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Booh yah!



  • ... got a tax refund.

    I didn't pay any taxes this year.

    For some reason the gubberment wants to give me $150. Ok, I say, if you really wanna...
  • ... got a tax refund.

    I didn't pay any taxes this year.

    For some reason the gubberment wants to give me $150. Ok, I say, if you really wanna...
    And a tea-partier just rage quit from the internet. :P
  • No, clearly her refund is too small. We need a negative income tax rate. Only for the super wealthy, though, so they can be all bootstrappy and give American jobs to American workers.
  • Jeremy bought us matching Paopu fruit (from Kingdom Hearts) from Etsy.

  • D'awwwwwww
    That's pretty cool.
  • I'm getting transferred to a new project that has a lot more system engineer type responsibilities and a lot less developer responsibilities.
  • I'm getting transferred to a new project that has a lot more system engineer type responsibilities and a lot less developer responsibilities.
    I thought for a moment there you were involved in Systems Engineering, my poorly named field of choice.
  • BOO-YAH: Last night I checked out a local gaming group that I had recently discovered through BoardGameGeek. They meet every single Wednesday in the food court area of the local bowling alley, but I've been too busy to stop by lately. I wish I had gone sooner b/c this group rocks. They are open to play anything, so they don't have that snooty elitist gamer thing going on, but their preferred games: Puerto Rico, T&E, Agricola, etc. This is just what I need to cure my wooden cube craving.

    Overall, just very excited to find a regular group close to my house. It's been three years now since I moved, and my gaming has consisted mainly of friends meeting at my house from an hour plus away in each direction (too far to meet regularly) and NerdNYC events (usually only worth the long trip if I can time it with a work day in the city, or for Recesses which are infrequent).

    Funniest part of the night was that when I mentioned NerdNYC they said "oh do you know Rym & Scott? They always mention going there on their podcast."
  • Funniest part of the night was that when I mentioned NerdNYC they said "oh do you know Rym & Scott? They always mention going there on their podcast."
    Ha hahaha! See? We're achieved "D-level" celebrity status. We're at the same level as a local news weatherman!
  • edited April 2011
    Funniest part of the night was that when I mentioned NerdNYC they said "oh do you know Rym & Scott? They always mention going there on their podcast."
    Ha hahaha! See? We're achieved "D-level" celebrity status. We're at the same level as a local news weatherman!
    Hah, yes I commend you for having a very accurate read of your celebrity, but "D-level" is pretty damn good. Look at all those other letters in the alphabet! I'm climbing my way up from "R-level." My biggest moment of self-realization to date was getting served facebook advertisements encouraging me to go read... my own posts.

    Of course from the gaming group, nobody else posts on the forums here, or I would have known about them sooner. I encouraged membership so maybe we'll see a new face or two.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • See if Scrym told this story on the podcast, they would get all sorts of people in the forum realising that there are other geeks nearby and on this forum.
  • I'm getting transferred to a new project that has a lot more system engineer type responsibilities and a lot less developer responsibilities.
    Nice... Reminds me of how I quit my last job because I was transferred to a new project that had a lot lest developer type responsibilities and a lot more system administration type responsibilities. That sucked, but my new job is pretty cool, so I guess I can't complain too much.
  • edited April 2011
    Nice... Reminds me of how I quit my last job because I was transferred to a new project that had a lot lest developer type responsibilities and a lot more system administration type responsibilities. That sucked, but my new job is pretty cool, so I guess I can't complain too much.
    It's all about what you wanna do. I've been a developer for the past 2 years or so because it's what was available (crashed stock market and all).

    Also, my development efforts are moving away from a custom in house framework that generally fucked everything up and more to regular java/spring/hibernate. I'm also doing agile development for the first time.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • I've been a developer for the past 2 years or so because it's what was available (crashed stock market and all).
    What do you actually want to do then?
  • What do you actually want to do then?
    I thought that was apparent by my boo-yah.
  • What do you actually want to do then?
    I thought that was apparent by my boo-yah.
    Systems Engineer is fairly nebulous, what exactly will you be doing?
  • Nice... Reminds me of how I quit my last job because I was transferred to a new project that had a lot lest developer type responsibilities and a lot more system administration type responsibilities. That sucked, but my new job is pretty cool, so I guess I can't complain too much.
    It's all about what you wanna do. I've been a developer for the past 2 years or so because it's what was available (crashed stock market and all).

    Also, my development efforts are moving away from a custom in house framework that generally fucked everything up and more to regular java/spring/hibernate. I'm also doing agile development for the first time.
    That's cool. I've been a systems software developer my entire career and I wanted to stick at that. With that project transfer, I basically was turned into the "script our customized Linux installer" bitch. Even after getting the installer working, most of what I would have been working on was glue scripts and wrappers around various Linux CLI tools with no obvious opportunity to get back into systems software development. I mean, I did have the knowledge to do so, but it wasn't what I wanted to do and I felt that this change in direction was going to torpedo my career as a systems software developer.
  • Systems Engineer is fairly nebulous, what exactly will you be doing?
    This will expose me to many aspects of being a systems engineer. I'm going to be managing network configurations, virtual machines, multi client OS, and HBSS. I'm looking forward to the experience.
  • Hello,

    Thank you so much for your interest in and application to the Microsoft High School Internship program at NERD. After carefully reviewing a high volume of impressive resumes and applications, we are very excited to inform you that you have been selected as a candidate for the program and we would like to invite you to interview!
  • Hello,

    Thank you so much for your interest in and application to the Microsoft High School Internship program at NERD. After carefully reviewing a high volume of impressive resumes and applications, we are very excited to inform you that you have been selected as a candidate for the program and we would like to invite you to interview!
  • I'm also doing agile development for the first time.
  • After about half an hour of sitting on my lap, the rabbit began to clean himself, a sign that he's pretty relaxed.

    Though I now smell strongly of rabbit.
  • Eh?! How do you manage to smell like a rabbit? One thing I like about them is they don't smell, typically.
    Is it a skunky smell? It might be the scent glands on his bum.
    Anyway, I'm glad he was chill sitting on your lap. My rabbits HATE being picked up. They tolerate it, but they sure aren't relaxed.
    Happy Bunday, everyone!
  • On our way out of the Sheraton on Sunday at Anime Boston, we ran in to Henry Winkler, who you may know as The Fonz. He seems very nice.
  • Setup a pfsense firewall for my house. I can haz logging.
  • On our way out of the Sheraton on Sunday at Anime Boston, we ran in to Henry Winkler, who you may know as The Fonz. He seems very nice.
    He is such a nice guy! ^_^
  • Found my supercard while looking for my calculator in the Small Technology I Don't Use Anymore box. Bam, like 5x more DS games!
  • My friend has been doing an "underground" advertising campaign for my website, so I've been seeing awesome spikes AND got my first fan-mail! Things are looking up.
  • I just 7.11 Km in 38 min. I am slowly going back to running an it feels great :P
  • I just 7.11 Km in 38 min. I am slowly going back to running an it feels great :P
    Nice! That's a pretty good pace if you haven't been at it for a while. I haven't been able to run for a couple of weeks due to a foot injury. I just went for my first proper run since I hurt it on Monday, and it was quite awesome.
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