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Fail of Your Day



  • Frame them.
    True story.
  • My next question is, how concerned should I bet? I received 2 more emails, and probably will receive 8 more because of the 12 episodes I obtained.
  • edited November 2012
    I am not sure about how they handle that situation but I know if you go over their data cap multiple times they may blacklist you so I could see them doing that.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • Yeah, that data cap was put on hold back in May.
  • Wow, I missed that.
  • My front right tyre turned out to be looking like about sixty pounds of chewed bubblegum with eggs and lumps. Ready to blow, pretty much, so I had to get it replaced. Even without the Labor charge, that's the last 200 bucks I had spare out of my pocket, and the day written off. Right after lashing out 500 on a brake master cylinder.

    For my next trick, I'm going to drink a pint or so of good red wine, eat a fucking pizza, and fuck off to the lot.
    You mean $200 for a pair of tires... right? Not just one tire, surely?
    $200 bucks for two tyres, but that's on mate's rates, and with no labor charge - my mechanic is the same mechanic I used to work at. Normally, you're not getting them that cheap without buying retreads or maybe dunyop super knockoffs that shed rubber faster than a cheap hooker sheds clothes.

    But the problem is that this is a week after I spent 500 and change getting my brake master re-sleeved, because it was spitting brake fluid all over my foot whenever I hit the (slowly fading) brakes. $700 bucks outta nowhere is a pretty significant smack to the wallet, considering that I don't make that much money to begin with right now. I'm just happy I'm paid up with my rent, and sorted out enough nosh to last a while beforehand.
  • edited November 2012
    the tyres for my nova were $100 each (and those are the skinny front ones, not the fat back ones), and those were the cheap Chinese ones. My NEW master cylinder with a booster, was $70 only, so you win some, you lose some.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • the tyres for my nova were $100 each (and those are the skinny front ones, not the fat back ones), and those were the cheap Chinese ones. My NEW master cylinder with a booster, was $70 only, so you win some, you lose some.
    Welcome to Australian pricing. The car someone will pay $60 grand for in the US, is $150 grand here, and parts are not much better. It's a pain in the ass - but that's also why so many people drive older cars, and we have so many skilled mechanics. It's a similar situation to Cuba, but obviously not as severe.

    Also - I'd have to replace my brake system if I picked up a different cylinder. It's a big, powerful set of power brakes, made for commercial light cargo vehicles. But, since it's 20 years old, it's super hard and super expensive to get comparable parts, so I had to get the re-sleeve, or just not drive for however long it takes to find and buy something comparable. If I'd have bought a new one, the part alone would have cost me more than I paid, because there's only one dude down in melbourne that sells them, and at a ludicrous price.
  • edited November 2012
    Somehow my network nuked itself and the router/modem my isp gave me once again is the main gateway, rather than being a slave to my own router that has all my port forwarding settings. Also I got a new random IP. Fun times.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • America, this is the kind of thing the rest of us are talking about:

    Stop it.
  • America makes commemorative coins for everything, and yet we still don't have the Canadian glow in the dark Dino-quarter.
  • edited November 2012
    every meal today was cold leftover pizza

    every meal

    even elevenses
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • What about second breakfast?
  • even second breakfast

    even ostensibly third breakfast which is actually more of a light tea break
  • Friends are planning to move into a house next year, and I'm possibly getting left out due to space issues. The plans are still kinda early, but things aren't really looking too good. I really don't want to be the one person not in the house, especially because I don't have a car (or even a license).
  • Australians have Second Breakfast, we just call it Morning Tea.
  • My next question is, how concerned should I bet? I received 2 more emails, and probably will receive 8 more because of the 12 episodes I obtained.
    I'd be a little concerned, but if you're just receiving warnings I would simply stop downloading episodes of things. I mean, you could use a VPN but that might cost more than just getting Hulu Plus and Netflix, if you want a good one.
  • Work today seems completely unaware that tomorrow is THE BIGGEST ELECTION IN HISTORY and that I need free time to post political pictures on facebook.
  • One of my oldest friends posted links to "2016 the movie" all over his facebook last night. I posted like 7 rebuttals in the comments and I've been studiously avoiding reading the reply he posted this morning.

  • Dude got arrested in CT today for driving a contractor van up from New York full of 5 gallon barrels (the kind they sell at Home Depot for like, $3) and filling them all with gasoline.

    He was stopped some distance away on the highway I guess, with the lids of some barrels already popping off from the vapor pressure.
  • It is unlawful to dispense gasoline into an unapproved container. >_>
  • edited November 2012
    He should've just bought some 5 gallon gasoline containers instead (which they also sell at Home Depot, but I'm not sure for how much).
    Post edited by Dragonmaster Lou on
  • People are defending him as doing what he had to do in a desperate situation, where doing what he had to do was endangering the lives of everyone on the highway along with him, apparently.
  • He should've just bought some 5 gallon gasoline containers instead (which they also sell at Home Depot, but I'm not sure for how much).
    In his (very minor, weak) defense, they're pretty much impossible to buy anywhere in the area right now.
  • edited November 2012
    What exactly was the desperate situation? I know we're post-hurricane, and I guess I don't really know the situation over there, but I'm not really sure why he would need barrels of gasoline.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited November 2012
    Massive gas shortages in NY/NJ due to the hurricane. FEMA is distributing fuel in limited areas and lines at gas stations stretch for miles. Some people are waiting upwards of 8 hours for gas.

    Aside from transportation which in a lot of areas is almost a bust anyway, they need it to run generators to keep warm, have some lights at night, possibly run medical equipment...
    Post edited by muppet on
  • It's hard to buy gasoline in the northeast right now because of the hurricane.
  • People are defending him as doing what he had to do in a desperate situation, where doing what he had to do was endangering the lives of everyone on the highway along with him, apparently.
    Doing what he had to to turn a massive profit I bet. <_< He gets no sympathy from me. People in general have become really complacent about the dangers of gasoline. Just the vapors in an empty gallon container has as much energy as two sticks of dynamite. This stuff is hideously dangerous.
  • It is unlawful to dispense gasoline into an unapproved container. >_>
    I've seen dumbasses fill old milk jugs with gasoline.
  • People are defending him as doing what he had to do in a desperate situation, where doing what he had to do was endangering the lives of everyone on the highway along with him, apparently.
    Doing what he had to to turn a massive profit I bet. <_< He gets no sympathy from me. People in general have become really complacent about the dangers of gasoline. Just the vapors in an empty gallon container has as much energy as two sticks of dynamite. This stuff is hideously dangerous. </p>
    I have no doubt that he was going to distribute it for free to old ladies.
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