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Booh yah!



  • I got a My Little Pony put in Monday's Penny Arcade strip during the Make a Strip panel.
  • New Xbox 360 Get
  • 2 interviews on Friday!
  • 2 interviews on Friday!
    First with Ecovative
    Second with Regeneron
    Many lucks to you.

    My personal boo-yah, I've successfully added flossing to my daily routine after not doing it most of my life. Been flossing for a month, haven't missed a day.
  • Just handed in an essay that I think I did rather well on. Feel that my technique is improving greatly and I'm starting to feel like a real historian. Just need to find a tweed jacket.
  • I've been roped into helping with prop design for a friend's film. In an hour I've reduced their costs by 1/3 and planned out all the actual work to be done tomorrow.
  • Been a somewhat slow work week. Much needed following PAX. Also, I'm less than a week behind on podcast episodes after at one point having a 50 episode backlog. I did decide to unsubscribe from Smodcast as part of this, and I don't really miss it.
  • I bought myself a new electric piano. Yay!
  • So yeah, Community got renewed for a third season! :D
  • I just pre-ordered the Sims Medieval, so excited!!!!! (and probably the only person on this forum who still plays the Sims ._.)
  • Alright, I try to avoid too many RIT Hockey posts here, but things are getting big now, and some of you probably care. The D1 men's team is playing in the AHA championship game tomorrow, and the D3 women's team is playing in the NCAA championship game tomorrow. Both are at 7:00pm Eastern, and both will be streamed on Witr. You might be able to find a video stream somewhere if you try hard, but I'm not sure.

    Oh, and if you're in the Rochester area, come to one of the games! Men are at Blue Cross Arena (formerly the War Memorial) and women are at RIT.
  • Pretty sure I just passed my 2nd degree black-belt test, though I won't know for a week or two (they pass just about everyone, though, so I'm not too worried).
  • Running Phantasy Star Online on a private server, on my netbook, meaning I get to play it for free. HELLZ YEAH.
  • Running Phantasy Star Online on a private server, on my netbook, meaning I get to play it for free. HELLZ YEAH.
    Playing an MMO, alone?
  • OMG Phantasy Star Online. How could I have forgotten about that. I need to remake my hunter.
  • Actually, I can think of a few games that would get much, much more interesting if there were FRCF private servers.
  • edited March 2011
    Actually, I can think of a few games that would get much, much more interesting if there were FRCF private servers.
    *cough* WoW *cough*
    Post edited by ninjarabbi on
  • *cough* WoW *cough*
    I would rather masturbate with ten grit sandpaper.
  • *cough* WoW *cough*
    I would rather masturbate with ten grit sandpaper.
    I'm sure theres a website for that.

    On a serious note, I'm thinking we should have more FRCF private servers. Not necessarily created by Scrym, but whoever has the know-how. Yet another way to stay in our Ivory towers ;)
  • edited March 2011
    I whole heartedly support a PSO server. The missions in that game have made me cry on more than one occasion.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I whole heartedly support a PSO server. The missions in that game have made me cry on more than one occasion.
    I'm currently playing on the Ultima PSO server, but if we wanted our own server, I'm not sure how hard it is to make. Sega isn't currently running PSO servers (and they may have shut the PSU servers down as well), so they're not actively shutting them down.
  • Boo Yah! I took apart my laptop and put it back together and not only it does still work, the fan works even better now without all that dust in there.
  • Best day at work I've ever had. There was a woman in the ER with three bags of luggage, come to find out she had been on the run from an abusive husband in North Carolina and used the last of her money to make it to Anniston where she knew the pastor of the church. I contacted a friend of mine who runs a shelter for battered women, but the woman would have to take a taxi. When I went to ask the ER charge nurse for a cab voucher, it happened to be one that doesn't like me. When she gave me the line about her not being a patient, I told her that I'm asking one last time. She replied with a smirk "What if I don't, gonna write me up?" I smiled and dropped my voice an octave lower. "Yep. Then I'll call the hospital supervisor, my director, his COO, and the hospital CEO and explain to them how you didn't want to give help to a woman who fears for her life because you wanted to follow hospital policy." In less than two minutes, I handed the woman a voucher to get her to the shelter.
  • Keep being awesome, may Thunder Liger smile upon you.
  • @JL - Awesome. Now write the bitch up anyway and tell her it's a lesson in spite.
  • Apparently microsoft decided to be nice and give me Snoopy flying ace and lode runner as free gifts. I don't think it was part of my xbox live renewal or xbox live rewards but either way free is free!
  • edited March 2011
    I found my pack (a glorious Osprey Atmos 50) for 40% off, as well as an ultralight duffle that functions as a stuffsack so I can safely check it when I fly. I got a new cable for my bike, as well. Went to Whole Foods, got the ingredients for and made an incredible Cipollini vinegrette. Picked up a cherimoya (tomorrow's breakfast--so excited), and discovered the wonders of Dr. Bronner's Almond Castile Soap.

    Fuck yeah, day one of Spring Break = success.
    @JL - Awesome. Now write the bitch up anyway and tell her it's a lesson in spite.
    You've clearly never worked in healthcare. Playing by playground rules is a dangerous game in an atmosphere where everything and anything can be fixed or switched up with a favor or a friendship, and someone can just as easily make a little but absolutely necessary part of your life fucking miserable if you piss them off.

    Imagine getting a tech pissed. That tech sets up your OR. He knows where you want every instrument, how you like every light, every monitor, every machine set. So, he just moves, tweaks, changes, forgets just a little to make one surgery run 45 minutes to an hour late. Suddenly, your day is fucked, your phone is ringing constantly, you miss dinner or drinks with someone, and you're not even sure if it was done intentionally.

    These things happen. JL will tell you.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • So what your saying is that Grey's Anatomy is for real?
  • Not quite. There's a lot less sex in supply closets, for instance. Scrubs would be more apt; it's actually the most accurate portrayal of hospital life on TV, both from my experiences and those of the doctors and nurses I talk to.
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