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Fail of Your Day



  • You guys are thinking really hard about this...
    FRCF's our name, tangents are our game!
  • Was to, trying to find me a semi-geeky, anime/video games girl. I'm not good at the dating scene so this is quite difficult.
    You can try what I did -- just find a cool, smart, fun girl and turn her into a semi-geeky anime/video games girl.
    1) Find a girl appropriate in all areas but gaming and anime/comics.
    2) Start on "light fare." Katamari Damacy, Scott Pilgrim, Okami, Sailor Moon. Scale up to stuff like Kingdom Hearts and FF, Apollo's Song, Zelda, and Cowboy Bebop.
    3) ????
    4) PROFIT!
  • Was to, trying to find me a semi-geeky, anime/video games girl. I'm not good at the dating scene so this is quite difficult.
    You can try what I did -- just find a cool, smart, fun girl and turn her into a semi-geeky anime/video games girl.
    1) Find a girl appropriate in all areas but gaming and anime/comics.
    2) Start on "light fare." Katamari Damacy, Scott Pilgrim, Okami, Sailor Moon. Scale up to stuff like Kingdom Hearts and FF, Apollo's Song, Zelda, and Cowboy Bebop.
    3) ????
    4) PROFIT!
    So true...That was great.
  • You recovered it though, didn't you? Regardless, that's insane, and I hope that interview goes well and that you can then start living your life.
    The reason he threw them out is because "anime sucks, and you should be ashamed for liking it" and that they were "un-American." Take that as you will.
    Then why the Micheal Jackson CD destruction? He hates American blacks as well? Seriously, I can relate to this. My sister once went into my room and destroy my game systems and anime. No reason except the fact that I was a heathen with a better life at the time.
  • The awesome thing about brothers and sisters is that you usually won't get arrested for beating the living shit out of them. :)
  • After dong a job search today and doing some rough math, the ratio of actual job postings : absolute bullshit on sites including Careerbuilder, HotJobs, CraigsList, and NYSDOL's Jobs Site is approximately 1:3. That means 33% of the time on career-oriented websites, someone is trying to scam the unemployed out of money. Way to go, humanity.
  • My animation survey is kicking my ass. I am definitely not going to major in it.
  • Then why the Micheal Jackson CD destruction? He hates American blacks as well? Seriously, I can relate to this. My sister once went into my room and destroy my game systems and anime. No reason except the fact that I was a heathen with a better life at the time.
    To quote my brother, "He's a pedophile and a fucking queer." He then proceeded to his usual anti-gay bullshit with me.
    The awesome thing about brothers and sisters is that you usually won't get arrested for beating the living shit out of them. :)
    He's a football player, and I'm an introvert against my will. He can kick MY ass, and I could barely even give him a scratch. Besides, I'm 21, and he's 17. That would be extraordinarily immature.
  • He's a football player, and I'm an introvert against my will. He can kick MY ass, and I could barely even give him a scratch. Besides, I'm 21, and he's 17. That would be extraordinarily immature.
  • Vi is still not recognizing my ESC key. This is really impacting my work ability. What's worse about is it only seems to be my computer. ARGH!
  • I just recursively copied a folder into itself until I filled the drive.
  • I took too much caffeine and now I am speedy, fluttery, and shaking.
  • Archiving movie files and photos is rather boring.
  • There are days at work when I really wish I could quit and spend my days being creative and making things that I want to make. Today is one of those days, having been reminded that NaNoWriMo is coming up soon.
  • I took too much caffeine and now I am speedy, fluttery, and shaking.
    Did you actually take caffeine, or just drink too much coffee or something? Once in a while I'll drink too much coffee too fast, and get that way I. I really don't like it. I've never heard of anyone having a good experience with actually taking caffeine pills, though.
  • In addition to my injured ankle and bruised tailbone, I seem to have overexerted my arms carrying a case of bottled water several blocks the other day; my biceps burn when I hold my arms straight. Also, I may have acquired H1N1.

    Ladies and gents, it's official: My body is MADE OF FAIL.
  • Apparently, there's no easy way to do batch processing in Salesforce. I still think we should use a REAL ticketing system. Hell, my first day on the job I set up OTRS, and it (while shitty) worked better than SF (which by the way we are paying out the ass for).

    I'm halfheartedly looking for another job, as a number of key employees have quit. If my company goes under, I will be utterly fucked. I can't make a quarter of what I'm making with a local Rochester job, or get the flexible hours I need.

    Telecommuting tech support sucks when the sales/marketing department doesn't document anything.

    In other news, I'm working to get caught up on my classes, as I was sick earlier in the month. I still have an apartment and a car. If I can find a second tech support / Jr. Sysadmin job, I'll be fine. I'm just worried as hell.
  • I only got home at 10am, and I have to fly again at 8am tomorrow, which means getting up at 6am, which means I should really get packing soon. I may get 3 hours sleep tonight. I should really have tracked my time better today.
  • Woke up to a flat tire :/ and also saw that I made an error in my banking which caused an $33 overdraft...
  • FUCK. My server was just hacked. Today is not a good day.
  • I've a sore throat and it's fucking snowing outside. On the bright side, school starts relatively late, so I'll be able to drink my tea before leaving.
  • When I come to power, Vim will be banned.
  • When I come to power, Vim will be banned.
    But why? We use it here and it is fine, and saves time when coding.
  • This article on The First Earth Battalion remind me of the latter half of 20th Century Boys.
  • But why? We use it here and it is fine, and saves time when coding.
  • This article on The First Earth Battalionremind me of the latter half of 20th Century Boys.
    That's hilarious.
  • edited October 2009
    Car died on me as I was driving to get dinner at the campus.

    I'm hoping it's nothing serious but I did get it towed to a Firestone where it will hopefully be repaired. I'm not a mechanic, I'm not sure what the problem is. I just hope that I didn't run completely out of gas causing it to stop.

    To anyone who may know the car details: It stopped suddenly and the car DID start up twice before dying down again. However, on the third time, the car started rumbling before it turned off again. I was low on gas at the time and the fuel light had been on for a while.

    If it's just me running out of gas, I'll feel like a complete moron. If something else, it'll cost a pretty penny.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • Just tripped over an ethernet cable and pull my brand-new laptop off my desk. The bezel popped off of the screen, but micraculously, the monitor itself wasn't harmed or knocked loose. The bezel snapped back in rather painlessly, and there's no visible damage anywhere to the machine. However, I still feel like an idiot for leaving that cable out.
  • Car died on me as I was driving to get dinner at the campus.

    I'm hoping it's nothing serious but I did get it towed to a Firestone where it will hopefully be repaired. I'm not a mechanic, I'm not sure what the problem is. I just hope that I didn't run completely out of gas causing it to stop.

    To anyone who may know the car details: It stopped suddenly and the car DID start up twice before dying down again. However, on the third time, the car started rumbling before it turned off again. I was low on gas at the time and the fuel light had been on for a while.

    If it's just me running out of gas, I'll feel like a complete moron. If something else, it'll cost a pretty penny.
    Did you...check the gas gauge?
  • I don't really know anything about cars. The fuel light had been on for several days and I thought I knew how many miles it could take before it could go out. It wasn't touching the E so I thought I was safe.

    The more I look into it, the more I believe it's just that the gas ran out. This week sucks.
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