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Fail of Your Day



  • Military school= No PJ's allowed

    Vermont= layers are required 10 out of 12 months

    Wyatt= Sad panda...
  • I more than once rolled out of bed, unshaven and unshowered, donning pajamas and a trenchcoat (plus hat), to slip into a class and then promptly fall asleep in the back.
  • Several of my teachers wear T-shirts and jeans to teach class on a regular basis.
  • Several of my teachers wear T-shirts and jeans to teach class on a regular basis.
    I think that's pretty much the standard for grad students.
  • Several of my teachers wear T-shirts and jeans to teach class on a regular basis.
    I think that's pretty much the standard for grad students.
    I'm an undergrad.

  • No, he meant for grad students who teach and TA classes.
  • On the other hand, if you already paid $Holy.Shit for an education, it shouldn't really matter what clothes you wear to class.
    You're a participant in your education.

    Anyway, like I said, clearly old fashioned. Dress = respect in many areas and school used to be one of them just like weddings and funerals and court dates.
    You're educating my brain, not my clothes. I dress well for every class, but I've written more than my fair share of journal-style papers while shirtless in PJ pants and gotten A's, and that's fine too.
    I studied a traditional science. I was lucky that my professors knew how to dress themselves at all.
    In my experience, this is the spectrum of bio professors and TAs; pick one of A, B, or C, and then two of the numbered eccentricities:

    A) Dresses in a hip, dressy-casual way, wearing jeans every day
    B) Wears suits about 30 years out of date
    C) Jeans and hemp men's yoga pants, like a gi. Geeky t-shirts or band t-shirts.

    1) Waaaaaayyy too much man jewelry.
    2) Heavy tattooing, at least (but not limited to) one sleeve or some serious armed forces tattoos.
    3) A noted penchant for THC and LSD usage that students are aware of.
    4) Hats. Specifically: watch caps, a formal pre-JFK hat (Fedora, Bowler, or Derby), or a high-fashion fitted cap or snapback.
    5) Pocket watch
    6) Occassional kilt
    7) Heavy boots: 20-eyed combat boots, Utilikilt boots, lace-and-buckle motorcycle boots

    Scientists in the trad sciences are either hip, out of touch, or concerned with things much more important than what people think about their clothes.
  • I gave a speech in a bathrobe and sunglasses once. It was the most well-received speech of the entire public speaking class.
  • No, he meant for grad students who teach and TA classes.
    Oh...Well, my teachers aren't grad students either.

  • edited September 2012
    (I'm not big on yoga pants, either.)
    Post edited by Sail on
  • College is the time for pajama pants in class. Take advantage of every minute of sleep you can get, roll out of bed, throw on basic covering, and go. That's how you do it unless you have something pesky to look good for like a job or and interview.

    Bleh. I can't stand people (including myself) wearing PJ pants outside of the context of sleeping. I feel like it looks sloppy and poorly put-together.

    I, personally, wear PJ pants for the shortest amount of time possible. First thing I do in the morning, before coffee, before checking my email, before turning on my computer, is take off my PJ pants and put on jeans.

  • Bleh. I can't stand people (including myself) wearing PJ pants outside of the context of sleeping. I feel like it looks sloppy and poorly put-together.
    Eh. I cultivate a certain deshabille aesthetic that often incorporates such things. Pajamas, unbuttoned shirts, untucked shirts, etc...

  • Bleh. I can't stand people (including myself) wearing PJ pants outside of the context of sleeping. I feel like it looks sloppy and poorly put-together.
    Eh. I cultivate a certain deshabille aesthetic that often incorporates such things. Pajamas, unbuttoned shirts, untucked shirts, etc...
    I've never read such an eloquent defense of laziness, ever. Bravo.

  • Bleh. I can't stand people (including myself) wearing PJ pants outside of the context of sleeping. I feel like it looks sloppy and poorly put-together.
    Eh. I cultivate a certain deshabille aesthetic that often incorporates such things. Pajamas, unbuttoned shirts, untucked shirts, etc...
    See, you have "Good-looks leeway", because you're tallish, skinny, and confident. I'm tall, but overweight enough that I don't have such leeway, and occasionally have trouble carrying myself with enough confidence to get away with looks like that.
  • Ultra-deep V-necks and casually unbuttoned shirts with nice pajama pants/hemp yoga pants/effortlessly nice jeans FTW.
  • If you end up looking anything like the dudes on this site you are doing it so very, very wrong.
  • I grew up in a really small town where people would regularly go to the local grocery store in their pajamas.

    Now I don't live their anymore.

    Sometimes, while grocery shopping, I'll notice that nobody else in the supermarket is wearing pajamas.
  • edited September 2012
    I grew up in a really small town where people would regularly go to the local grocery store in their pajamas.

    Now I don't live their anymore.

    Sometimes, while grocery shopping, I'll notice that nobody else in the supermarket is wearing pajamas.
    I've got a different small town grocery store habit. It wasn't until I moved to Orlando that it really occurred to me that the lanes in parking lots were there for a reason and you weren't supposed to just drive through parking spaces to your destination.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • My wife and I had to take one of our dogs to be re-homed this morning, we've had him for over 4 years and we're both taking it very hard.
  • Stupid facebook argument with someone who thinks an independent Wales is the best thing and that they have been suffering under the yoke of English oppression for the last couple of centuries. Buuh nationalsim diluting the facts.
  • edited September 2012
    Wales is pissy that people ignore them just because they don't have any vowels.
    Post edited by Greg on
  • Tell me about it! It wouldn't be so bad if they had a justified reason for separation such as Scotland and Ireland. With out being part of the Union the dam place would implode.
  • They have got a really cool flag though.
  • AmpAmp
    edited September 2012
    This forum has shown there are cooler:P. Though yes its pretty cool.

    Edit; I mean some of those former Eastern block ones are awesome. Now guidions and banners they have some cool stuff. I'd totally follow four lions on a back ground of Flur'de'les with the motto "We do not break", now thats something you can get behind.
    Post edited by Amp on
  • I've always been partial to the Danish flag myself.
  • Yeah there's small organizations and what not that have cooler flags, but it's easily in the 99th percentile when it comes to national flags.
  • Apparently my fiancé doesn't understand that he needs to log out before posting when using my computer.
  • Apparently my fiancé doesn't understand that he needs to log out before posting when using my computer.
    I'm so possessive of my computer and my log ins that I don't think this would happen to me. Might cause some problems in future relationships. :P
  • edited September 2012
    Solution: have enough gadgets for each other that they should never use your personal computer devices.

    The only time Jeremy uses something of mine, he logs into his Steam account on the HTPC.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Ugh, college group work. Specifically group presentation with pre-meds using their MCB degrees as means to an MD end, who couldn't care less about the actual science behind PAGE assays. It's like, I know I've said this is what I want to get my PhD in, but I know you know what an isoelectric point is and how different subunits might band differently on a native gel. Don't ask me to do your work; think critically.
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