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Fail of Your Day



  • I'm unpacking everything from college, and I can't find my pair of XBox 360 controllers (worth about $50 each).
  • Netflix has decided to throttle Code Geass while I am in the middle of the series.
  • At Six Flags today, two rides closed right before we got on them, one of which we waited an hour and a half for and never got to ride. Instead, we had to run to the bus because we were late and I had to sit on the floor because there were no seats left :(
  • two rides closed right before we got on them, one of which we waited an hour and a half for and never got to ride
    I'll bet one of them was X.
  • two rides closed right before we got on them, one of which we waited an hour and a half for and never got to ride
    I'll bet one of them was X.
    Nope. It was Ninja and Riddler.
  • Nope. It was Ninja and Riddler.
    Well, I can say with confidence that the 1.5 hour wait wasn't for Ninja. :) X has been broken down like half the times I've gone in the past few years.
  • I was standing in line at Moe's when the woman in front of me ordered some food for take out. The guy behind the counter asks her what she would like to drink and she says "I want 2 Corona's and a Dos Equis." The guy then tries to explain to her that it's store policy that you can't order an alcoholic beverage with a take out order. I'm pretty sure it's a state law too. I don't see many bars with to go cups but I digress. She get all sorts of pissed off. "Well I NEVER! The only reason I came here was to get a simple drink." She then STOMPS out side. The guy behind the counter says, "You can always tell who had a bad night at their AA meeting."

    Fail for that lady. Win for me and the guys behind the counter.
  • edited May 2009
    I was standing in line at Moe's when the woman in front of me ordered some food for take out. The guy behind the counter asks her what she would like to drink and she says "I want 2 Corona's and a Dos Equis." The guy then tries to explain to her that it's store policy that you can't order an alcoholic beverage with a take out order. I'm pretty sure it's a state law too. I don't see many bars with to go cups but I digress. She get all sorts of pissed off. "Well I NEVER! The only reason I came here was to get a simple drink." She then STOMPS out side. The guy behind the counter says, "You can always tell who had a bad night at their AA meeting."
    It's state law - generally, this is how it goes.

    You can get a Premises license, where you can consume alcohol on the premises between certain times, with various categories under this, such as a Restaurant license(underage patrons can enter the premises, but you must be a restaurant and you are limited as to how late you can serve) or a BYO license(customers can bring their own alcohol, but you are not permitted to sell it). You can also get a combination of these licenses.
    Generally, with this kind of license, it is illegal to sell unopened containers, and it is illegal to sell alcohol for consumption outside of the premises.

    You can get an Off-premises license, where you are permitted to sell alcohol in sealed containers, however, it cannot be consumed on the premises. As is obvious, this is the sort of license that you have for somewhere that sells liquor, but isn't a bar.

    Lastly, you have special licenses. These include venue licenses(where you can temporarily serve alcohol for the duration of an event at your venue), Event licenses(the same thing, but there's no venue already present, for example, festivals) and so on.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • My fails: one from the weekend, one from Monday, and a pre-fail on tomorrow.

    This past Sunday I joined my girlfriend at her parents' house for a cookout celebration for her brother getting Certified in Welding and graduating from the local vocational school. It was a nice, sunny day that was more than a bit windy. We were outside all day long. I forgot to bring a hat. Come Monday morning I had one of the worst combined cases of sunburn and windburn on my face that I've ever had. I'm peeling now and look like someone in the early stages of leprosy.

    Monday I ordered up a Roku box to go with my Netflix subscription. I'm planning on leaving it at my girlfriend's house because we watch more movies over there than at my place. Fearing that my neighbors might be prone to theft, I had it shipped to my work address so the package wouldn't get left on my doorstep. FedEx is estimating delivery on Saturday, when, of course, the place is closed. Delivery re-attempt would normally be on Monday, but since Monday is the observance of Memorial Day, I'm likely not going to see my Roku box until Tuesday. Good planning on my part there.

    I was planning on getting a haircut and getting my shopping for next week done tomorrow night after work. I got a reminder today that I'm on-call for late night support tomorrow and as such I have to stay at the call center until 7:00. It somehow didn't get added to my Lotus calendar at work. So much for getting my errands done in a timely manner.
  • New episode of Suzumiya Haruhi airs. Worlds explodes. |:(
  • I somehow managed to sprain my wrist while I was sleeping.
  • I love doing other people's work for them!
  • edited May 2009
    I just the first Volume of Akira in the mail (german 360 page volume that is). It's flipped :(
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • My vacation planning this year has been a failure. One day, I'll learn to actually check calendars.
  • Someone stole the front wheel off my bike while I was at work.
    I just the first Volume of Akira in the mail (german 360 page volume that is). It's flipped :(
    Is that really that big a deal?
  • I just the first Volume of Akira in the mail (german 360 page volume that is). It's flipped :(
    Is that really that big a deal?
    I haven't read it yet but it's quite annoying especially when you are aware of it. Most of the time flipped manga is just reshuffling the panels on the page but it's really distracting when characters switch places or their dominant hand changes all of a sudden. It's just another unnecessary and tedious thing about translation that only makes the product worse in regard to it's faithfulness to the source material and costs the publisher more than not doing it.
  • I went to work at the wrong time. I'm not supposed to come in till 3.
  • Most of the time flipped manga is just reshuffling the panels on the page but it's really distracting when characters switch places or their dominant hand changes all of a sudden. It's just another unnecessary and tedious thing about translation that only makes the product worse in regard to it's faithfulness to the source material and costs the publisher more than not doing it.
    Do they really "reshuffle" the panels MOST of the time? I was under the impression that that was the exception with regard to flipped manga. I agree that it's an absolutely ridiculous practice -- if you're going to flip the page, flip the whole page. That way, at least the design and page flow still works the way the artist intended. When you go flipping panels, you screw everything up.
  • The police raided a pot farm down the street from me(to be absolutely accurate - about 5 doors down, and on an english-style terrace building, that's about 15 Meters), and this necessitated cutting the power for three hours, just as it was getting dark.

    Bloody Students.
  • Today when I got to work I put my headphones in to listen to music, like I usually do. Several hours later I realized I had never turned on any music and never noticed. Ironically, every time I got up from my desk and took them out, I came back and put them right back in.

    Not much of an epic fail, but silly nonetheless.
  • edited May 2009
    Can I do a fail of the century?

    My former wife died in Afghanistan the 26th, she was only 21 years old. We were still great friends and talked all the time. She loved serving her country and the Air Force and had great hope for Afghanistan, especially the females. She was working with them in a time when they were getting more and more rights as females in a terribly male-dominant society. Take a moment and appreciate everyone you know who serve. They know the dangers and accept them everyday. Godspeed Ashton.

    Post edited by djfooboo on
  • Can I do a fail of the century?
    Thanks for making me cry, asshole. Seriously -- I can't tell you how sorry I am.
  • Can I do a fail of the century?

    My ex-wife died in Afghanistan the 26th. We were still great friends and talked all the time. She loved serving her country and the Air Force and had great hope for Afghanistan, especially the females. She was working with them in a time when they were getting more and more rights as females in a terribly male-dominant society. Take a moment and appreciate everyone you know who serve. They know the dangers and accept them everyday. Godspeed Ashton.

    You have my deepest condolences.
  • edited May 2009

    My former wife died in Afghanistan the 26th, she was only 21 years old. We were still great friends and talked all the time. She loved serving her country and the Air Force and had great hope for Afghanistan, especially the females. She was working with them in a time when they were getting more and more rights as females in a terribly male-dominant society. Take a moment and appreciate everyone you know who serve. They know the dangers and accept them everyday. Godspeed Ashton.
    This Isn't tradition where you come from, but it is back home. It's the Fourth Stanza of the ode "For the Fallen".

    They shall grow not old,
    As we that are left grow old,
    Age shall not weary them,
    Nor the years contemn.
    At the going down of the sun,
    And in the morning
    We will remember them.

    Godspeed, ma'am.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I have no words to express how sad this makes me feel. This post made me pause and think about the great sacrifice of the troops in the war. I'm very sorry for your loss.
  • I'm so sorry. Everyone should be proud of her as well as grieve. Sorry for your loss.
  • I don't want to see anything petty posted as the next fail in this thread after that, guys. I am so sorry, Dj.
  • Viga is right. Be proud of her.
  • I am sorry for your loss, her family's loss, the loss of those she worked to help, and the loss of those she served with.
  • That is incredibly sad. I don't know what to say beyond the fact that I'm very sorry for your loss.
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