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Fail of Your Day



  • The bin we keep our beer bottle caps in doth overflowith.
    You'll be ready when the bombs fall, then!
  • No, then well only be accepting soda caps.
  • I foolishly burned my hand on the toaster oven. >_>
  • Still not getting financial aid from my college, despite my parents being unemployed and effectively income-less for the next three years or so. :(
  • Looks like I might be going to Atlanta soon. One of my best friends from high school was in a serious business wreck and is in a medically induced coma there. I'll probably be going to see him once he's awake.
  • Two days of trying to get a VPN server going through a (crappy) NAT router/modem ended in this:
    Sep 22 20:31:03 vpnd[2708]: Incoming call... Address given to client =
    Sep 22 20:31:03 pppd[2870]: pppd 2.4.2 (Apple version 596.13) started by root, uid 0
    Sep 22 20:31:34 localhost bootlog[0]: BOOT_TIME 1348335094 0
    Sep 22 20:31:39 localhost[1]: *** launchd[1] has started up. ***
    Seriously, networking is the last bastion of opaque tech voodoo, that and printer protocols, don't get me started on printer protocols.

    So, anybody know of a nice ADSL2 router that has an inbuilt VPN server apart from the $1000 Cisco solutions?
  • My brother is an ignorant bigot and I am ashamed to be related to him.
  • edited September 2012
    My brother is an ignorant bigot and I am ashamed to be related to him.
    I'm sorry to hear that.

    EDIT: I'm not sure what else to say. This sounds rather sad.
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • edited September 2012
    I vote that the UN can fuck right off. Blasphemous to whom, exactly? As best anyone can guess, there are at least 4200 distinct religions in the world, most of which have wildly differing ideas of what counts as blasphemous. Not to mention the multiple religions that believe that being part of any other religion or no religion is blasphemous, thereby meaning that literally every person on the face of the earth is guilty of blasphemy at practically all times.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • I second Churba's thoughts.
  • I agree with the Australian representative.
  • The UN are going to discuss it, and then do nothing about it, as they always do. The UN exists to be a place to discuss these things, get a world metric on it. They aren't going to do jack-diddly about it and everyone knows it.
  • As best anyone can guess, there are at least 4200 distinct religions in the world, most of which have wildly differing ideas of what counts as blasphemous.
    Source? Not because I'm doubting you, but because I'm interested.
  • The UN are going to discuss it, and then do nothing about it, as they always do. The UN exists to be a place to discuss these things, get a world metric on it. They aren't going to do jack-diddly about it and everyone knows it.
    Besides, odds are it will get vetoed by a Security Council permanent member anyway.

  • The fact that it's happening really pisses me off is the main point. I don't think anything will come of it, but it's still bullshit.
  • Dealing with customs.
  • edited September 2012
    Eclipse is the worst piece of software I've used since the early 2000's.

    EDIT: Wait, perhaps the Android emulator is just as bad.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • As best anyone can guess, there are at least 4200 distinct religions in the world, most of which have wildly differing ideas of what counts as blasphemous.
    Source? Not because I'm doubting you, but because I'm interested.
    It's just a weird little tidbit of trivia I remember from a Theology class a long time ago, I can't really give you a proper source.
  • I
    As best anyone can guess, there are at least 4200 distinct religions in the world, most of which have wildly differing ideas of what counts as blasphemous.
    Source? Not because I'm doubting you, but because I'm interested.
    It's just a weird little tidbit of trivia I remember from a Theology class a long time ago, I can't really give you a proper source.
    Regardless, it's clearly a reaction to extremist Muslims loosing their shit anytime anyone says something about their religion they don't like. They SHOULD enact a law against members of a religion being a bunch of thin-skinned, paranoid pussies who resort to violence if anyone so much as mentions Mohammad.
  • No, because you know as well as I know that it's bullshit too. I have a long rant on the topic, but I'd rather think it over before I drop it like a ten ton hammer.
  • Spent the best part of my summer working on a dissertation topic. Sat down to organise some old work and realised that I had already done it. Well that sucks.
  • Eclipse is the worst piece of software I've used since the early 2000's.

    EDIT: Wait, perhaps the Android emulator is just as bad.
    Can't speak on the Android emulator, but Eclipse is a steaming pile of moose feces.
  • At least it's not GIMP.
  • At least it's not GIMP.
    GIMP at least works, unlike Eclipse.
  • edited September 2012
    Eclipse is the worst piece of software I've used since the early 2000's.

    EDIT: Wait, perhaps the Android emulator is just as bad.
    Speaking solely of IDEs, I'm willing to bet jGrasp is worse. Damn thing looks like it was written either a) in 1993 for Windows 3.1, or b) in Swing.
    Post edited by Neito on
  • Eclipse is the worst piece of software I've used since the early 2000's.

    EDIT: Wait, perhaps the Android emulator is just as bad.
    Speaking solely of IDEs, I'm willing to bet jGrasp is worse. Damn thing looks like it was written either a) in 1993 for Windows 3.1, or b) in Swing.
    Swing ain't necessarily bad. The newer versions of NetBeans are written in Swing and look fine, although you may need to enable the "Nimbus" or "Native" look and feel if it's defaulting to the ugly "Metal" look that's most common to old Swing apps.
  • jGrasp is shitty.
  • jGrasp is shitty.
    Hmm, looks like it was a university research project that has gone prime time, so to speak. I can understand why it's shitty -- university research projects don't always get the proper polish they need to not suck.
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