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Fail of Your Day



  • edited September 2012
    Apparently Disney plagiarized an Anamanaguchi song.

    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited September 2012
    Apparently my fiancé doesn't understand that he needs to log out before posting when using my computer.
    I'm so possessive of my computer and my log ins that I don't think this would happen to me. Might cause some problems in future relationships. :P
    Post edited by MATATAT on
  • Apparently Disney plagiarized an Anamanaguchi song.

    That fucking pisses me off like you wouldn't believe.

  • And, you know what? They'll get away with it because they are Disney.
  • And, you know what? They'll get away with it because they are Disney.
    I wonder if the band actually knows about this?
  • And, you know what? They'll get away with it because they are Disney.
    I wonder if the band actually knows about this?
    Yeah; they've been tweeting about it.
  • The problem with lawsuits for music plagiarism is that you no only have to prove that the two works are similar, which is easy, but you also have to prove that the composer was aware of the original work when they wrote the plagiarized version, which is extremely difficult.
  • And that's before you tangle with the multimillion dollar platoon of crack Disney copyright lawyers.

    Shameful, though.
  • edited September 2012
    Apparently Disney plagiarized an Anamanaguchi song.

    Post edited by P_TOG on
  • Tried to call my cousin's cell to see who had it (he lost it) but hit his home phone instead. Woke up his mother.
  • There was a hockey game between Austria's and Germany's national team today. Austria lead 3-1 after two periods, but then allowed shorthanded goals on two consecutive power plays and subsequently lost the game 3-4. *headdesk*
  • They don't sound identical to me. They're both highly generic 8 bit console style MODs/MIDIs/whatever.
  • Really? The opening riff is basically the same? I don't know how you can't hear it.
  • See, the first 5-10 seconds sounded totally distinct to me, it's after that they seem similar to my ear.

    Still, if you took either song track and put it over a video of Contra, NARC, Life Force, Abbadox... whatever... I'd never notice the swap.
  • edited September 2012
    I disagree entirely. But I'm a huge chiptunes fan, so I hear the intricacies.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • I have a hard drive for my laptop sitting not even a foot to my right, and there's not a damn screwdriver anywhere in this building.
  • A man without tools is not a proper man at all :P
  • Steam down for borderlands 2 matchmaking for me and my friends now. :(
  • They did tweet they were doing maintenance updates today at 4PM PDT and some co-op online playing may be affected.
  • I disagree entirely. But I'm a huge chiptunes fan, so I hear the intricacies.
    Yeah, basically this. Sorta like how people who don't like metal can't hear the difference between Slayer and Amon Amarth.
  • Got me a new monitor to play Xbox 360. A nice ASUS VE228H. However, I don't have the additional HDMI and Xbox-specific cables to play. Gotta wait until Friday. >_>
  • Apparently Disney plagiarized an Anamanaguchi song.
    Whoever wrote the tune for the Disney video borrowed the opening riff and then made a really uninspired arrangement around it. It's no worse than, say, Jumpin' Jack Flash/Big Bang Baby, with the unfortunate distinction of being the first thing you hear. No idea how the law feels about that, though.

    The Disney one also isn't very good, but that's another problem altogether.
  • Too derivative to be plagiarism. Still atrocious on many levels.
  • There's some other parts that are very directly taken, but it would require me to know terminology that I don't actually know to explain without using the words "beeps" or "bloops."
  • edited September 2012
    Someone else in microbio (Travel Bitch, actually) just said, "I'm never touching anything again," and made a disgusted face after hearing that biofilms make pool walls slippery and cover kitchen surfaces.

    Guess she doesn't realize biofilms cover literally everything. Even your skin.

    EDIT: Asked about dermal biofilms and she got really uncomfortable.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • There's shit on everything, it's not worth worrying about cause you have an immune system. The only thing that scares me is raw meat.
  • Statistically, you should be way more worried about raw produce.

    But yeah, there's bugs hanging out on your skin and in your intestines that not even autoclaves can kill without the aid of sodium hydroxide or radiation. Fun fact: if you do a skin culture from before and after you wash your hands, the results are almost identical.
  • I just got dropped from the paid festival job I was offered for this weekend because I have class and would have to be late on the first day. And I can't skip the class without being dropped because it's the first week of school. Turbo bummed.
  • edited September 2012
    Why are there 9 different drivers for the same laptop's wireless card dell. WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME. WHY YOU GOTTA MAKE ME HIT YOU.

    Also, apparently I'm one of the programming "cool kids" because I know how to use VIM and javac to program, rather than using an IDE.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • The bin we keep our beer bottle caps in doth overflowith.
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