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Booh yah!



  • My ear that's been stuffed up for months finally popped!
  • edited September 2011
    When I saw this I realized it was pumpkin time and I could now have pumpkin in ALL OF THE THINGS.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • My girlfriend moves to Seattle tomorrow. Good-bye long distance relationship, hello daily cuddles! ^_^
  • Spent the night watching awesome films and playing some of the best pranks on an unsuspecting friend in an age.
  • My girlfriend moves to Seattle tomorrow. Good-bye long distance relationship, hello daily cuddles! ^_^
    Good for you, dude.
  • My girlfriend moves to Seattle tomorrow. Good-bye long distance relationship, hello daily cuddles! ^_^
    Good for you, dude.
  • I just found out the graphics card I ordered comes with a free copy of Arkham City for Steam! Boo Yah!
  • Sonic and i went to get out insurance paperwork done at a hospital a few weeks ago. We had to disarm before we were allowed in.
    Me: 1 stun gun (just bought it!), a kubaton, pepper spray, a multi-tool, screwdriver set,
    Sonic: a flat head screw driver, a knife, 3 razor blades, also had a multi tool i think... i cant remember anything else he had. Sonic feel free to add if i forgot anything.

    I love that we have to disarm before going into certain buildings.
    I'm going to work on my knife throwing skills next! *fluttershy squee*
  • edited September 2011
    Me: 1 stun gun (just bought it!), a kubaton, pepper spray, a multi-tool, screwdriver set,
    I'm going to work on my knife throwing skills next! *fluttershy squee*
    Aw chook, I've taught you well.
    I love that we have to disarm before going into certain buildings.
    Makes no difference to me. I'm worse than well armed, I'm creative.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited September 2011
    I like to think you weren't carrying any kind of bags and had these items located about your person.

    Misspelled my name in an email as Frex.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Misspelled my name in an email as Frex.
  • Got invited to see a Red Sox game with my roommate.
    Enjoy insane game of Red Sox pwnge including an in the park homer and a grand slam.
    Realize I'm only a minute walk from my girlfriend's dorm.
    Visit her for an hour until I need to leave to ensure that I can get home before the T closes.
    Made it home successfully.
  • I'm just super proud how good this gun and it's hipster crew looks ingame, so that's my boo-yah.

  • Swam 2 miles last night. I think that's my limit. Afterwards I felt quite drunk. My driving skills were impared and my cooking afterwards was not clever.
  • I'm worse than well armed, I'm creative
    And of course we'' versed in martial arts. Such as knify-spoony.

    Enrolled onto my next year of uni!
  • I'm worse than well armed, I'm creative
    And of course we'' versed in martial arts. Such as knify-spoony.

    Enrolled onto my next year of uni!
    That's not a knife! THIS is a knife!
  • The fail that was being promoted to tier 3 support is turning into promotion boo-yah. We're massively increasing our deployment soon and I'm going to be tier 3 lead.
  • My girlfriend moves to Seattle tomorrow. Good-bye long distance relationship, hello daily cuddles! ^_^
    I has a jealous. Congrats!
  • I swam with an AUV off the coast of Hawaii this morning.
  • I got my medication fixed with relative ease and I'm getting to adopt my new bunny (Boo Boo!) on Saturday morning. Time to get stuff ready for her!
  • Community + Doctor Who reference = Awesome :D
  • Community + Doctor Who reference = Awesome :D
    I love Inspector Spacetime.
  • I got my medication fixed with relative ease and I'm getting to adopt my new bunny (Boo Boo!) on Saturday morning. Time to get stuff ready for her!
    BooBoo is so cute! You still have Ozy, right? Are you going to try and bond them?
  • I got my medication fixed with relative ease and I'm getting to adopt my new bunny (Boo Boo!) on Saturday morning. Time to get stuff ready for her!
    BooBoo is so cute! You still have Ozy, right? Are you going to try and bond them?
    Ozymandias lives with my parents (he's my dad's bunny mostly), and BooBoo will be mine, so she'll stay at my apartment most of the time. My dad REALLY wants me to bring BooBoo into town so she can bond with Ozy, partially because Ozy is really lonely (he got kind of attached to Thumper and really misses him now) and partially so that if I need to have her bunny-sat while I'm away for extended-ish periods of time, my parents can handle it without issue.
  • Did a bunch more fire juggling tonight. Finally confidant to do most of my tricks. I even tried some new stuff that I just started learning tonight like a throw that functions like a helicopter rotor.
  • Listening to Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot, I nailed the "Abba abba mori mori".
  • Sign up for the circus skills group at school. Should be fun!
  • Ozymandias lives with my parents (he's my dad's bunny mostly), and BooBoo will be mine, so she'll stay at my apartment most of the time. My dad REALLY wants me to bring BooBoo into town so she can bond with Ozy, partially because Ozy is really lonely (he got kind of attached to Thumper and really misses him now) and partially so that if I need to have her bunny-sat while I'm away for extended-ish periods of time, my parents can handle it without issue.
    But won't that be hard on them, if you bond them and then take her away to your apartment again? Won't they get more lonely?
  • Ozymandias lives with my parents (he's my dad's bunny mostly), and BooBoo will be mine, so she'll stay at my apartment most of the time. My dad REALLY wants me to bring BooBoo into town so she can bond with Ozy, partially because Ozy is really lonely (he got kind of attached to Thumper and really misses him now) and partially so that if I need to have her bunny-sat while I'm away for extended-ish periods of time, my parents can handle it without issue.
    But won't that be hard on them, if you bond them and then take her away to your apartment again? Won't they get more lonely?
    Yeah, that was part of the problem we had with Ozy bonding with Thumper. Thumper was happy to have his own place and his own people, but Ozy got super lonely as soon as Thumper was gone and still doesn't really understand why Thumper hasn't come back. I'm skeptical of bonding Ozy to another bunny only to have his friend be living far away about 90-95% of the time. It seems like not the best idea to me, I guess we'll see what happens.
    I have to get BooBoo adjusted to living with me in my apartment first, before I worry too much about introducing another rabbit to the equation. She's been around the same people and the same place since birth, so I'm anticipating a bit of settling-in time.
  • 14 pounds of pork belly for 10 bucks.

    Now to make bacon.

    /Pete of the Ample Meat
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