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Booh yah!



  • Warm today.

    Probably not very warm tomorrow.
  • edited April 2011
    Permission to write: GRANTED!
    I will hopefully be defending by the end of June or early August. ^_^
    Post edited by Dr. Zibbelcoot PhD on
  • Warm today.

    Probably not very warm tomorrow.
    We're supposed to snap from 60F to 40F over the next 24 hours. Another squall/tornado/flood/storm/all four is/are likely. Hoo-fucking-ray.
  • Permission to write: GRANTED!
    I will hopefully be defending by the end of June or early August. ^_^
  • Permission to write: GRANTED!
    I will hopefully be defending by the end of June or early August. ^_^
  • Permission to write: GRANTED!
    I will hopefully be defending by the end of June or early August. ^_^
  • I only have to get a 29/100 on my last final to get a B! Much less concerned about studying now.
    Wait Science only has one point? ...We've got a lot of work if we want to beat Superstition.
  • We've got a lot of work if we want to beat Superstition.
    Always. :(
    Now we can grow babies specifically to harvest their cells! Cuz, ya know... women like to go through months of torturous pregnancy shit just to donate their unborn babies to medicine. That's totally what will happen. Abortions all around!!
  • Abortions...FOR SCIENCE!!!!!
  • edited April 2011
    Abortions all around!!

    How many can name the line I'm thinking of with nothing more than this gif? [probably most of you]
    Post edited by Neito on
  • edited May 2011
    One man is dead. What still lives is the hatred in the hearts of the scores of people on both sides who can't let go.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • My sister is getting married to one of the most caring, upstanding gentlemen I've ever met. I couldn't be happier for her.

  • Are you getting invited to the bachelor party?
  • Are you getting invited to the bachelor party?
    Most likely. Knowing him and his terribly Italian family, it will be a low-key affair involving good wine and lots of food. Knowing his younger brother it will involve good wine, lots of food, and a surprise stripper.
  • Are you getting invited to the bachelor party?
    Most likely. Knowing him and his terribly Italian family, it will be a low-key affair involving good wine and lots of food. Knowing his younger brother it will involve good wine, lots of food, and a surprise stripper.
    The Hangover: GünterTime Edition.
  • Got elected to officer positions in Columbia's Science Fiction club and their Philolexian Society - this should be reasonably good on my resume. Although now I'm obligated to redesign this disaster of a website over the summer...
  • Although now I'm obligated to redesign this disaster of a website over the summer...
    Oh cmon, that's not that bad of a site. I'd just edit the stylesheet to make the contents of the wiki more in line with the style of the sidebar; all fancy and such.
  • The Hangover: GünterTime Edition.
    I'm still stuck in hangover time from my mate's 30th yesterday. Drinking steadily from midday to midnight - Including the pre-gaming - might not have been the smartest move I ever made.
  • I had a fantastic 5 days away in Italy at a juggling convention. The shows were good (the ones I bothered to watch), hanging out with friends was super fun, camping wasn't as bad as I imagined it might be, and I took a shit ton of photos.

    I'm not going to catch up with all the forum threads. What did I miss?
  • You missed a jolly good debate about penises. Oh and Obama killed Osama with this bare hands.
  • You missed a jolly good debate about penises. Oh and Obama killed Osama with this bear hands.
  • You missed a jolly good debate about penises. Oh and Obama killed Osama with this bear hands.
    Giving a whole new meaning to the second amendment.
  • My allergies have FINALLY ABATED.

    For 21 years of my life, I was allergic to only one thing: dust. Which kind of sucked, since I like old shit, but at least I was always acutely aware of situations that would cause me to sneeze myself to death. This spring, it seems I've developed an allergy to THE VERY AIR ITSELF.

    Over the past two weeks, I've tried every allergy medication I could find, but to no avail. I am so incredibly glad that this shit is over.

    For now...
  • Got an override into the class that was going to make me stay an extra semester to complete! I can still graduate in the fall now! Instead of a year from now...because of art.
  • Got an A plus on a project in my Intro to Computational Physics class, and the instructor specifically told me he was impressed! Now to finish the next one...
  • Been biking to work.
    Over lunch, biked to the Williamsburg Bridge and had lunch.

    Minor fail: have to use my arse-old mountain bike so that I don't risk anyone stealing my real bike.
    Minor booh-yah: I'm basically training on a hachi-roku.
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