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Fail of Your Day



  • Personally, I'm fond of burning or freezing off parts of my body... you know, for the fun of it.
  • I used salycilic acid and nail clippers when I had them on my feet in middle school. It took a LONG TIME. Kill a layer of skin, clip it off. Kill the next layer... etc until you get the entire root out.

    Yeah, doctors are faster.
  • edited May 2012
    The amount of burn scars on my hands from various wart removals when I was younger is something of a wonder. One on my right thumb, ~12M HCl (that was when I was around five or six; the pain was excruciating, and there is still a raised scar). Left middle finger, salycilic acid pads. Those didn't work, so my dad zapped it with an electrocautery wand. Back of my left hand, a perfect circle on the knuckle of my little finger, also done by electrocautery, and my left hand palm, a small whorl along one of the lines of my hand--electrocautery.

    Fuck warts. Though, my hands are really scarred up in general, so I don't mind too much.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Anyone else have scars and absolutely no idea how they got there?
  • I will point out that the two I had removed by a dermatologist left permanent scars, and the one I removed using over-the-counter methods did not. Only anecdotal evidence, but true in my case.
  • edited May 2012
    Wounds of a certain depth will always scar. To remove a wart and eliminate a chance of recurrence (as dermatologists invariably do), you invariably have to roast or freeze a small crater into your skin. OTC wart removal doesn't really work unless to stick to it, Nuri-style, so you might as well just go to a doctor, get an injection of some wonderful drugs, and have that shit burned out. It takes 20 minutes at most, and scarred hands are just a sign of lessons learned and jobs accomplished.
    Anyone else have scars and absolutely no idea how they got there?
    Just one, on my leg. Had it as long as I can remember, no idea how it got there.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Brother and I got down into a huge argument. I get 80% of our groceries, and I ask "Could you maybe cook things 30 minutes ahead of time and get the milk you need to make it?" And little did I know that would set off a huge shitstorm about time, money, entitlement and respect between the two of us.

    And it boiled down to him saying "My time is superior to your time because I have a job."

    Admittedly, I don't have a job still being in college and I've been privileged enough to be well off without one until I graduate. However, after college, he stuck with working for our family which is a comfy job in-of-itself and he's a totally mean-spirited and angry person because of it. But basically his stance against me is "I don't have a need to respect you because you have so much more free time than me and my job makes me miserable."

    No one wants to be told that "your free time is inferior and pointless", am I right?
  • edited May 2012
    "My time is superior to your time because I have a job."
    This is a valid point.
    "I don't have a need to respect you because you have so much more free time than me and my job makes me miserable."
    On the other hand, if he said this, then that's ridiculous.
    No one wants to be told that "your free time is inferior and pointless", am I right?
    Inferior is not the same thing as pointless; at the very least, there's a huge difference in scale.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • You'll have to take my word on this, but my brother is really miserable. He's been prone to more depression lately and become more condescending and misogynistic over time. The thing that separates our level of privilege is that he was the older brother and went through more, while I'm the young sibling.

    Here's the job scenario, he works for his mom as an insurance salesman/stockbroker. He works 6 1/2 hours a day, half of it playing WoW/Diablo 3 and gets a long lunch break. But he also gets into my arguments all the time with my mother, getting infuriated because she's not that good with technology and forgetful, to the point where I've heard him say things like "No, you aren't fucking doing it right" at WORK.

    Key difference. While I do have free time merely being a college student, I am very respectful and kind about my situation and I openly express it. And I really understand people's various loves and opinions. He, is just a total asshole who believes that if you don't love or respect him or what he likes, then he'll think you are just trash or stupid as hell.
  • edited May 2012
    Applied for an internship with an organization whose work I strongly believe in and have a personal connection with, poured my heart and soul into my cover letter, was told I was exactly the type of person they were looking for during the interview, and didn't get the position. Never before have I ever felt like something was so perfect and right for me and that no one else could possibly compete with my enthusiasm and drive, certain that I wanted this more than anyone else applying and so therefore I would get it. This is perhaps the first time in my life where I've felt truly crushed.

    I can only take comfort in that the person who got it must have been truly exceptional and deserved it. I hope that is the case.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Is this the Disney one? That's a tough gig to get, even in other departments, like sound.
  • I've been getting my fair share of rejections for jobs lately Sail, and lemme tell you, it hurts. I empathize with you.
  • edited May 2012
    Naw, it wasn't the Disney one, but my mood has vastly improved from earlier today, so it's all good. I am sitting in on an orchestral scoring session for Disney on Saturday, though!!
    Post edited by Sail on
  • Sa-weeeeet! It's always a bummer when things don't pan out, but it sounds like you have other interesting stuff to fill your time!
  • I am sitting in on an orchestral scoring session for Disney on Saturday, though!!
    O_O *super jelly*

  • Anyone else have scars and absolutely no idea how they got there?
    Yup. Got one on a toe that is a complete mystery. And a few others that I think were probably from scratches I didn't notice.

  • I have maybe four weeks to find another part-time job or internship in NYC, so that I can actually afford to pay rent for the summer. Time to brace for rejections!
  • Anyone else have scars and absolutely no idea how they got there?
    Got a couple on my forehead, but me not remembering is probably related.
  • My only dog, who I've had most of my life, just probably went to be put to sleep.
  • There've been about three bomb threats in Chicago thus far; bomb dogs are presently checking out a car over on Ontario St. Journalists have been arrested; cops took down their credit card info at the station and handed it off to undercovers in an unmarked who promptly whisked it away to parts unknown. They're quelling any sight of possible unrest by pointing assault rifles at protesters and shouting, "Get your fucking hands in the air."

    I have a very, very bad feeling about this.
  • Don't forget the part where they drove through protesters in a van.
  • edited May 2012
    Friend of mine on Twitter saying protesters are in the right for taunting and bottling cops due to instances of brutality.

    Violence on either side of a protest, regardless of who triggers it, is symbolic of the failure of the democratic process. If you think cops are the enemy, you don't fucking get it. -_-
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • National Guard is now on standby in Chicago. I retract any doubts I had about abuses of power. FUCK.
  • Wow, another reason to never visit Chicago. I have long decided that there is not a chance in hell I am living there but I have been compiling a list of why not to visit lately.
  • edited May 2012
    Wow, another reason to never visit Chicago. I have long decided that there is not a chance in hell I am living there but I have been compiling a list of why not to visit lately.
    That's really ignorant. It's a fantastic city with fantastic people and culture, but, as with any large summit with 30+ world leaders, protests got out of hand. I'd be interested in seeing your list as to why my hometown and my favorite city is not worth living in or visiting, because I'm willing to bet you mostly have no idea what you're talking about.

    I'd still visit Toronto despite what happened during the G20. I still visited London despite the September riots. LA is still a great place despite the Watts Riots. You can't make snap judgments about a city due to the actions of a small group of people who abuse their power during a time of extraordinary circumstances.

    EDIT: Fuck, this makes me angry. Please, give me your list of reasons as to why you shouldn't visit or move to Chicago, so I can go through all of them and tell you why you're wrong. If you have any reasons outside of "the weather," I would absolutely love to hear the reasoning behind them.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited May 2012
    Terrible fucking day at work here. Absolutely nothing is happening and I've actually been told not to continue with the work I am doing because there are a couple of things that need to be cleared up. Except the guy who I am supposed to clear things up with isn't in today and the meeting to do so isn't until tomorrow morning.

    Additionally, I'm still somewhat sick after being out of order since Wednesday afternoon, so I probably would have managed to get another day of sick leave. It's also gloomy and rainy outside.

    Add insult to injury, I probably got two big packages for me waiting at home, one of them being a big LEGO set and it would have been one hell of a lot better to stay at home, sit at my desk with a blanket and a cup of tea and build some LEGO, rather than sit at work and do nothing.

    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • EDIT: Fuck, this makes me angry. Please, give me your list of reasons as to why you shouldn't visit or move to Chicago, so I can go through all of them and tell you why you're wrong. If you have any reasons outside of "the weather," I would absolutely love to hear the reasoning behind them.
  • EDIT: Fuck, this makes me angry. Please, give me your list of reasons as to why you shouldn't visit or move to Chicago, so I can go through all of them and tell you why you're wrong. If you have any reasons outside of "the weather," I would absolutely love to hear the reasoning behind them.
    Wow, is the weather bad there, I did not know that, although I have heard a lot of horror stories about blizzards from family members.

    I was trying to joke but obviously failed at that. I would love to visit there for a lot of reasons, and while I am a bit weary about living there that has less to do with the city and more to do with where I would like to live.

    I know I have heard a lot of bad about the crime there but that is true for most large cities, plus if I remember right its crime has been dropping rather quickly. I remember when I was younger the crime seemed a bit more crazy than most large cities, if I remember right one year it held 10 spots on the 25 most dangerous neighborhoods of the US list, but that was a while back. As with any place with crime as long as you avoid certain parts and do not do stupid you should be fine, at least I assume it is like that there. I know there are some cities that if you go into the wrong neighborhood once you can get into some shit but I do not know enough about there to know if it has any.
  • I didn't know WUB was from Chicago. For some reason, I viewed him as being British
  • That's probably because he's in England right now.
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