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Fail of Your Day



  • "Pro-Family" (code for anti-gay) groupsends mole to gay prom, WingNutDaily becomes even stupider.
    Heee, Jeez. You know, it would be funny to parody that by doing the same sort of article on a regular dance party. The funny thing is, from the pictures, it looked like an anime con. (Blue Hair? Free hugs? Fat guys in drag?) Not especially shocking to kids like us.
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2009
    I know I said I was over the fact that I found out that the girl I loved had a boyfriend....I found out that this was a big, fat lie. I never said this before because I thought it to be immaterial to the situation at hand, but at this point... such is not the case.The only reason I ever found out the girl was dating someone was because this dick of a kid (the latter of which I thought was a friend) told me, it turned out he lied to me.

    I saw something that made me realize it was a flat-out lie. I was walking out of the school and I saw something in a corner (a corner I pass to get to my bus) and it was the same guy feeling this other, random girl up and passionately kissing her. Plus, I don't think this kid (who is a gigantic loudmouth) never mentioned once that he was dating the girl since he proclaims everything about himself (disturbing or not) loudly mainly cause he doesn't care who hears. The sight I saw and the sexual energy radiating from them was unmistakable and proved that this kid lied to me.

    Now you might be thinking I may have it all wrong, but I got it straight from the lips of the liar after I confronted him about this and he admitted that it was all a lie. I played it cool and I just walked away with a hole in my heart. I feel so stupid that I told him my secret, and now he used it against me! To clairfy though, it's no secret between us that we dislike each other intensely, but he was very convincing when he told me and I didn't think a guy would go as low as to toying with my emotions and feelings. I feel both relieved and furious for the emotional pain and heartache he put me through! I feel like I wanna bash his head in, but I can't as violence can't do a thing except land me in the hoosgow.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I feel like I wanna bash his head in, but I can't as violence can't do a thing except land me in the hoosgow.
    Did we not have a talk about overreacting?
  • I feel like I wanna bash his head in, but I can't as violence can't do a thing except land me in the hoosgow.
    Did we not have a talk about overreacting?
    Yes dad, I know you told me not to overact but this is just a low blow and it really hurts. The fact that I recently got over something that is a total farce just makes the pain hurt more.
  • edited June 2009
    Or does it prove you really don't know this girl/overreacted, considering you say you love her and yet did not realize you were being lied to.
    Post edited by Schnevets on
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2009
    Or does it prove you really don't know this girl/overreacted, considering you say you love her and yet did not realize you were being lied to.
    I never even got to make a move before the lie was told. All that aside, if I did ask her about this, she might suspect and that is something I don't want to happen. I know her quite well as I've said several times... the only problem just that we don't get to hang out as much as we want to because of her irregular work hours. I don't care what any of you say, I'm going to tell her no matter what, and if I get shot down, that's my loss. But if it all blows over HOORAY FOR ME!!!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited June 2009
    Did we not have a talk about overreacting?
    You can't help how you feel, even if you can help what you do. The times in my life I've most felt like bashing someone's head in had to do with a woman and some other dude.

    Anyway, fail of my day: At work I was pulling a wheeled rack full of frozen food, and I managed to run it right into my achilles tendon, so that my heel came up off the ground, and lifted the rack up with it, putting the whole weight of the rack into that little bit of wire rammed into my achilles tendon. I've never been so close to crying from physical pain since I was in elementary school. I was even losing vision for a few seconds.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • RymRym
    edited June 2009
    At work I was pulling a wheeled rack
    Push, don't pull. If you have to pull anything any appreciable distance, you're doing it wrong or have the wrong tools.

    I drove a pallet jack at IBM on a regular basis. Outside of specialized tools like that, pulling was generally banned. Pushing is superior. Do not trust the puller robot.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • edited June 2009
    Push, don't pull. If you have to pull anything any appreciable distance, you're doing it wrong or have the wrong tools.
    I drove a pallet jack at IBM on a regular basis. Outside of specialized tools like that, pulling was generally banned. Pushing is superior. Do not trust the puller robot.
    Yeah. The thing is, I know that. I was just being lazy and stupid. I was just kinda spinning it around and pulling it a few feet. Whenever I do have to move anything an appreciable distance (except a palette jack) I push. It's those unappreciable distances that get me.

    So, since you drove a palette jack on a regular basis, did you develop a kind of sixth sense for spaces that a palette would fit through? I find that I can eyeball it without fail to within about an inch. I've just been doing this way too long.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • So for some magic reason my internet started acting up two days ago, then yesterday it was fine, and today nothing worked at all. I hadn't even changed a thing. So after just going through the basic checks I get to the point where I can call my ISP without looking like an idiot. Apparently I am no longer allowed to set their modem-router to bridge and just let my proper router do all the required stuff. It was set to bridge for a reason, it's a modem-router.
  • XBox Marketplace is screwed up since they had a maintenance yesterday and now I can't get Sam & Max :(
  • XBox Marketplace is screwed up since they had a maintenance yesterday and now I can't get Sam & Max :(
    Yeah, I heard about XBL being wonky. On a brighter note, I heard by summertime, you can actually add movies to your Netflix Instant Queue via Xbox. I am looking forward to that.
  • XBox Marketplace is screwed up since they had a maintenance yesterday and now I can't get Sam & Max :(
    Yeah, I heard about XBL being wonky. On a brighter note, I heard by summertime, you can actually add movies to your Netflix Instant Queue via Xbox. I am looking forward to that.
    Unfortunately, there is no Netflix in Austria :X
  • Unfortunately, there is no Netflix in Austria :X
    Oh yeah. My bad. Sorry for you. -_-
  • XBox Marketplace is screwed up since they had a maintenance yesterday and now I can't get Sam & Max :(
    Yeah, I heard about XBL being wonky. On a brighter note, I heard by summertime, you can actually add movies to your Netflix Instant Queue via Xbox. I am looking forward to that.
    Seriously? Hawt.
  • edited June 2009
    Fail of my day: I realized that I married a man that says
    Love you, darling! ^_~
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • edited June 2009
    Seriously? Hawt.
    Yes, sir. Along with other upgrades like Games on Demand Service, Last.FM intergration, and the ability to receive Twitter and Facebook updates.

    As for the current (small) fail of my day: Not bringing enough manga to work to entertain me during breaks.

    Scratch that. Putting too much tabasco sauce in my soup and eating it while my lips are peeling. >.< Owie!
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Can't get Sam & Max
    XBox Live Maintenance sucks
    and is at fault here
  • Transformers are a miracle of engineering. Two friends and I took 45 minutes to turn Smokescreen from car to robot and back. I feel like I have failed as a nerd.
  • Fails of the Day are both of the CNreal shows and me for watching them. My foul pursuit of knowledge will only end in tragedy.
  • The following is a true account of the last two days of my life.

    June 17:

    08:00 (PST) - Go to work
    12:00 - Lunch, do laundry
    18:00 - Pack clothes
    19:00 - Get on train to SFO
    21:00 - Check in
    23:00 - Flight takes off

    June 18:

    05:00 (CST) - Arrive in Chicago
    07:00 - Flight takes off
    11:00 (EST) - Arrive in Providence, RI
    11:30 - Report bag missing

    NOTE: Bag was apparently left in Chicago. It will be shipped on the next flight over, to arrive at 16:00 EST. It will then be delivered by truck at 18:00. Really?

    14:00 - Drive to Cape Cod
    19:00 - Dinner, call airport. They say they'll call the driver and have him call me.
    21:00 - Airport calls back. They say they didn't get in touch with driver, but left a message.
    22:30 - Driver calls, says he's 17 miles away.


    Apart from where noted, I have not eaten or slept in this span of time. Today was not a good day.
  • Despite getting more votes for first place, the NHL did not give the Frank J. Selke Trophy for the best defensive forward to Mike Richards but to Pavel Datsyuk. By three lousy points. Such BS.
  • CAD the movie?

    I have a bad feeling about this.
  • CAD the movie?

    I have a bad feeling about this.
    If you read the article, you will note that it says that it has absolutely nothing to do with the relatively generic gaming webcomic. That is all.
  • If you read the article, you will note that it says that it has absolutely nothing to do with the relatively generic gaming webcomic. That is all.
    Two guys working at a video game store and then are in a video game is the plot of every generic gaming comic.
  • edited June 2009
    Travel budgets are frozen statewide. Fun!

    EDIT: That is, all travel funding for all New York civil service agencies has been cut off.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Once again my fat neck presents me with a conundrum... buy a shirt with a wide enough collar to do up the top bottom, but is baggy as hell or buy a shirt that fits well everywhere except for the collar size... I went for the better fitting shirt. Oh woe is me!

    Also my flatmate basically flooded the bathroom floor... AGAIN!
  • Once again my fat neck presents me with a conundrum... buy a shirt with a wide enough collar to do up the top bottom, but is baggy as hell or buy a shirt that fits well everywhere except for the collar size... I went for the better fitting shirt. Oh woe is me!

    Also my flatmate basically flooded the bathroom floor... AGAIN!
    Don't know how expensive is over there, but you can always buy the baggy one and have a tailor take the excess fabric so it fits like you want it to.
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