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Fail of Your Day



  • I failed to get my new ID because you have to go through loops and turns to get a copy of the lease.
  • My best friend was diagnosed with swine flu today. Wtf.
  • My best friend was diagnosed with swine flu today. Wtf.
    Oh my god...dude I'm so sorry to hear that...that really sucks ass. Even if I don't know him, tell him that I wish him the best of luck and a safe recovery. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we all wish your friend a safe recovery (redundancy was needed methinks).
  • edited June 2009
    He's feeling better after just two days, a testament to how overhyped this thing is. It's more just a fail in the ironic, WTF way. Don't let you get fooled into thinking that it's not a really severe flu, because it is, but it is not nearly the plague-status pandemic the media made it out to be.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • He's feeling better after just two days, a testament to how overhyped this thing is. It's more just a fail in the ironic, WTF way. Don't let you get fooled into thinking that it's not a really severe flu, because it is, but it is not nearly the plague-status pandemic the media made it out to be.

    Went to the doctors and got medicine/healed my sore tailbone, warts covering most of the tip of my thumb, a couple of annoying boils, chronic nosebleeds, etc. I'm falling apart.

    On an unrelated note, I almost clipped the front of a truck while passing it on the highway. It was totally my fault, but I'm glad I didn't. My 2 fails of the day.
  • He's feeling better after just two days, a testament to how overhyped this thing is. It's more just a fail in the ironic, WTF way. Don't let you get fooled into thinking that it's not a really severe flu, because it is, but it is not nearly the plague-status pandemic the media made it out to be.
    I'm glad the overhyped nonsense stays on your side of the pond. A child was diagnosed here with swine flu early on, he got meds, and the problem was solved. It's just a flu, if you live in a shit country and have bad health care then you might die from it, just like the normal flu.
  • Never seen it happen. High school was pretty awesome, if we ignore a few select teachers. On hindsight the first year was slightly below average in terms of awesome, after that first year, everyone in the class pretty much knew each other and we were like "Hey, we're awesome" and we continued to be awesome for the next 5 years. So no, high school is not rough (again, unless you only mean American high school of course, at which point I cannot comment), it's merely what you make of it yourself.
    It's NOT just American High School! Look at Japan! Look at England! Okay, so maybe the Dutch are magical beings that have no teenage angst and popularity contests, but I know from experience that it isn't just America that has teenagers that go OMG.
  • We also have those problems down here
  • My new Threadless shirt I wore to work today has a few ripped seams on the collar that I just noticed. It's not too noticeable, and I guess when I get home I can repair it. It still sucks when new stuff you get through the mail is defective.
  • Someone was just telling me that she was catching up with an old acquaintance and the person just matter of factly mentioned "Oh, yeah. I had swine flu". She was out of commission for three days (her friends just thought she had a cold). Overhyped indeed.

    But enough of this "only in America" stuff. Most American high school students are just average young teenagers. Some of us try to get into good colleges; others try their hardest to get laid; others just slack around for four years; a few have serious problems. We are diverse, but typical. I strongly feel like I need to say this, because for everyone drama queen who think American high school is worse than gitmo (not talking about on this forum, just in general), there are 20 quiet, content teens who will look back upon those four years nostalgically. Just like everyone else.

    Also, there were Japanese developers who refused to attend E3 because they were scared on swine flu. I know that's just one anecdote, but it was news, and there's bound to be people all over the world who are paranoid of this garbage.
  • Okay, so maybe the Dutch are magical beings that have no teenage angst and popularity contests
    Deal. Though there wasn't any teenage angst not any popularity contests in Belgium when I lived there. Possibly them French wannabes teens stole some anti-angst from the Flanders.
  • But enough of this "only in America" stuff. Most American high school students are just average young teenagers. Some of us try to get into good colleges; others try their hardest to get laid; others just slack around for four years; a few have serious problems. We are diverse, but typical. I strongly feel like I need to say this, because for everyone drama queen who think American high school is worse than gitmo (not talking about on this forum, just in general), there are 20 quiet, content teens who will look back upon those four years nostalgically. Just like everyone else.
    I mean, I was pretty content, but seriously, why else would there be the stereotype of teenagers being full of drama? Both popular kids and non-popular kids would get all worked up about relationships and worried what other people thought. There was bullying and rivalries. There was frustration. I was just a quiet art girl who liked sports and music, and I didn't really get picked on a lot or beat up, but I can't say that I didn't notice people being like that. I am nostalgic for some parts of high school, but not other parts.
  • My boss is going around today asking if people are willing to possibly work from home for a month or so. Apparently the swine flu pandemic is bad enough that they want to save us from infecting each other at work. This is actually not a fail for me, because I live an hour away, yet it is still kind of stupid.
  • Shooting at Holocaust Memorial
    I am surprised the forum has been so silent on the shooting and on the assassination of Dr. George Tiller.
  • Shooting at Holocaust Memorial
    I am surprised the forum has been so silent on the shooting and on the assassination of Dr. George Tiller.
    I talked about Dr. Tiller and stances about that in the RL. Needless to say I'm angry about it. There's doctors who can do what does, but wont because of fear. I hear there's one in Boulder, but don't quote me on that.

    I am a person who doesn't like abortion, so I support contraceptives and such so it can happen less. The thing is late term abortionist are needed for cases when women might die from childbirth, or if the child is dead inside, or if they both will die, etc.There ARE cases like that when it's needed.

    And the killer and the people who think it was right to do this, my first thought was 'Fuck you fucking fukers!' I made a rant when I read the news that day.
  • I am surprised the forum has been so silent on the shooting and on the assassination of Dr. George Tiller.
    Abortion is a right, and crazy religious people disagree, sometimes violently. Nothing will ever sway them, and the national "dialog" on the topic is laughable. There's really nothing more to say.
  • I am a person who doesn't like abortion, so I support contraceptives and such so it can happen less.
    Exactly how I am. I don't want to have one. I always wonder about these conservatives that act like people who support abortion as a right WANT to have abortions. It's a surgery, and a hard decision! People don't have them for fun!
  • edited June 2009
    I am surprised the forum has been so silent on the shooting and on the assassination of Dr. George Tiller.
    Abortion is a right, and crazy religious people disagree, sometimes violently. Nothing will ever sway them, and the national "dialog" on the topic is laughable. There's really nothing more to say.
    There is so much to say. In April, the Department of Homeland Security issued a warning of an uptick in right-wing extremist violence, particularly anti-Semitic and anti-abortion violence, and the conservatives pressured the DHS to rescind the warning and apologize for it (with unfortunate success). Also, the systematic waning and lapsing of laws that protect doctors and staff that work at facilities that provide abortion is a topic that really should be addressed.
    If you do not like the level of dialogue, then engage in it and change it - particularly on your own forum.
    I am a person who doesn't like abortion, so I support contraceptives and such so it can happen less.
    Exactly how I am. I don't want to have one. I always wonder about these conservatives that act like people who support abortion as a right WANT to have abortions. It's a surgery, and a hard decision! People don't have them for fun!
    Exactly, it is the difference between being Pro-Choice and Pro-Abortion. Moreover, I resent that the Anti-Choice groups call themselves "Pro-Life". I am pro-life! Yay for living! I just don't define life in the same way. Also, except in the Catholic Church, most "Pro-Lifers" favor the death penalty and some choose to carry out the death penalty on doctors that aren't breaking any law.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • RymRym
    edited June 2009
    If you do not like the level of dialogue, then engage in it and change it - particularly on your own forum.
    My position is unyielding, and I have practically zero respect for the opposing side. The arguments in my favor are overwhelming, and no one has ever presented to me a worthwhile dissenting opinion. At no level will my opinion change, and no one opposing me is able to defend their opinions in any rational manner. Low-level discourse overpowers any high-level voice, and no high-level voice argues against.

    Regarding the actual events (as opposed to the ideology): "conservative extremists react, often with violence, when threatened by a liberalizing society, and there is no possibility of compromise between two mutually-exclusive ideologies." Does that cover it all? Maybe I should add "the only way to resolve the issue would be for a liberal majority to force it, without compromise to the conservatives, at the federal level?"

    No one has anything new to add to the discussion. The most we have are the particular novel events that occur alongside it.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited June 2009
    Any topic that ties into an ideology can be reduced in that manner. I wasn't suggesting some sort of ideological debate. I assume most on the forum - regardless of their position on Abortion - think that the assassination of Dr. Tiller was abhorrent. I also highly doubt that there are any neo-nazis on the forum that support the museum shootings. I am surprised that no one has discussed the DHS warning, the lapsing of security laws for abortion providers, political ramifications, etc.
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • I agree entirely with Rym. Unlike some issues that can warrant legitimate discussion, like most economic issues, foreign policy, or even affirmative action, most people base their position on abortion on one fundamental argument - their definition of life, specifically when it begins. There's no discussion beyond that.

    Other things surrounding, like the assassination of Dr. Tiller, while sad, don't really warrant much discussion other than to say, "You killed Tiller! You bastards!"
  • edited June 2009
    most people base their position on abortion on one fundamental argument - their definition of personhood life, specifically when it begins. There's no discussion beyond that.
    Even a fertilised egg is alive; the question is not when life begins, but when personhood begins.
    Also, the rights of the baby are not the only consideration in one's position on abortion. There's also the rights of the woman.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I am a person who doesn't like abortion, so I support contraceptives and such so it can happen less.
    Exactly how I am. I don't want to have one. I always wonder about these conservatives that act like people who support abortion as a right WANT to have abortions. It's a surgery, and a hard decision! People don't have them for fun!
    Yup, I agree 100%.
  • edited June 2009
    Even a fertilised egg is alive
    Yeah, I agree. It is alive like a bacteria is alive.
    A fetus is a potentiality, not a full person.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Even a fertilised egg is alive
    A bacteria is alive.
    A fetus is a potentiality, not a full person.
    Which is exactly what he said.
  • edited June 2009
    Even a fertilised egg is alive
    A bacteria is alive.
    A fetus is a potentiality, not a full person.
    Did you not read just a few words more? That's exactly what I was saying...

    EDIT: Thanks, Anastius.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Shooting at Holocaust Memorial
    I am surprised the forum has been so silent on the shooting and on the assassination of Dr. George Tiller.
    I'm surprised no one on the forum has been talking about the shooting of two soldiers in front a military recruiter office in Arkansas by a Muslim extremist.
  • Shooting at Holocaust Memorial
    I am surprised the forum has been so silent on the shooting and on the assassination of Dr. George Tiller.
    I'm surprised no one on the forum has been talking about theshooting of two soldiers in front a military recruiter officein Arkansas by a Muslim extremist.
    I didn't even know about it. That is terrible.
  • Read The Cider House Rules and you will never question the right to abortion again. Unless you are a moron. That is all.
  • edited June 2009
    Double-post. View the one below. Nothing to see here.
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
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