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Fail of Your Day



  • Dude straight up raped a 13-year old girl. Fuck that guy.
  • Dude straight up raped a 13-year old girl. Fuck that guy.
    Yep. Polanski deserves to spend the rest of his life in an unfurnished concrete box. Chris Rock had some darkly humorous statements about the thing to say last night on Leno.

    Also, I can't believe people are defending him on his artistic merit. Have they seen his adaptation of "MacBeth?" That movie straight-up sucked.
  • Well, feeling good. Expecting good things from this weekend. Two cases of fail that have been on my mind however.

    -My room-mate who I just recently learned a lot about and became a true friend with, is leaving this Sunday from JMU due to Medical Leave. (Lyme Disease) He should come back in the spring, but still sucks that he's going after getting to know him that well. We really have a great understanding of one another just by talking for two hours and slightly inebriated.

    -Does $8.50 feel like too much for a Large Combo at McDonalds for anyone else?
  • -Does $8.50 feel like too much for a Large Combo at McDonalds for anyone else?
    For one of the pricer sandwiches in a city? Sounds about right in that case.
  • Geekchatted until 6am, slept until 7pm.. I suppose I was making up for the sleep lost to the Geekchat.
  • Geekchatted until 6am, slept until 7pm.. I suppose I was making up for the sleep lost to the Geekchat.
    Yeah, but still, it was quite an awesome experience wouldn't you say? I'm sorry if I deprived you of sleep Omnutia.
  • My secondary monitor couldn't handle being on for the amount of time I was locked out of my apartment. It only displays 30% of the screen. Thankfully, my cintiq was fine. It wasn't even over heated. I guess that only happens when you draw on it.
  • edited October 2009
    Some guy made out my friend Lauren is a freak because she likes video games. Doing so to her face while acting like making fun of someone in front of others was entirely acceptable. [Twitter post.]
    The jerkish way he went about it is a pretty good definition of a wanker.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Some guy made out my friendLaurenis a freak because she likes video games. Doing so to her face while acting like making fun of someone in front of others was entirely acceptable. [Twitter post.]
    The jerkish way he went about it is a pretty good definition of a wanker.
    Craziness! Any girl into video games is hot! >_

  • Craziness! Any girl into video games is hot! >_<</p>
    Not always, but okay...

  • Craziness! Any girl into video games is hot! >_<</p>
    Not always, but okay...
    Interests =/= physical attractiveness. That might make them mentally attractive, but not necessarily physically attractive. But then again, physical attractiveness isn't the most important thing anyways, so who cares...
  • edited October 2009
    Does hotness have to be just physical traits? Can't you find someone's personality hot?
    That said, I doubt there's that strong a correlation between video games and hotness among men or women.

    Regardless, Lauren happens to be quite hot and she's totally cool.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Does hotness have to be just physical traits? Can't you find someone's personality hot?
    That said, I doubt there's that strong a correlation between video games and hotness among men or women.

    Regardless,Lauren happens to be quite hotandshe's totally cool.
    Well, that's what most people assume, and it's what I assumed he was talking about. Nevertheless, I still agreed that liking video games could make her a fun person to hang out with, so...Yeah...
  • edited October 2009
    I fell down a set of porch stairs on my ass last night. I seem to have bruised the small of my back, and I can't put a lot of weight on my left ankle. On top of that, I have a scratchy sore throat (which in my experience usually leads to strep). Hooray for my body being made of fail.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on

  • Craziness! Any girl into video games is hot! >_<</p>
    Not always, but okay...
    Interests =/= physical attractiveness. That might make them mentally attractive, but not necessarily physically attractive. But then again, physical attractiveness isn't the most important thing anyways, so who cares...
    I wasn't merely suggesting physical beauty. Just because some shares one interest, doesn't make them intelligent, smart, fun, kind, giving, etc.
  • I don't think Davis was being serious.
  • Does hotness have to be just physical traits? Can't you find someone's personality hot?
    The term 'hotheaded' exists, so a personality can be hot indeed.
  • I caught my brother in the act of vandalizing my room. He had thrown all my anime in the garbage, along with half my music collection. He had broken one of my CDs because it happened to be a Michael Jackson album. He also condemned me for being an atheist when I threw him out of my room. I've got an interview lined up for a job Friday. If I get it, I'll see if I can move in with a friend and get the hell out of here.
  • GeoGeo
    edited October 2009
    I caught my brother in the act of vandalizing my room. He had thrown all my anime in the garbage, along with half my music collection. He had broken one of my CDs because it happened to be a Michael Jackson album. He also condemned me for being an atheist when I threw him out of my room. I've got an interview lined up for a job Friday. If I get it, I'll see if I can move in with a friend and get the hell out of here.
    Although I may not be very religious, I pray that your life turns around for the better...

    EDIT: Once you are able to get out of there for good and your parents have no strings or tabs on you, I would tell them off with as much fury as possible.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • He had thrown all my anime in the garbage, along with half my music collection.
    You recovered it though, didn't you? Regardless, that's insane, and I hope that interview goes well and that you can then start living your life.
    EDIT: Once you are able to get out of there for good and your parents have no strings or tabs on you, I would tell them off with as much fury as possible.
    To the contrary, I would disappear and never contact any of them ever again.
  • edited October 2009
    You recovered it though, didn't you? Regardless, that's insane, and I hope that interview goes well and that you can then start living your life.
    The reason he threw them out is because "anime sucks, and you should be ashamed for liking it" and that they were "un-American." Take that as you will.
    EDIT: Once you are able to get out of there for good and your parents have no strings or tabs on you, I would tell them off with as much fury as possible.
    To the contrary, I would disappear and never contact any of them ever again.
    I'll do both.
    Post edited by Diagoras on
  • EDIT: Once you are able to get out of there for good and your parents have no strings or tabs on you, I would tell them off with as much fury as possible.
    To the contrary, I would disappear and never contact any of them ever again.
    I'll do both.
    Telling them off is just proving, through their twisted logic, that they're right. Don't even give them that satisfaction. People who warp religion like that to hurt others...They don't deserve that satisfaction.
  • I wasn't merely suggesting physical beauty. Just because some shares one interest, doesn't make them intelligent, smart, fun, kind, giving, etc.
    Yeah, but a common interest always a good place to start. I think you're getting waaaaay to serious about the comment I made.
    I don't think Davis was being serious.
    Was to, trying to find me a semi-geeky, anime/video games girl. I'm not good at the dating scene so this is quite difficult.
  • Was to, trying to find me a semi-geeky, anime/video games girl. I'm not good at the dating scene so this is quite difficult.
    You can try what I did -- just find a cool, smart, fun girl and turn her into a semi-geeky anime/video games girl.
  • Was to, trying to find me a semi-geeky, anime/video games girl. I'm not good at the dating scene so this is quite difficult.
    You can try what I did -- just find a cool, smart, fun girl and turn her into a semi-geeky anime/video games girl.
    Or you can look for someone who's emotionally and value-wise compatible with you, and if the geeky thing doesn't work, you just make sure she accepts your differences and don't let it consume your life. This is what I'm expecting might happen to me when I realize that I'm not emotionally compatible with a lot of nerdy girls, as I've already experienced, sort of...
    The point is, geeky girls are great, but don't limit yourself. Interests aren't the single most important thing in a relationship. Sometimes they should take the back burner to more important traits.
  • This is what I'm expecting might happen to me when I realize that I'm not emotionally compatible with a lot of nerdy girls, as I've already experienced, sort of...
    What do you mean when you say "emotionally compatible"? Do you want to give any more details?
  • This is what I'm expecting might happen to me when I realize that I'm not emotionally compatible with a lot of nerdy girls, as I've already experienced, sort of...
    What do you mean when you say "emotionally compatible"? Do you want to give any more details?
    Emotionally, personality-wise...Someone who even if you don't share the same interests, you have similar views and personalities. Maybe you're both optimistic, fun-loving kind of people, or you're both more reserved, and able to just enjoy quite time. Maybe compatibility can be that someone is different from you, so they help you try new things. Sometimes people just click, even if they aren't really similar. That's what I mean. If you just enjoy being around someone, but they don't share all your interests, that shouldn't be a roadblock, I think.
  • Sometimes people just click, even if they aren't really similar. That's what I mean. If you just enjoy being around someone, but they don't share all your interests, that shouldn't be a roadblock, I think.
    Oh, yeah, I totally agree with that. Though I think to really get along, you have to have at least some interests in common. It might not be the things you expect -- taste in movies, music, etc. -- but there's gotta be something you can do together. I guess I thought you meant something more specific about your emotional differences, rather than just general compatibility.
  • Sometimes people just click, even if they aren't really similar. That's what I mean. If you just enjoy being around someone, but they don't share all your interests, that shouldn't be a roadblock, I think.
    Oh, yeah, I totally agree with that. Though I think to really get along, you have to have at least some interests in common. It might not be the things you expect -- taste in movies, music, etc. -- but there's gotta be something you can do together. I guess I thought you meant something more specific about your emotional differences, rather than just general compatibility.
    Yeah, no, I don't know too much about dating, seeing as how I've never even gone on a date or kissed a girl or anything, but that much I know based on what married couples and dating couples have told me.
    And obviously interests are important, but if you're big into anime, you don't have to date someone big into anime. If you can go see other types of movies or shows together, or play games or do other things. Don't let one of your interests/identities define you in a relationship. I'm a geek, but I know I have interests that aren't considered "super geeky" that a more "non-geek" girl would find interesting. Even if I would prefer watching anime, if you can find any kind of common interest, build on that. Don't rely on one interest, or a set of similar interests, to be a matchmaker for you.
    For me, it's just that I know a lot of geeky girls are different from me in several ways. While we may share some cynicism and sarcasm, I ultimately have different opinions on a lot of things than most geeks I know. I'm also far more tame, I suppose.
  • You guys are thinking really hard about this...
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