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Fail of Your Day



  • Not when he said "This is America." Either way, he can't win.
  • Not when he said "This is America." Either way, he can't win.
    I must admit, I'm looking forward to my inevitable polite disagreeing moments with Sonic's dad. I'm foreign, intelligent, I've seen the world, and I can be entirely polite and reasonable, I'm from a country with universal healthcare and few guns. Throw in a Hijab or a prayer mat, and I'm a far-right republican's worst nightmare.
  • The funny thing is the idea of hiding a bomb under most hijab. The ones I usually see the college girls wearing are just tight fitting shaylah headscarves. It would have to be the size of a barrette or something. You should be more worried about sweatshirts at that point.
    Also gah, your dad, sheesh.
  • What Emily said. A case can be made for the burkha, maybe, but not the hijab.
  • edited November 2012
    The only way you could hide a bomb under a hijab is if your heard was a bomb, which would be awesome, or if you invented explosive cloth, in which case the exact article of clothing is rather moot.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • The only way you could hide a bomb under a hijab is if your head was a bomb, which would be awesome, or if you invented explosive cloth, in which case the exact article of clothing is rather moot.
    As a Bostonian, I understand your struggle with the letter R.
  • edited November 2012
    It's seiously the wost lette.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • If I were a terrorist, I'd dress like a middle class white guy in a suit and tie, like I normally dress.
    Actually, I think that's pretty much how the 9/11 hijackers dressed...
  • It's seiously the wost lette.
  • It's seiously the wost lette.
    You're Canadian, I'm Chicagoan. I empathize with your difficulties with the letter "A."
  • It's seiously the wost lette.
    You're Canadian, I'm Chicagoan. I empathize with your difficulties with the letter "A."
    Tht lette is petty bd too.
  • My front right tyre turned out to be looking like about sixty pounds of chewed bubblegum with eggs and lumps. Ready to blow, pretty much, so I had to get it replaced. Even without the Labor charge, that's the last 200 bucks I had spare out of my pocket, and the day written off. Right after lashing out 500 on a brake master cylinder.

    For my next trick, I'm going to drink a pint or so of good red wine, eat a fucking pizza, and fuck off to the lot.
  • I left my wristlet, which had my phone, license, and main credit cards in it, at home and didn't realize till I got to work. I really hope today isn't the day I get pulled over. ;-; At least I have an older credit card in my main wallet (the wallet with all my other cards like insurance) so I can eat lunch. Bwargh, I hate not having my phone. >.<
  • My front right tyre turned out to be looking like about sixty pounds of chewed bubblegum with eggs and lumps. Ready to blow, pretty much, so I had to get it replaced. Even without the Labor charge, that's the last 200 bucks I had spare out of my pocket, and the day written off. Right after lashing out 500 on a brake master cylinder.

    For my next trick, I'm going to drink a pint or so of good red wine, eat a fucking pizza, and fuck off to the lot.
    You mean $200 for a pair of tires... right? Not just one tire, surely?

    Oh wait, you're talking about crazy Australian money.
  • edited November 2012
    People in Bridgeport, Connecticut are actually physically assaulting line workers with stones and other implements. Many are blaming the Mayor, who went on the news and accused the utility companies of restoring white, non-minority neighborhoods first.

    also this:
    Post edited by muppet on
  • Wow. Yeah, cuz throwing rocks at them is going to get your power restored faster. >_<

    I don't know how they do it over there, but National Grid restores power first where the outage clusters are largest. Then they get to the smaller ones.
  • Well if they'd let non union line workers come In everybody would have power faster.
  • edited November 2012
    Wrong city.

    I think Bridgeport gets power from United Illuminating. I don't know much about them or their methods.

    I do know that I have CL&P, and CL&P is run by monkeys. They restored our entire town EXCEPT for our street and then moved on to the next town during Irene. We had to wait almost a week when our neighbors had already been restored, for basically no reason. I called 6 times, each of the 6 times I was told our outage had never been reported. That's when I got on social media and made a nuisance of myself until somebody called me.
    Post edited by muppet on
  • My fail of the day is this entire goddamn day. First losing 5 days of vacation. Then figuring out my insurance is going up as is my deductible, then figuring out that we're losing a couple of other fringe benefits that were useful.

    I had my 5-year anniversary a couple months back, and got a dumb little crystal globe and a "thanks". Now I find out that people with 5 year anniversaries get to choose gifts from a catalog of really neat stuff. God DAMN it.
  • Our insurance premiums are increasing by 30% and even though I was told to expect a 3% merit raise I got 2%, which isn't even a dollar an hour.

    On top of the increased premiums I'm going to have to max out my FSA next year to cover the new deductibles and higher copays, so my net salary is actually going DOWN by somewhere around 8%.
  • Our insurance premiums are increasing by 30% and even though I was told to expect a 3% merit raise I got 2%, which isn't even a dollar an hour.

    On top of the increased premiums I'm going to have to max out my FSA next year to cover the new deductibles and higher copays, so my net salary is actually going DOWN by somewhere around 8%.
    My problem is that I've always defended my current employer on the basis that our vacation policy was more generous than others in the local area. So I could put up with being a little underpaid and overworked. However! Now we don't have that.

    I really don't want to have to look for a different job. I like this one.
  • I'm in pretty much that boat. Our benefits were very generous and my hours flexible and I was willing to put up with a lot of dysfunctional horseshit to keep the status quo, but now they're kicking us all in the ass.
  • I don't like this boat. This boat sucks.
  • What if you played airsoft, than did some boardgames in the evening to wind down? That sounds like a fun plan to me.
    I would totally be down for this. Unfortunately, the board game group and airsoft game both start in the morning. Airsoft wraps up around 3-4, and the board game stuff is done before then.
  • I thought I was getting better, but my pain flared up right after I ate lunch. I think my full stomach in pressing against whatever is inflamed.
  • I just received my first warning letter from Comcast about an alleged download of a show that may or may not have been recently reviewed by Geek Nights.

    What do people do with these?
  • I should have used a VPN. My own fault.
  • edited November 2012
    (whoops, phone fucked that post up)
    Post edited by Jordan O. on
  • edited November 2012
    Luckily (pretty sure it really does not qualify for that word) I am still on the old Bellsouth equipment from before AT&T bought them out since they are slow getting new stuff in. Not sure if they cannot or do not monitor our usage but we have been over data usage every month since the 150GB limit went in place. I feel pretty safe about downloading anything, although my wife is the one who does that more than me.
    Post edited by canine224 on
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