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Fail of Your Day



  • Daikun said:
    Which one would I go to, though? I and everyone I know pretty much identifies me as white, but I'm absolutely middle eastern.
  • Poe strikes. No idea if that is satire or not.
  • Daikun said:
    Which one would I go to, though? I and everyone I know pretty much identifies me as white, but I'm absolutely middle eastern.
    There's only one way to know. Roll 2d6 for privilege.
  • Oregon is fighting hard to get on my list of "States that I don't consider states anymore" with Texas, Arizona, and other hellish intellectually dead wastelands.
  • Outside of the militia idiots, what'd we do?
  • Banta said:

    Outside of the militia idiots, what'd we do?

    Are you talking of the Christian terrorists using their guns as intended by an outdated amendment? ;^)
  • sK0pe said:

    Banta said:

    Outside of the militia idiots, what'd we do?

    Are you talking of the Christian terrorists using their guns as intended by an outdated amendment? ;^)
    The Second Amendment was intended to grant States the ability to fight the Federal Government if they had to (a laughable scenario these days). Hamilton and the Federalists would never have let through granting individuals guns (individuals possessing firearms was of course Hamilton's ultimate downfall). Its use as a right for citizens to bear arms was legally non existent until 2008.
  • I actually just saw a post about he Oregon thing from some guy that is in with the militia's. Supposedly the Oregon militia's were going to have a peaceful protest of some sort, and a bunch of assholes from out of state secretly piggy backed off of that and took over some unattended building in a wildlife refuge.
  • Greg said:

    sK0pe said:

    Banta said:

    Outside of the militia idiots, what'd we do?

    Are you talking of the Christian terrorists using their guns as intended by an outdated amendment? ;^)
    The Second Amendment was intended to grant States the ability to fight the Federal Government if they had to (a laughable scenario these days). Hamilton and the Federalists would never have let through granting individuals guns (individuals possessing firearms was of course Hamilton's ultimate downfall). Its use as a right for citizens to bear arms was legally non existent until 2008.
    Can you give me a source for the 2008 comment? Not because I don't believe you but because it could be useful to me in future arguments.
  • edited January 2016
    2008 was when DC v. Heller was decided, which created the right Greg is talking about.
    Post edited by Banta on
  • The Bundy clan has issued a call to patriots to bring arms and come occupy the bird sanctuary "for years". They're also demanding the federal government give lands to "local governments" and started they will shoot if shot at (or presumably if they fucking feel like it).

    The Hammond family has said they want nothing to do with the seditionists, but of course, the Bundys don't care, because they never did.

    The Bundy's intent is to have, and win, some kind of glorious shootout against the tyrannical government. Honestly? Give it to them. Just wait till they're all inside, then drone in a few hellfire rockets. They're terrorists and should be treated as such.
  • Honestly? Give it to them. Just wait till they're all inside, then drone in a few hellfire rockets. They're terrorists and should be treated as such.

    Regardless of the situation, this is a really fucked up point of view.

  • How about Arizona is beautiful and has awesome stuff and history and fuck the politics because in fact going out in the desert in a 4x4, and launching massive model rockets, shooting your guns out in the desert and hanging out with the cacti and lizards and scorpions and all that jazz is way cool... and the very essense of being free and shit. Also the Grand Canyon and Meteor Crater are great landmarks.

    So if people who are all like being assholes, just call em out but let's not presume Arizona is entirely devoid of awesome. Anyone who doesn't want it as a state is probably of the opinion that Illinois is a great state, despite being devoid of anything interesting except the cty where a syphilis ridden mobster was able to make a story for Robert DeNiro to have a starring role recreating, the setting of Ferris Bueller's day off, and one of my ex's parents' house. And I guess Kanye West.

    But I mean, IL is still a worthy state, and should stay. Afterall, we kept RI.
  • Andrew said:

    Honestly? Give it to them. Just wait till they're all inside, then drone in a few hellfire rockets. They're terrorists and should be treated as such.

    Regardless of the situation, this is a really fucked up point of view.

    Yeah. Violent sedition brings out my lizard brain. Maybe because these guys are eager for a shootout over a delusion.

    The other, functioning parts of my brain prefer shutting off all utilities, cordoning off the area, and letting winter do the work until they come whimpering out.
  • Starve them out? No. Law and order needs to be enforced. We live in a society, and you do not get to occupy government buildings.
  • Banta said:

    Starve them out? No. Law and order needs to be enforced. We live in a society, and you do not get to occupy government buildings.

    That, and the fact that if you cut these yahoos off from a walmart, they'll be eating each other within a week.

    If you don't, considering how well militias tend to get on - two weeks, before a massive firefight erupts over who is in charge and who gets what when it's all over.
  • SWATrous said:

    but let's not presume Arizona is entirely devoid of awesome.

    Arizona only exists as it does because of massive federal subsidy and horrific re-routing of critical water supplies.

    If we're going to invest that much in a large population, we should do it somewhere with less environmental and energy cost to maintain it.

  • SWATrous said:

    But I mean, IL is still a worthy state, and should stay. Afterall, we kept RI.

    Washington was ready to go to war to force Rhode Island to enter the Union. If we're going to have States leave the Union, Rhode Island should be the first to go but of its own volition.
  • edited January 2016
    This Oregon nonsense has expanded my vocabulary in glorious ways.

    Vanilla ISIS
    Yokel Haram

    It's all still a fail, but the new vocabulary has allowed me to find some relief.
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • Seriously though, I've seen a few gun channels who at least partially supported the Bundy Ranch thing or even went to it basically say they're being fucking stupid and just stirring up trouble.
    Rym said:

    Don't forget "sovereign citizens".
  • Rym said:

    Don't forget "sovereign citizens".

    The person who came up with that name did not know what an oxymoron is, did he?
  • Rym said:

    Don't forget "sovereign citizens".

    Why do they argue this in court? If you're truly sovereign, judges have no power over you. Why would you bother going to court just to tell them they can't do anything to you?
  • Greg said:

    Rym said:

    Don't forget "sovereign citizens".

    Why do they argue this in court? If you're truly sovereign, judges have no power over you. Why would you bother going to court just to tell them they can't do anything to you?
    They get a weird power trip spewing their pseudo-legalese knowing they're "right."
  • Greg said:

    Rym said:

    Don't forget "sovereign citizens".

    Why do they argue this in court? If you're truly sovereign, judges have no power over you. Why would you bother going to court just to tell them they can't do anything to you?
    They get a weird power trip spewing their pseudo-legalese knowing they're "right."
    It's the same reason why people believing in the rapture won't give you all their money despite them "knowing" the rapture was coming. Even though they "know" they're right, there is still that little bit of their brain that's still working right and saying "if you don't go to the courthouse, you'll get your ass arrested and tossed in jail".
  • They get a weird power trip spewing their pseudo-legalese knowing they're "right."

    It's the same reason why people believing in the rapture won't give you all their money despite them "knowing" the rapture was coming. Even though they "know" they're right, there is still that little bit of their brain that's still working right and saying "if you don't go to the courthouse, you'll get your ass arrested and tossed in jail".I've had the opportunity to bring this up with Freemen on the land and sovereign citizen types, and there's practically two universal answers - Either "The people who did it and failed just did it wrong", or "Yes, but the legal system ignored their own laws, and unjustly punished them."

  • This is one case where I advocate for civil forfeiture. Take all of the funding and possibly any military pensions or agricultural subsidies.
  • Wyatt said:

    This is one case where I advocate for civil forfeiture. Take all of the funding and possibly any military pensions or agricultural subsidies.

    Civil forfeiture is what most of these people are mad about... seriously do some research on what Bundy and these others actually have to put up with and not just the crazy shit they say. Eminent domain has been unjustly and egregiously applied and people are being harassed, placed in double jeopardy, and locked up with outrageous sentences for daring to stand up for themselves when the federal government wants to seize their land.
  • edited January 2016
    The Hammond's aren't being unfairly prosecuted though. First off, they're guilty of arson, twice. To cover up their poaching and because they're fucking morons. Their rights aren't being trampled.

    Bundy's rights weren't trampled either. He grazed a lot of cattle on land that wasn't his, then refused to pay the stated fee for doing so because he didn't fucking feel like it. This to the tune of at least a million dollars. Then he screams tyranny when the government takes away the cattle he was illiberally grazing.

    This isn't about fairness or liberty or rights. This is about self-righteous assholes who want to do whatever they want and ignore any law they don't like, who also have an unhealthy obsession with firearms and a delusion that a gun fight with the feds will martyr them, cause a massive uprising, or both.
    Post edited by GreatTeacherMacRoss on
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