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Fail of Your Day



  • My parents just yelled at me for agreeing with them. FML
  • My parents just yelled at me for agreeing with them. FML
    Nice job, DUMBASS!
  • edited May 2009
    My friend thinks that Schrodinger's Cat (pardon the lack of umlaut, please) is "an obsolete metaphor...created by stupid scientists for the sole purpose of selling stupid t-shirts and giving irritating, pretentious smart people something to feel superior about when they need to explain it to people who don't understand it." When I tried to explain that it is a critically important thought experiment dealing with quantum superposition, quantum entanglement, and the applicability of the Copenhagen interpretation in a theoretical real-world setting, her "rebuttle" was then that it was "a metaphor" and that it had been "taken over by pretentious fucks." After trying to explain it again, she repeated herself. I left in anger, and she claimed I was running away from an argument I couldn't win. This was the message she sent later:

    "it is a metaphor. it is something that doesn't exist and has no real application used to explain something real and practical. Remember what I said: running away when someone argues with you doesn't mean you have won and it does not make you right."

    This person can't grasp the difference between a thought experiment and a metaphor, and can't understand the inherent importance of either. I hate stubborn, stupid people, and I have little time for them. But let it never be said that I don't at least TRY to bring them out of their own willful ignorance.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • My Tae Kwon Do instructor of nearly nine years, a man who has almost become a second father figure to me, had a heart attack just a few days ago. I'm still trying to process the fact that it happened, and I've been feeling really stressed out and nervous all day for no other explicable reason. It's a huge shock to everyone at the school as well; he taught every one of the masters and instructors there everything they know, and acted as a larger-than-life figurehead for the school. He's doing fine now, thankfully, but it's still scaring the shit out of me.
  • My fail of yesterdaytechnically today: In Left 4 Dead Dead Air, my team (Scott, WaterIsPoison, and Jason) were Survivors first on the Terminal level. The other team (Rym, Loganator, thaneofcawdor, and Mr. Roboto) had a Tank just after the panic event - when we were past the fence. When it was our turn to have a tank to attack them, our tank spawned on the other side of the fence, before it was taken down by the van. The tank was unable to get through or over the fence, even though there was a "climb this thing" icon on the fence.

    We still won, but this is definitely a fail on Valve's part.
  • edited June 2009
    I attempted to install a new CPU fan yesterday because my computer was running too hot. After taking the original fan off, my CPU was stuck to the heat sink. After some finagling, I as able to get it off, and I attached the new fan. Now, when my computer starts up, there is no beep and my OS isn't starting up. I'm pretty sure I either somehow broke my CPU or mobo.

    Luckily, I have a friend who works for the Geek Squad that is going to look at it for me, and we'll go from there. I'm not really looking forward to replacing my mobo, or CPU, but at least I have the funds to do so.

    The good thing about this: less time in the computer room at home, and more time to do other things I've been wanting to do, like finally play Kingdom Hearts 2.


    I'm deeply sorry for your loss. My condolences.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • but at least I have the funds to do so.
    Why did you add that? You monster. Good luck.
  • Why did you add that? You monster. Good luck.
    Because even though it's a fail, it's not that bad. Plus, I've been working OT these last few months due to many different changes at my work, but I'll save that for another day. I've been ignoring this forum for way too long, and it's time to catch up! ^_^ I've missed this place.
  • @Ro
    It's just that I LOST COUNT is still moping since his PC died and he hasn't had the funds for another.
  • @Ro
    It's just thatI LOST COUNTis still moping since his PC died and he hasn't had the funds for another.
    Oh, I didn't know that. I guess I missed reading that or haven't read that. Sorry, Nine.
  • No worries Ro.
    Chances are you forgot - it's on the third page of this thread.
    I LOST COUNT has been moping for half a year.
  • RO!! I missed you :')
  • RO!! I missed you :')
    Awwe. Thanks, Sail. I haven't forgotten about you! Gomen! _(._.)_ I still have your project in the works. I've taken a break from sewing, but recently started back up again. I'm almost done with my Mario cross-stitch and can't wait to put it up on the finished art work thread. Perhaps, I should work your project tonight, after some KH2.
  • I LOST COUNT has been moping for half a year.
    That sounds far too short. Decades I say! DECADES! Also, page 3 only chronicles the story of dying, not death. Mope, mope, mope.
  • Changing the battery on my 5th gen iPod resulted in cracking the screen.

    I'm trying to rationalise and have convinced myself that I probably needed an upgrade anyway.
    Waiting on Zune HD, or may just get a 16gb micro SD card for my phone.
    Other options are probably the Cowon S9 or Sandisk Sansa Clip both of which are supposed to have good quality sound and support most file types.
  • Less than a month after getting an iPhone, it appears Apple will be announcing the new model. I am in no way unhappy with said gift (quite the opposite, it's hugely useful), but you know. It's more of an "Aw, damns" than a fail.
  • Less than a month after getting an iPhone, it appears Apple will be announcing the new model. I am in no way unhappy with said gift (quite the opposite, it's hugely useful), but you know. It's more of an "Aw, damns" than a fail.
    I know the feeling - my Phone company upgraded me to an iphone 3G, and it's announced a week later that the new iPhone will be released literally a week after I get the 3G - and then I have at least a year before I'm able to get a new phone out of them.
  • edited June 2009
    I know the feeling - my Phone company upgraded me to an iphone 3G, and it's announced a week later that the new iPhone will be released literally a week after I get the 3G - and then I have at least a year before I'm able to get a new phone out of them.
    Yeah, I'm under similar contractual constraints. At least I know now that I'm not the only person in this situation.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2009
    Fail of Your Day is an understatement for how I feel today, I think Fail of My Life is more appropriate. Before I could even go out with the girl I fell deeply in love with, I learned something horrible that ripped my heart in half. She was already going out with somebody, and I was none the wiser. She didn't tell me, but I found out. I'm crying as I type this thing right now, I feel like everything sucks right now.
    The worst part however is that she is going out with a kid who is known to be the biggest jerk and most immature kid in school, it almost feels like Edward Bloom in Big Fish. She is by no means immature whatsoever, but I imagine this kid somehow made the perfect smokescreen that seems to hide it all. That period of time I was in love was the happiest I'd ever been in my entire life, I always was a content person but that it feels like a dream or maybe a nightmare. T_T
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited June 2009
    Lordyupa, I am sorry that you're feeling so down. I remember a few crushing moments in relationships back in high school and it always sucked when people laughed at my pain just because I was young. Please do not take anything I am about to type as me mocking your pain or discrediting your feelings. However, I have to say this:
    1) How could you fall in love with someone you didn't know well enough to know they were dating someone? Keep your feelings in perspective and realize that you were infatuated with who you thought she was, not necessarily with her.
    2) If she purposefully didn't tell you she was seeing someone (regardless of who the person is), then how can you say she isn't immature? Purposefully hiding a current relationship to string someone along is incredibly immature. Unless there are some circumstances you aren't relating, she is immature. It doesn't make it hurt any less now, but it will help you get over her.
    3) Take this lesson and apply it to future relationships. It is great to care deeply for someone, but don't let yourself get too caught up until the relationship is reciprocal and long-standing.

    Keep your chin up and try to move on. If this person is worthwhile, she will be more upfront with you and treat you with the respect and honesty you deserve. Otherwise, hang in there, remember to breathe, and spend some time with a good friend or two.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited June 2009
    Fail of Your Day is an understatement for how I feel today, I thinkFail of My Lifeis more appropriate.
    Remind me how long it's been since you started going out with her? Has it been three weeks? Cry me a river.

    I won't dispute that things like that can be depressing, but calling it the Fail of Your Life is a little hyperbolic, don't you think? If this is the worst hurt you've felt in your life, then I want your life.
    2) If she purposefully didn't tell you she was seeing someone (regardless of who the person is), then how can you say she isn't immature?
    Actually, she sounds like the more mature of the two. Yupa, you don't have any reason to expect her to be monogamous with you. You are in a very, very, early stage of whatever relationship you have going with her. This is the stage of the relationship where it's totally okay to date more than one person. If you get more serious as time passes, you can both decide whether to make your relationship more exclusive. Until then, she's not bound by your idea of how close your relationship is.
    Post edited by HungryJoe on
  • Lordyupa, I am sorry that you're feeling so down. I remember a few crushing moments in relationships back in high school and it always sucked when people laughed at my pain just because I was young. Please do not take anything I am about to type as me mocking your pain or discrediting your feelings. However, I have to say this:
    1) How could you fall in love with someone you didn't know well enough to know they were dating someone? Keep your feelings in perspective and realize that you were infatuated with who you thought she was, not necessarily with her.
    2) If she purposefully didn't tell you she was seeing someone (regardless of who the person is), then how can you say she isn't immature? Purposefully hiding a current relationship to string someone along is incredibly immature. Unless there are some circumstances you aren't relating, she is immature. It doesn't make it hurt any less now, but it will help you get over her.
    3) Take this lesson and apply it to future relationships. It is great to care deeply for someone, but don't let yourself get too caught up until the relationship is reciprocal and long-standing.

    Keep your chin up and try to move on. If this person is worthwhile, she will be more upfront with you and treat you with the respect and honesty you deserve. Otherwise, hang in there, remember to breathe, and spend some time with a good friend or two.
    I thank you for your feedback as it has made me think quite a bit more, but I have to respond to this in a different way

    1: I knew her quite well and she has been known to have a few boyfriends here and there...nothing wrong with that...but she never made any mention of this before and I thought it was my chance and I never hinted at my feelings before because I planned on doing that at some point after we go out a few times. In case you didn't know or forgot, my plan was in great detail in the "Prom" thread. But that is a total side though, as she has had many relationships in which she was the one was hurt the most. I may not mean this later, but I don't want to move on...I know it sounds immature but I can't help it as I've never been in love before and the hurt is unbearable. I don't know if I should ever tell her my feelings ever, but I really want to. What should I do?

    2) If she purposefully didn't tell you she was seeing someone (regardless of who the person is), then how can you say she isn't immature?
    Actually, she sounds like the more mature of the two. Yupa, you don't have any reason to expect her to be monogamous with you. You are in a very, very, early stage of whatever relationship you have going with her. This is the stage of the relationship where it's totally okay to date more than one person. If you get more serious as time passes, you can both decide whether to make your relationship more exclusive. Until then, she's not bound by your idea of how close your relationship is.
    Again, she had no clue of my feelings whatsoever cause we never got that far into it. I really don't know how to articulate what I'm sorry if this makes no sense or is redundant.
  • edited June 2009
    Fail of Your Day is an understatement for how I feel today, I thinkFail of My Lifeis more appropriate. Before I could even go out with the girl I fell deeply in love with, I learned something horrible that ripped my heart in half. She was already going out with somebody, and I was none the wiser. She didn't tell me, but I found out. I'm crying as I type this thing right now, I feel like everything sucks right now.
    The worst part however is that she is going out with a kid who is known to be the biggest jerk and most immature kid in school, it almost feels like Edward Bloom inBig Fish. She is by no means immature whatsoever, but I imagine this kid somehow made the perfect smokescreen that seems to hide it all. That period of time I was in love was the happiest I'd ever been in my entire life, I always was a content person but that it feels like a dream or maybe a nightmare. T_T
    Is this the girl you hung out with at prom? That sucks. However, I don't know if you can be truly in love with someone and not know them well enough to realize that they were already in a relationship. It sounds like there wasn't communication. Truly being in love is knowing someone, connecting with them on a deep level, totally trusting them. Love is gradual and earned. Mad crushes are different. They happen really quick, and burn bright but not as deeply. It's easy to mistake a mad crush for true love, because it makes you feel all spring-time-joyful-spinny and you spend all your time thinking about that person and their awesomeness and kissing and stuff. The good news is, heartbreak from mad crushes does not destroy you, it just makes you feel depressed for a short period. Look at it this way. It's not like she stole your car or beat you up or anything. You're young and resilient. Cry tonight and then feel better tomorrow.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • edited June 2009
    Your feelings seem disproportionately intense for the relationship you have (or rather don't have) with this person and for only "being in love" with her for such a short time. Your feelings being of such intensity over a short duration of time and having what seems limited romantic experience leads me to believe that this is the first time you have felt infatuated with someone and you allowed yourself to get too caught up in your feelings (and hormones). Recognize that you are experiencing an overreaction and that it will pass, likely as quickly as it came, if you don't propound the feelings with brooding and wallowing.
    Normally, I would advise you to just ask the girl out. However, I am not sure someone as emotionally vulnerable and (to put it nicely) naive should be dating at all. Stop taking high school relationships so seriously. Remember, even if you do get a steady girlfriend now, you will be graduating soon and that puts a shelf-life on most high school relationships.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • Again, she had no clue of my feelings whatsoever cause we never got that far into it.
    Then you don't have anything to complain about, much less cry over.
  • 1: I knew her quite well and she has been known to have a few boyfriends here and there...nothing wrong with that...but she never made any mention of this before and I thought it was my chance and I never hinted at my feelings before because I planned on doing that at some point after we go out a few times.
    Again, she had no clue of my feelings whatsoever cause we never got that far into it. I really don't know how to articulate what I'm sorry if this makes no sense or is redundant.
    Girls are really complicated. I'm a girl, and I don't understand us half the time. Girls are always complaining about never finding any good guys (that aren't gay), yet they end up with huge jerks, like in your situation.

    All I can say is, if you never told her how you feel, then how was she supposed to know? Maybe she doesn't realize you could be more than friends. But whatever you do, don't be that guy who stays "just friends" forever. (Yeah I know I'm about to describe a plot from a movie) Some guys they can just be a sympathetic friend to the girl they have a crush on, and hope that one day after she has been hurt by too many jerks, that she will realize she's crazy in love with you. If you decide to be that guy, you might be waiting a really long time.

    Anyway, I know how you feel. It happened to me all the time in grade school. I'd fall for some random dude, and then see him hugging/kissing his girlfriend. Then I would retreat into my sad/angsty teenager realm for a few days. Then I would just find someone new to crush on.
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2009
    Can't you guys just cut me a break?! I'm still new to this whole love thing, so I've never been through something like this before. How am I supposed to know how to recognize this stuff?! I can't look it up because everybody's feelings and personalities are different and all explanations vary, so the only way is to experience it and I'm just starting out.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • Can't you guys just cut me a break?! I'm still new to this whole love thing, so I've never been through something like this before. How am I supposed to know how to recognize this stuff?! I can't look it up because everybody's feelings and personalities are different and all explanations vary, so the only way is to experience it and I'm just starting out.
    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound mean. I know how bad it sucks is all. Once you've gone through it enough (like me) you tend to look at it lightly. There's nothing you can do about it, unless you do something about it (yeah, nice choice of words). If you tell her how you feel, at least you can get it off your chest. Otherwise you can try to convince yourself you don't like her anymore. I don't know how guys deal with heartbreak, but the stereotypical tub of ice cream and day of movies usually helped me a little. That and concentrating on something totally unrelated for awhile (doing extra good in school, new games to play, etc)
  • Every person has one of these pitiful high school stories. I asked a girl to prom, she said it wouldn't mean anything, but I got my hopes up, a few days after prom I found out she really liked someone else. Sure, I wanted to lock myself in my room and learn how to play The Used on acoustic guitar, but then i realized I was better off not getting worked up over it. It's a rite of passage. You're develop that first little callus, which is actually a vital part of any actual mature relationship. It teaches you things won't always be picturesque, that your affection deserves something back, and that love is a lot more than just being really really good friends who happen to be of the opposite sex. Life goes on, get over it, and don't throw hyperboles like "biggest jerk in the school" or "fail of my life" around. Everyone has experienced it.
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