem is that station only has an automaton for ticket sales and no counter and the automaton only sells tickets for that station which is neither my starting nor end station.
    Err, why not just buy a single ticket, and buy a monthly when you get to the other station?
  • edited May 2009
    Err, why not just buy a single ticket, and buy a monthly when you get to the other station?
    Well, waiting for the next train would have taken at least twice as long as walking to that bus stop.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited May 2009
    the automaton only sells tickets for that station which is neither my starting nor end station.
    Your automaton sucks. With my machines you can change the start station. And why was the end station not on there? That seems really weird.
    Post edited by Bronzdragon on
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