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Fail of Your Day



  • The shore has a better chance of having single ladies.
    Yes, very true. AND he is now talking about leaving Saturday morning (arrive @5pm) and leaving Sunday morning... :( Unless I can talk him into longer we will not even have a full day.
    Man, if you're gonna visit Albany from DC you really need to commit to a half day of work on Friday. >_>
  • Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Laaaaaaaaaaame.
    You should take this one. Tell him all the awesome shit you have planned and why he should blow off work on Friday. He doesn't like his job anyhow!

  • Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Laaaaaaaaaaame.
    You should take this one. Tell him all the awesome shit you have planned and why he should blow off work on Friday. He doesn't like his job anyhow!

    I have awesome shit planned?

  • Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Laaaaaaaaaaame.
    You should take this one. Tell him all the awesome shit you have planned and why he should blow off work on Friday. He doesn't like his job anyhow!
    I have awesome shit planned?
    Yes, like margaritas and BBQ...or something.
  • I'm going to be on a ship without internet access cheaper than 70 cents per minute. Email only for the next week! Catch you later, forumites.
  • Whaaaaaaaaaaat? Laaaaaaaaaaame.
    You should take this one. Tell him all the awesome shit you have planned and why he should blow off work on Friday. He doesn't like his job anyhow!
    I have awesome shit planned?
    Yes, like margaritas and BBQ...or something.
    I guess I could make brats and grill them. Have some beers.

  • The shore has a better chance of having single ladies.
    Yes, very true. AND he is now talking about leaving Saturday morning (arrive @5pm) and leaving Sunday morning... :( Unless I can talk him into longer we will not even have a full day.
    Man, if you're gonna visit Albany from DC you really need to commit to a half day of work on Friday. >_>
    Or you could just move to Albany and rent a house with me and Pete. Then it costs you no gas and no time to visit!

  • Or you could just move to Albany and rent a house with me and Pete. Then it costs you no gas and no time to visit!

  • Lesson One: Never let Pete dictate your drinking pace.
  • Lesson One: Never let Pete dictate your drinking pace.
    You can't tell me you didn't have fun

    Well you might not remember it very well...
  • I have gained a hole in my toe. It has deiced to bleed. I do not know where I got this hole from. Please leave hole, I have enough holes for one person I do not need any more.
  • edited September 2012
    Lesson One: Never let Pete dictate your drinking pace.
    You can't tell me you didn't have fun

    Well you might not remember it very well...
    Man, I can't wait to party with Pete some day. Judging by our respective reputations, songs will be written about that debauch.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Nuri, want to see if Evan is interested in car pooling to Albany? Tell him midday tomorrow and I'll drive.
  • He has a party Friday night. I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to skip it. There is, however, a possibility... why don't I give you his number and you can see if he is up for working something out?
  • Could work, maybe I could at get him to leave earlier on saturday.
  • I have often found that, when attempting to peer pressure a third party, you should:

    1) Find someone who the person who is to be peer pressured doesn't know is attending/doing the thing you need to pressure the person into going to/do.
    2) Have them text that person the following: "Heard you aren't doing [x]. Laaaaaaaaame." The amount of A's is essential.
    3) Wait.

    I have also found that "Gaaaaaaaaaay" seems to be more effective, but I never use it because I don't like the connotations.
  • George. Fuckin' do it.
  • WuB: This image tends to work for the "gaaaaaaaay" thing. It gets your point across in a funny way.

  • I have often found that, when attempting to peer pressure a third party, you should:

    1) Find someone who the person who is to be peer pressured doesn't know is attending/doing the thing you need to pressure the person into going to/do.
    2) Have them text that person the following: "Heard you aren't doing [x]. Laaaaaaaaame." The amount of A's is essential.
    3) Wait.

    I have also found that "Gaaaaaaaaaay" seems to be more effective, but I never use it because I don't like the connotations.
    George. Fuckin' do it.
  • edited September 2012
    My mastery of the subtle art of manipulation is unparalleled.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Hey George, I heard you weren't gonna text Evan. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
  • What a homosapien
  • Hey George, I heard you weren't gonna text Evan. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
    You heard wrong bitch!
  • Hey George, I heard you weren't gonna text Evan. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
    You heard wrong bitch!
    That's mah boy.

    Also, relevant to your interests: My female roommate drives a Ford Mustang and refuses to drive a car with an automatic transmission. Told you they exist, dude.

  • Hey George, I heard you weren't gonna text Evan. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
    You heard wrong bitch!
    That's mah boy.

    Also, relevant to your interests: My female roommate drives a Ford Mustang and refuses to drive a car with an automatic transmission. Told you they exist, dude.
    But is it a V8 and is she single?
  • Yes and yes.
  • Hit that, sir.
    I don't find her that attractive. Perhaps this is one of those "Three options, pick two" situations?
  • edited September 2012
    Hit that, sir.
    I don't find her that attractive. Perhaps this is one of those "Three options, pick two" situations?
    What's wrong with her? Is she really fat?
    Post edited by George Patches on
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