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Fail of Your Day



  • Yeah, it's dumb to say you wouldn't visit something if there was once a riot. Seattle is a nice clean comfy city, but that was where the brunt of the WTO stuff was. I can understand Wind Up Bird getting mad, because I get mad when people rag on my home city. Chicago is kinda like Nagoya, in that it has a lot of stuff going on, nice culture, food, etc, but it not particularly a tourist destination for international visitors.
    I didn't know WUB was from Chicago. For some reason, I viewed him as being British
    He was an exchange student. British English creeps into his posts for the same reason any exchange student accidentally slips into the language of their host country.
  • edited May 2012
    I know I have heard a lot of bad about the crime there but that is true for most large cities, plus if I remember right its crime has been dropping rather quickly. I remember when I was younger the crime seemed a bit more crazy than most large cities, if I remember right one year it held 10 spots on the 25 most dangerous neighborhoods of the US list, but that was a while back. As with any place with crime as long as you avoid certain parts and do not do stupid you should be fine, at least I assume it is like that there. I know there are some cities that if you go into the wrong neighborhood once you can get into some shit but I do not know enough about there to know if it has any.
    Gang violence exists, but by nature of the neighborhood-enclave system that certain areas of the city operate on, it rarely bleeds over the borders of a few high-risk neighborhoods that everyone knows to avoid. It is significantly less of a problem than it was during the high of the Crack Wave in the early '00s; I went to high school down the street from a high-rise project (knocked down in my freshman year), and around 15-20 blocks from the most dangerous neighborhood in the city, and I never felt unsafe.

    Chicago gets a really bad rep because a lot of our "fame" is attached to the mob, or gangs. Most of the city has cleaned up, though; it's no worse than LA or NY. There's still crime, of course, but you just stay out of the bad areas and you won't have a problem. The police come down like hawks on gang members who step off their turf into usually-friendly areas. As for the mob, I've been at events with some of those guys. Nice people as long as you're not interfering with their business, generally; stay out of their way, they'll stay out of yours.

    Aside from that, we've got several world-class museums, including one of the best art museums in the entire world (27+ Seurat paintings!); dining only rivaled by New York (and that's not even talking about our pizza and hot dogs); beautiful surroundings; and people that, despite the constant hum and rush of city life, are really nice and welcoming, and always happy to lend a hand to an outsider. You should visit and stay a while!
    Yeah, it's dumb to say you wouldn't visit something if there was once a riot. Seattle is a nice clean comfy city, but that was where the brunt of the WTO stuff was. I can understand Wind Up Bird getting mad, because I get mad when people rag on my home city. Chicago is kinda like Nagoya, in that it has a lot of stuff going on, nice culture, food, etc, but it not particularly a tourist destination for international visitors.
    I didn't know WUB was from Chicago. For some reason, I viewed him as being British
    He was an exchange student. British English creeps into his posts for the same reason any exchange student accidentally slips into the language of their host country.
    Thanks for the backup, Emi. Still am an exchange student, but you've rather nailed it on the reason I say things like "ace" and "bollocks." Though, I'd say Churba's a fair influence in that regard, as well.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    Thanks for the backup, Emi. Still am an exchange student, but you've rather nailed it on the reason I say things like "ace" and "bollocks." Though, I'd say Churba's a fair influence in that regard, as well.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • Thanks for the backup, Emi. Still am an exchange student, but you've rather nailed it on the reason I say things like "ace" and "bollocks." Though, I'd say Churba's a fair influence in that regard, as well. I'm not.
  • Yeah, it's dumb to say you wouldn't visit something if there was once a riot. Seattle is a nice clean comfy city, but that was where the brunt of the WTO stuff was. I can understand Wind Up Bird getting mad, because I get mad when people rag on my home city. Chicago is kinda like Nagoya, in that it has a lot of stuff going on, nice culture, food, etc, but it not particularly a tourist destination for international visitors.
    But no one should visit Boston because of the tea terrorism!
  • Ear infection. Went to the doctor who had to refer me to the ENT doctor. ENT doctor did things to my ear in which I felt a bit violated. I know how a wick installed into my ear along with drops to help with the infection. The ear wick is basically a cotton sponge to make sure the medicine is in contact along with the inflamed parts. Too bad my ear is so closed up that any pressure hurts.

    Drugs are helping. I've had worse ear infections, but no matter what they always fucking hurt.
  • Ear infection. Went to the doctor who had to refer me to the ENT doctor. ENT doctor did things to my ear in which I felt a bit violated

  • Aside from that, we've got several world-class museums, including one of the best art museums in the entire world (27+ Seurat paintings!); dining only rivaled by New York (and that's not even talking about our pizza and hot dogs); beautiful surroundings; and people that, despite the constant hum and rush of city life, are really nice and welcoming, and always happy to lend a hand to an outsider. You should visit and stay a while!
    Art is one of the big reason I want to visit sometime but I am curious about something. I have heard a lot about the dining there but as vegan I have not heard about many options on that front. While I know they likely have that option I am wondering if you know if they have anything that great up there for vegans or it is just an option that tends to be just thrown on the menu.
  • I can second the fact that Chicago is an awesome city for art. The museums, the architecture and the public statues were my favorite things about it when I visited.
  • edited May 2012
    This isn't much of a fail, but I really want to rant.

    I hate writing resumes/cover letters. I've had to do it as an assignment for a class, which is admittedly easy, but it does feel like the professor/future employer is holding a gavel over your personality. I sent the professor e-mails, seven or so times about the assignment, and part of that was due to her general confused nature and deleting my e-mails. It went in like, an irritated timeline of:

    -1. Attachments weren't identified with names. (This was sent to everyone AFTER the deadline)
    -2. Attachments weren't identified with class number (Sent 2 hours after paper deadline)
    -3. Getting the edits back, but I need to write a Cover Memo too
    -4. She didn't receive my new edits, because of...she just didn't get them.
    -5. She also wants the old papers with all of her old edits
    -6. Sending final drafts
    -7. She still wants me to edit it, thinking there's massive errors
    -8. She then e-mails the whole class just stating what everyone is doing wrong.
    -9. Finally sent those last drafts. (Hoping to not get another e-mail)

    Like, I shouldn't be this annoyed because the teacher is doing the extra work to make sure I get a good grade, but it just really comes off as irritating with all of this back-and-forth of unnecessary crap. Especially because professors will openly say that 85% of all jobs are just from knowing connections and not through the cover letter/resume to interview. And 20% of the grading for the class is based on personal conduct, so I can't really call her out or anything.

    I'll probably get opened up for that minor set of grievances, especially about being a student and others with/looking for jobs, but I'm frustrated just from all the back-and-forth.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • edited May 2012
    Especially because professors will openly say that 85% of all jobs are just from knowing connections and not through the cover letter/resume to interview.
    I'll vouch for that anecdotally. The only reason I've ever applied for a job is because I needed to formally go through the process. And now that I think of it, I've never applied for a part in a play either.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Meh, people grading your resume/cover letter often tells you more about them than you.
  • My dog's ear is pretty damn swollen.
  • Meh, people grading your resume/cover letter often tells you more about them than you.
  • My earworm is The Long and Winding Road.
  • Right ear infection is still hurting. A little better, but still there. The infection is now in my right ear and is currently plugged up with tissue paper.

    I can barely hearing anything. Currently at work learning this new software that is basically micromanaging the hell out of our jobs and is slow as frak, which is a waste of time.

    Today is shaping up to be a really a great day.
  • My car is getting up to the point where I will probably need to replace it. I don't have the time or interest to maintain it reasonably, and it's approaching 16 years. Brake lines are rusted out now... that's not something I even want to deal with. Sadface.
  • why is everyone talking about ears
  • I saw an ad the other day for a show coming this fall called Elementary which is...wait for it...American Sherlock. I mean they even cast Luci Liu as "Joan" Watson.
  • edited May 2012
    I saw an ad the other day for a show coming this fall called Elementary which is...wait for it...American Sherlock. I mean they even cast Luci Liu as "Joan" Watson.
    Well, this can only turn out super well. There is literally no other option.

    On the upside, Luci Liu.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Is Sherlock a girl too? That would be totally awesome.
  • A dude I knew in high school just tweeted, "Laying out in the sun until i look hispanic."

    What a delightfully racist way to describe the act of tanning.
  • Is Sherlock a girl too? That would be totally awesome.
    No, Sherlock is being played by Crash Override.
  • The perils of popularising something in the public domain.

    On the upside, Luci Liu.
  • edited May 2012
    But if Watson is a girl, are they going to keep it platonic or is it going to be all romancy? Are they going to be bros? Much as I secretly want Sherlock and Watson to make out sometimes, it would be a completely different story if they were actually romantic.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Fujoushi, ruining it for everyone. I'm guessing your question about platonicity/platonaity was semi-rhetorical. This is mainstream american TV we're talking about.
  • My flight home tomorrow morning is cancelled. I now have to fly out early Tuesday and I have to go straight to work.
    But if Watson is a girl, are they going to keep it platonic or is it going to be all romancy? Are they going to be bros? Much as I secretly want Sherlock and Watson to make out sometimes, it would be a completely different story if they were actually romantic.
    My thoughts exactly.
  • edited May 2012
    Fujoushi, ruining it for everyone. I'm guessing your question about platonicity/platonaity was semi-rhetorical. This is mainstream american TV we're talking about.
    Hey, I keep my fantasies out of the canon, thankya very much.
    I think that if Watson is a girl, odds are good that mainstream TV will make her and Sherlock a couple. I'm not sure how I feel about that, since they would not likely be portrayed as such on television if they kept Watson a dude.

    Also, George, you ship Holmes/Watson? I never knew! (hehehe)
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Also, George, you ship Holmes/Watson? I never knew! (hehehe)
    Even I thought they should stop dancing and just kiss a few times.
  • Also, George, you ship Holmes/Watson? I never knew! (hehehe)
    Even I thought they should stop dancing and just kiss a few times.
    Maybe not the original, they were a little too victorian-close-friends for that, but the latest TV incarnation, certainly. But it would probably be a little bit dodgey if they actually put them together instead of just using it as a bromance.
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