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Fail of Your Day



  • As all these terrible things keep happening, I'm thinking more and more about fleeing the country to a more prosperous one.
    Are you kidding. America is still one of the most economically stable, prosperous nations in the world. This is a global recession, not a US one, and the states are faring quite a bit better than the rest of the world. ^_~
  • As all these terrible things keep happening, I'm thinking more and more about fleeing the country to a more prosperous one.
    Are you kidding. America is still one of the most economically stable, prosperous nations in the world. This is a global recession, not a US one, and the states are faring quite a bit better than the rest of the world. ^_~
    Additionally, you are nineteen years old. Your actual ability to move to another country is probably on a par with your actual ability to do a backflip and crawl up your own arsehole.
  • Are you kidding. America is still one of the most economically stable, prosperous nations in the world. This is a global recession, not a US one, and the states are faring quite a bit better than the rest of the world. ^_~
    On the downside, it kinda sucks how they had to get rid of that awesome guy that everyone treated like their personal Jesus and elected some dude everyone hates.
    Additionally, you are nineteen years old. Your actual ability to move to another country is probably on a par with your actual ability to do a backflip and crawl up your own arsehole.
    I think I saw something like that in a Tijuana circus, once....
  • edited May 2009
    Everything's falling apart recently :/
    Last week my laptop went the way of the dodo, but since it was rather old and I didn't like it anyways, I didn't even mention it and just bought a new one. Plus I was planning to buy a new one soon anyways.
    My Rock band drum kit is also busted and until Guitar Hero Metallica comes out here at the end of the month, I don't get a replacement.
    And now the approximately 15 year old armchair I usually sit on when I use my laptop just fell apart.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • As all these terrible things keep happening, I'm thinking more and more about fleeing the country to a more prosperous one.
    Are you kidding. America is still one of the most economically stable, prosperous nations in the world. This is a global recession, not a US one, and the states are faring quite a bit better than the rest of the world. ^_~

    You know what's really lovely and economically prosperous? Sudan. No animals getting evicted around there.
  • edited May 2009
    Yeah, I heard about that. That's such a shame. I really liked the world of darkness exhibit, too. Poor animals.
    As all these terrible things keep happening, I'm thinking more and more about fleeing the country to a more prosperous one. I think may actually take you up on your offer about the Japan program Emily. I don't think I can stand to hear more of this depression eating away at everything that is left.What happened to the America that I once knew as a little boy?
    EDIT: I'm sure Sea Green doesn't stand for anything. But, seriously I wasn't joking when I wrote that sentence.
    As Rym stated above, the U.S. is still stable compared to most economic markets. Going to Japan won't help you as they are also in recession (most of the world is). Iceland (arguably) was the hardest hit by the recession, and even they haven't reach Great Depression quality of life standards.
    More to the point, a Zoo evicting animals (essentially selling them to other Zoos) is the straw that broke the camel's back in this scenario? Seriously, you have a skewed perspective if that is going to send you out of the U.S. The only reason to move based on the recession alone is if you cannot find anyway to feed yourself in the U.S., but you could elsewhere or there is a set-in-stone better opportunity in another country. If you want to move because you prefer a region or dislike the U.S. then defect. Don't make more of the recession than there is. Is the recession hurting real people whose lifestyles will need to drastically change as they have a greatly reduced income owing to lack of work? Yes. Does the U.S. still provide a social safety net for those people through unemployment, welfare, food stamps, social security, etc.? Yes. Are overall job postings on the rise and the housing market rehabilitating in some areas? Yes. Have most banks proven a reasonable level of solvency under the recent stress test even if the recession worsens? Yes.
    Get a grip. Get perspective. Take a breath. Now, make a decision about the Japan study program based on the merits of the program, your personal life, and what other opportunities you may have that rival the program.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I think may actually take you up on your offer about the Japan program Emily.
    It's a Japanese school in New York, and I'm not sure the grade levels. You wouldn't be getting out of the country.
  • The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck (which I don't own but want to), with a price of over $80.
  • edited May 2009
    The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck(which I don't own but want to), with a price of over $80.
    That's quite a coincidence -- I set out to purchase it yesterday, and found the same thing.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck(which I don't own but want to), with a price of over $80.
    That's quite a coincidence -- I set out to purchase it yesterday, and found the same thing.
    How can this happen? You'd think due to it's popularity it would be mass-produced, but now it's over $80. The only explanation is that it is either out of print or worth that much.
  • Wow, that's just crazy. One guy even asks for $240. Are they nuts?. Glad I got mine last year. Just checked and same thing. German edition is 30€ though.
  • The only explanation is that it is either out of print or worth that much.
    Due to the law of supply and demand, it's both. I've had the same problem with this book, which is neither as expensive, nor as valuable. Funny thing is, every time I've tried to order it even at that ridiculous price, I've gotten an e-mail shortly after saying it's actually not in stock. Boo.
  • I noticed a small hole on the surface of one of my teeth during my cleaning this morning. And I just went to the dentist last week!
  • I work as a waitress at The Bridge Restaurant on Tilghman Island, MD. I was playing hostess today, and got a call from a lady asking for help with directions. When I asked her current location, she replied "Uh... I'm in Delaware now".

    "Ma'am, you need to turn around, stay on MD-50, and drive for two hours until you reach Maryland..."

    My ex-girlfriend worked at that restaurant. I got a call a month ago. It was a friend, saying she had nearly killed herself and was now in a psych ward. Now she's back at home (RIT student) in Easton. Woah.
  • I cut my thumb about two centimeters deep with a bread knife and had to get eight stiches in the middle of the night.
  • I cut my thumb about two centimeters deep with a bread knife and had to get eight stiches in the middle of the night.
    What kind of Hands do you have that your thumb is 2 centimeters wide in any direction?
    I guess you meant you gave yourself a cut on the thumb which is 2 centimeters long.
  • I guess you meant you gave yourself a cut on the thumb which is 2 centimeters long.
    If you go in at an angle, you could get it 2cm deep. That would suck SO BAD.
  • edited May 2009
    It was from the tip along the finger, leaving a loose bit of flesh. Thus, deep. Also, it's probably less deep, since I suck in approximation.
    Post edited by Anastius on
  • t was from the tip along the finger, leaving a loose bit of flesh.
    Here's a fail of my day from about 10 years ago. I was showing off my nice new Spyderco knife to my friend, and how it was so sharp that I could cut through this bit of receipt paper dangling from my fingers. I'd been doing this all day. So when I tried to show my friend, I just about cut the tip of my thumb off. It went right through the thumbnail, about 1/4" from the edge, and a pea-sized chunk of flesh was basically hanging by a flap. It bled so fast and so much that within seconds, my hand was so covered with blood that it webbed between my fingers when I spread them. Also, this was in the parking lot of a grocery store down the street from my house. So I pinched it shut, ran home, wrapped a band-aid tight around it, and got on with life. It healed up okay, and in a few weeks, the piece of thumbnail that had been separated fell off. I have a visible scar under my thumbnail now.
  • edited May 2009
    I was just in a car accident. I had just turned onto my street when I saw a mustang driving on the wrong side of the road. I swerved out of the way to not hit him head on (my car has no airbags) and the front of my car slammed into a parked minivan. The damn bastard just kept going! Half of the front of my car was banged up really bad, but the support beams prevented the engine or anything important from being damaged. My hood was bent up about 5 inches and the headlight is trashed. Nothing happened to the all! There were no witnesses. I called the police, but before I could give them my name they said that if no one was hurt, they wouldn't send anyone. I left my insurance card and drove home.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited May 2009
    The Attorneys in my office often come to work in jeans. I really don't mind that they wear jeans, but I do mind the fact that I and the support staff may not. When I was hired on to the firm everyone was allowed to dress casually. Earlier this year the Firm switched to business casual, but the Attorneys, in particularly the Managing Partner, wear jeans constantly. Why is it that a group that makes MORE money and can afford nicer clothes and having them pressed and/or can afford a stay at home spouse to press their clothes may wear casual clothes, but their poorer staff must maintain a wardrobe of nice clothes? ALL of the attorneys in the office are male. ALL of the support staff are female. It basically works out that the women must look pretty, but the men needn't look anything more than clean.
    Just another year here.... just one more year...
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I accidently bought a second copy of Gals vol 7. Sigh. Another thing for AUSAs swap meet.
  • (my car has no airbags)
    This is the real fail.
  • I am not sure whether I should count it as my fail or not but I stayed up till 2 AM to watch the Penguins - Capitals game. Unfortunately the Capitals didn't bother to show up. What a terrible performance in a Game 7.
  • edited May 2009
    Some of my sailing friends decided to go bungee skimboarding. This basically means that you hook yourself up to an oversized waterballoon slingshot and launch yourself at waves at 30mph. My friend said that he received the most pain doing this than anything else in his entire life.

    tl;dr: The pinnacle of stupidity.


    I should mention the absence of pictures from the other launches where they face-planted into the wave at full speed.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • That looks super fun.
  • That looks super fun.
  • edited May 2009
    I ate a homemade cookie, and am apparently allergic to something in it, as I am now having trouble taking deep breaths. Damnit...

    Edit: I'm breathing a little better now, but I still feel wierd.
    Post edited by misakyra on
  • edited May 2009
    I ate a homemade cookie, and am apparently allergic to something in it, as I am now having trouble taking deep breaths. Damnit...

    Edit: I'm breathing a little better now, but I still feel wierd.
    Take an antihistamine and call a doctor.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Take an antihistamine and call a doctor.
    And try to find the maker of that cookie and ask what was in it so you can prevent any other further episodes.
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