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Fail of Your Day



  • Well, I don't see anything like that on the sheet.
  • I forget what these look like on a lab order to be honest. If the lidocaine didn't help it's less likely to be gastric anyway.
  • I was involved in a car accident, which sucks.
    However, both passengers are well.
    Still, it sucks.
  • I was involved in a car accident, which sucks.
    However, both passengers are well.
    Still, it sucks.
    Ugh, know that feeling. Did cops get involved? I think the worst part is the sinking feeling of not-knowing what could/will happen and money you'll have to spend.

    But because both passengers in both cars are okay, it should be amicable.
  • Ok, the docs have figured it out. I don't know how to spell it, but they found a thing on my scan that completely explains my pain and isn't life threatening. Talking to a surgeon just to be sure, but I'll probably be out soon with pain meds.
  • I bought Painkiller for 10 bucks about a week ago.

    Entire series for 7 bucks today.

    Yeah... fuck.
  • More with the Halloween shite -

    "Oh, you don't get people knocking on your door at St Pats demanding beer!"

    Yeah, you also don't get small children puking green beer all over your car on Halloween, either.
  • Admittedly they could be puking a substance other than green beer on your car if they can't handle their Reese's.
  • All the sick talk is reminding me I need a regular doctor, ugh. I am still debating on using one of the 20 douchebags in town or using a half-decent one that is about 70 miles away.
  • Admittedly they could be puking a substance other than green beer on your car if they can't handle their Reese's.
    Still, if I have to scrub puke off my car, I'd rather the moderate-sized child voms of the mid-evening, rather than the full-throated, all over, roaring chunder with it's own splash-patterns like a fucking brutal murder scene, at 4 in the morning.
  • Ok, so apparently what I have is called a omental infarction. If I understand everything the doc told me, apparently there is fatty tissue on the outside of the intestines that's called the omental (omentum?). Apparently what has happened is one of those has twisted and cut off its blood supply and this is the cause of my intense stabbing pain. The cause is I'm just an unlucky bastard. The plan is wait a little while and it'll probably clear up on it's own. So while this works itself out they've prescribed me some vicodin. They said this normally lasts 4-5 days, so I hope I'm on the tail end of this. If it doesn't resolve in a few weeks, then the we'll talk about surgery.
  • edited November 2012
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Wait huh? I.. don't get it
  • Looks like somebody tossing a Vonnegut salad.
  • It looks a bit like a triple cheeked bum.
  • I haven't been able to get to a computer to say this, but United Illuminating shut off the electricity in our grid and it has been miserable as hell for two days. I've heard rumors that the electricity will be turned on in a day or some such thing, but it really sucks that they had to do this.
  • Walking around definitely makes my pain a lot worse. I haven't noticed until now because of the hurricane keeping me at home. Also, vicodin definitely not as effective as I was hoping. :(
  • Amazon Cloud Player does not cope well with Umlaute, which sucks if you are trying to import your collection of Die Ärzte, the biggest german rock band out there.
  • edited November 2012
    I'm tired, and really want to play board games on Saturday instead of going out to play airsoft... but the dude who runs the local field really wants me out there and offered to pay my field fee for the day. He is also a friend. Quandary!
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I'm tired, and really want to play board games on Saturday instead of going out to play airsoft... but the dude who runs the local field really wants me out there and offered to pay my field fee for the day. He is also a friend. Quandary!
  • No doubt. It is the biggest problem in my life currently though, which betrays my privilege.
  • Walking around definitely makes my pain a lot worse. I haven't noticed until now because of the hurricane keeping me at home. Also, vicodin definitely not as effective as I was hoping. :(
    Yeah, vicodin kind of sucks. I do not how come House got addicted to them? :S
  • Vicodin is complete shit, and I'm allergic to it, to boot, which made for a seriously miserable year after surgery once...

    Demerols are the best. They don't so much help with the pain as they make you not give one single fuck that you are in pain.
  • What if you played airsoft, than did some boardgames in the evening to wind down? That sounds like a fun plan to me.
  • Yeah, vicodin kind of sucks. I do not how come House got addicted to them? :S
    It all depends on tolerance, anything weaker than oxycodone has no affect on me really but my brother cannot take a low dosage of hydrocodone or he reacts very bad. My wife on the other hand has no affect from any pain killer, which we figured out when morphine did nothing to her.

    Also, there is a big difference between tolerance and addiction.
  • What if you played airsoft, than did some boardgames in the evening to wind down? That sounds like a fun plan to me.
    That sounds like a fantastic plan.
  • I was really tired so my dad was picking me up from campus when he made my Fail of the Day:
    Dad: Do laws mean anything on this campus?
    Me: How do you mean?
    Dad: Skateboarders riding in the middle of the street, bicyclists riding the wrong way on the road, people jaywalking right in front of cars, then you've got people sitting around wearing hijabs...
    Me: Okay dad, I'm with you on the people who are actually breaking the law and doing dangerous things. But there's nothing wrong about wearing a hijab.
    Dad: Look, someone wearing a hijab, in a highly concentrated place like a college campus... you don't know if they have a bomb under there.
    Me: ...
    Dad: If I wanted be a terrorist, I would dress like that or like a college student.
    Me: So, by that logic, anyone on campus could be a terrorist.
    Dad: Yeah.
    Me: ... Dad, that's just racist and stereotyping. As a trekkie, you should know better.
    Dad: This is america. They shouldn't be wearing that.
    Me: It's part of their culture. You can no more fault them for wearing a hijab than I can fault you for wearing a cross.
    Dad: That's not the same thing.
    Me: It IS the same thing, you only don't think it is because it's not YOUR thing. *sigh/grunt*
    Dad: You're just young.
    My dad is usually a cool guy, but every once in a while he spouts bullshit like this. He is also a birther and a Ron Paul Gold Standard guy.
  • If I were a terrorist, I'd dress like a middle class white guy in a suit and tie, like I normally dress.

    And now I'm on a watchlist somewhere.
  • I'm on so many lists its not even funny.
  • Fail of my day is that if you were in France, he would have been right.
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