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Booh yah!



  • I've tried every allergy medication I could find, but to no avail.
    A combination of diphenhydramine for itchy eyes and pseudoephedrine for the runny nose usually does it for me.
  • I've tried every allergy medication I could find, but to no avail.
    A combination of diphenhydramine for itchy eyes and pseudoephedrine for the runny nose usually does it for me.
    Yeah. I usually opt for a mix of psudeoephedrine and loratadine, though.
  • So long as it's not phenylephrine. That stuff is useless.
  • Starting next month I'll be living in a new apartment. (New for me that is, apartment and house itself is quite old.)
  • I just got to listening to the whole SNMP episode and heard my story brought up. Booyah!
  • Went to Subway today to get cookies and the lady behind the counter gave me all the broken cookies for no extra cost (about 4 cookies worth)!
  • A lot of you know this from the Dating thread, but...
  • I just run 5.27 miles in 46.39 minutes, and you know what is the best part?
    I didn't twist my ankle this time :D
    Also, congrats on the sex!
  • I just run 5.27 miles in 46.39 minutes, and you know what is the best part?
    I didn't twist my ankle this time :D
    Nice! You're getting faster, and making me feel lazy. ;)
    If you are having trouble with rolling your ankle, I find that a very minimalist shoe helps prevent that, in addition to the benefits they give to your form and such. I've never tweaked my ankle while running in my vibrams, and I've also stopped getting any knee aches once I started to run only in my Five Fingers. I've also been thinking about making a pair of huaraches for a second pair of pseudo-barefoot running shoes.
  • Fucking finished with exams fuck yes!
  • Prescription get!
  • edited May 2011
    Despite having a stressful few days, I've been home and working on creative things. TNG-inspired short story is making so much progress. I even have a good draft of it's "opening monologue!"
    Post edited by JukeBoxJosh on
  • I just found out that my school offers X-rays for $10! I can finally go get that X-Ray of my leg!
  • I just found out that my school offers X-rays for $10! I can finally go get that X-Ray of my leg!
    God no, that's an awful idea.
    X-rays are reserved for medical emergencies. The side affects are way too serious to do it on a whim.
  • edited May 2011
    I just found out that my school offers X-rays for $10! I can finally go get that X-Ray of my leg!
    God no, that's an awful idea.
    X-rays are reserved for medical emergencies. The side affects are way too serious to do it on a whim.
    Who said anything about it being on a whim? My leg has been hurting for a month. I got my prescription for the x-ray a week and a half ago. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because I don't have insurance and I cant afford it otherwise.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Besides, he's just plain wrong about
    X-rays are reserved for medical emergencies.
    unless he's taking a rather unusual meaning for the word 'emergency'.
  • edited May 2011
    I just found out that my school offers X-rays for $10! I can finally go get that X-Ray of my leg!
    God no, that's an awful idea.
    X-rays are reserved for medical emergencies. The side affects are way too serious to do it on a whim.
    I'm studying to be a radiologist. I can say with near-certainty that you're wrong. A leg x-ray delivers less than 20 millsieverts of radiation; you get 3-4 times more radiation on a flight from NYC to LA. We use x-rays just like bloodwork: to make diagnoses and confirm hypotheses, and they are quite safe now that we have high-sensitivity film and machines we can calibrate to exacting levels of discharge. You're crazy if you believe x-rays are for emergencies only.

    Vic, go get the x-ray, sounds like you need it.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Who said anything about it being on a whim? My leg has been hurting for a month. I got my prescription for the x-ray a week and a half ago. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because I don't have insurance and I cant afford it otherwise.
    Wasn't this because you got hit my a car when you were on your bike?
  • edited May 2011
    Who said anything about it being on a whim? My leg has been hurting for a month. I got my prescription for the x-ray a week and a half ago. The only reason I haven't done it yet is because I don't have insurance and I cant afford it otherwise.
    Wasn't this because you got hit my a car when you were on your bike?
    Nah, my leg started hurting long after. I think it maybe a dietary problem because, since my doctors visit, I've started drinking lots of fruit juices and my leg has been feeling progressively better. I'll still get the Xray because that's the smart thing to do, but I don't think my doctor asked me enough questions, so I'll be leery if he says we should go on to the MRI.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited May 2011
    They recommended an MRI? For leg pain? It makes sense, but seems a bit extreme unless its a condition requiring surgical correction.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • They recommended an MRI? For leg pain? It makes sense, but seems a bit extreme unless its a condition requiring surgical correction.
    I edited my post, but what he said in the office was that he'll do an X-ray to see if its a circulation problem or if I've hurt myself somehow, but if nothing turns up on the xray then he thinks we should do an MRI.
  • edited May 2011
    Yeah, that makes more sense. Although, if the problem is in soft tissue or a circulatory issue, he probably will need an MRI, so don't be overly wary.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Day started with a breakfast of muffins
    Followed by doing way better than expected on my AP US History test
    Then I had an hour or so of free time, which I spent getting my Christian Service paper in with no problems then talking with friends
    After which I had my interview with Microsoft which went really well
    Then I came home and watched the amazing season finale of MLP

  • Fucking finished with exams fuck yes!
    So the semester had a happy ending? :P
  • Went and played in a creek today. I really need to get out to the springs sometime this summer.
  • Store is set up, looking for approval from the other half of the Eric and Josh team, and we should have merch before my birthday.
  • Cut my own hair. Well, more buzz cut my own hair. Anyway, I have short hair now and the means to easily keep it short all summer.
  • Tonight I went on a date to an open stage night at a bar around the corner. It was really cool! The music was really good, except for one guy who turned up with a camera crew, and kinda took over the place. Unfortunately he was on just before I got up to play, and the camera crew kept turning on and off light while I played my first song, filming the audience for the reverse shots. Fuck them.

    But I had a good time on stage! People asked for more, so I played 5 songs in the end. I got lots of compliments, although about half weren't for the music but for my stage manner. It seems being a professional entertainer helps out with confidence on stage.

    Later I played guitar with a didgeridoo player and drummer. It was certainly a novel experience, but awesome. This is the first time I've played in public on a stage like this in years, and I'm going to do it again in the future. I might even take my stage piano.
  • Laptop shipped! Found a $50 mandolin from Rogue that I might pick up to cross "learn mandolin" off my shit-talk list this summer!
  • So I got a 25 dollar amazon gift card, so Castle Waiting and a couple more Pokemone Adventure manga are coming to me soon. Plus now that I'm done with finals I actually have the time to read all these things.
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