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Fail of Your Day



  • Double Secret Probation?
    Watch Animal House.
  • edited May 2012
    Double Secret Probation?
    Watch Animal House.
    I think Greg already did. That's where he got the joke from.

    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • edited May 2012
    Got confused then. It's been brought up elsewhere recently and I thought it was here.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • I am officially FROM New York. I was born in Georgia. I renounce all ties with North Carolina.
  • I am officially FROM New York. I was born in Georgia. I renounce all ties with North Carolina.
    Finally got your license in the mail?
  • edited May 2012
    no, I've had that. But NC just passed a Constitutional amendment that invalidates all legal unions except official heterosexual marriage.
    Post edited by Nuri on
  • Man, North Carolina really shit the bed on this one. Christ.
  • edited May 2012
    no, I've had that. But NC just passed a Constitutional amendment that invalidates all legal unions except official heterosexual marriage.
    Yeah. They're pretty much the biggest dicks on the block today.

    I was thinking of renewing my NYPL (library) card to check out some ebooks, but then I realized I have about 150 books either on my kindle or on my bookshelf that I have yet to read.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • I seem to be out of spending money for the week. And I just saw the exact barrel I want for my AR, but it's $600. @_@
  • This new job of mine reaffirms the stereotype of most government workers.
  • Having BK for dinner was a horrific mistake. >_<
  • Having BK for dinner was a horrific mistake. >_<</p>
    And you had McD's for lunch earlier this week. Your stomach/intestines are teaching you a lesson!
  • It always is. I had no choice but BK last night, and it was terrible.
  • Mom and sister had another big shouting match. On Mother's Day (Observed). Woo.
  • Lovebugs!
  • It always is. I had no choice but BK last night, and it was terrible.
    I don't know what you're talking about. BK is amazing, if only so this image could exist.


  • I miss BK crowns. They were an important part of my younger childhood, because you could get one from the BK at the mall food court and still eat somewhere better slightly less bad.
  • I like BK normally, but I just took it too far the other night. Normally I get a small double stacker meal with a soda. The other night I got a double whopper with cheese meal with a small chocolate shake. I flew too close to the sun and got burned.
  • Load up 1Q84 and there are jumbles of characters where ' should be.
    It's 2012 and people can't even decide on text formatting. It's only a few megabytes, just use UFT-8.
  • Managed to slice the top few layers of skin off of a slightly swollen spot on my chin while shaving. Since the pimple that was to come in had not yet arrived, it just bled persistently for the 15 minutes I was shaving. I had to grind the stypic pen into the wound for a good minute or so before the blood flow finally stopped.

    Also got an almost imperceptible nick above my upper lip, so I applied some alum to that...Which promptly ran down into my mouth. Blargh, alum tastes fucking terrible.

    Not a relaxing shave, to be sure.
  • The dumbest one I've ever had - "Oh, I've got a really, really bad nosebleed. Hm. Feels like a big cut or scratch in my nose, rather than anything worrisome, just pressure needed. oooooorrrr...I have a styptic pencil."

    30 seconds later.

  • Another rejection for a summer internship...
    I need one...Also, I had to email the people giving it out to learn that they had asked applicants they were interested in for interviews a week ago. Ever think about letting applicants you're not picking know?
  • The dumbest one I've ever had - "Oh, I've got a really, really bad nosebleed. Hm. Feels like a big cut or scratch in my nose, rather than anything worrisome, just pressure needed. oooooorrrr...I have a styptic pencil."

    30 seconds later.

    *Falls out of his seat laughing*
  • I've been on my period for two weeks straight and my crazy ex-roommate decides now is a good time to stir up drama and send mutual friends on her errands while she's at it.
  • Played Battlestar tonight and the person in charge of the loyality deck messed it up so there was only one cylon in a 6 player game. Yet we still almost lost.
  • I've been on my period for two weeks straight
    That... doesn't seem healthy. But, I'm not a doctor.
  • I've been on my period for two weeks straight
    That... doesn't seem healthy. But, I'm not a doctor.
    This, forums, is what happens when doctors don't listen to their patients and a different medicine is "Meh, close enough."
  • I've been on my period for two weeks straight
    That... doesn't seem healthy. But, I'm not a doctor.
    This, forums, is what happens when doctors don't listen to their patients and a different medicine is "Meh, close enough."
    I've had that before. What did your doctor switch you to? Are you taking iron, if you can?
  • I've been on my period for two weeks straight
    That... doesn't seem healthy. But, I'm not a doctor.
    This, forums, is what happens when doctors don't listen to their patients and a different medicine is "Meh, close enough."
    I've had that before. What did your doctor switch you to? Are you taking iron, if you can?
    In the past six months I'm pretty sure I've been on four or five different things, and I've been through three pill recalls in the last year. When I'm on the right thing, it works beautifully, but most places refuse to stock Tri-Sprintac (except one local CVS I had to find, with the advice of a random nurse that overheard my argument with a doctor and told me where to go).
    I'm eating as much iron-containing food as possible, but I really do need to get supplements...
  • Yeah, take your iron! I get a little anemic even in the best of times, so when something happens and it is like "Double period all the way!" it really sucks and I get light headed.
    And another thing! This is why it makes me so mad when the conservatives treat birth control like it is only for "people who are having so much sex." TONS of women take it to regulate their hormones! Even some NUNS take it to regulate their hormones! Sheesh!
    (End Rant)
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