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Booh yah!



  • You'd better stop before the fujoshi get here.
  • You'd better stop before the fujoshi get here.
  • Cute girl from across the hall totally likes Neutral Milk Hotel, Andrew Jackson Jihad, and Wingnut Dishwashers Union, and wants to hang out and shit. Must not mess this shit up.
  • Neutral Milk Hotel, Andrew Jackson Jihad, and Wingnut Dishwashers Union
    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume those are indie bands, because no other group would be stupid enough to call themselves those. Seriously, those are terrible names.
  • Neutral Milk Hotel, Andrew Jackson Jihad, and Wingnut Dishwashers Union
    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume those are indie bands, because no other group would be stupid enough to call themselves those. Seriously, those are terrible names.
    "The Beatles"
  • Neutral Milk Hotel, Andrew Jackson Jihad, and Wingnut Dishwashers Union
    I'm going to go out on a limb and assume those are indie bands, because no other group would be stupid enough to call themselves those. Seriously, those are terrible names.
    Two of the three of them are also considered among the best groups in their respective genre niches in the past 20 years. And "indie" isn't a genre. But y'know. Whatever.
  • "The Beatles"
    At least that makes a modicum of sense. At least that has the common decency to be a pun. Those... Those are just three words pulled out of a hat at random.
  • Because no other bands have had stupid names.
  • Two of the three of them are also considered among the best groups in their respective genre niches in the past 20 years. And "indie" isn't a genre. But y'know. Whatever.
    At least that makes a modicum of sense. At least that has the common decency to be a pun. Those... Those are just three words pulled out of a hat at random.
    Both of these are valid points.
  • Because no other bands have had stupid names.
    Things were better back in my day because I am an 80 year old man in a 24 year old's body.
  • Two of the three of them are also considered among the best groups in their respective genre niches in the past 20 years. And "indie" isn't a genre. But y'know. Whatever.
    At least that makes a modicum of sense. At least that has the common decency to be a pun. Those... Those are just three words pulled out of a hat at random.
    Both of these are valid points.

    Argument nullified.
  • Things were better back in my day because I am an 80 year old man in a 24 year old's body.
    Is that you, HungryJoe?
  • edited September 2011
    At least that makes a modicum of sense. At least that has the common decency to be a pun. Those... Those are just three words pulled out of a hat at random.
    Creedence Clearwater Revival? Electric Light Orchestra?

    The "point" should be that the potential lameness of the name is completely forgotten about if the music is good. Or, at least, if people like the music.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited September 2011
    Eh. I'm not particularly enamoured with the lyrics, but the tune's not bad. Not impressed, but I suppose everyone has their particular cup of tea. I mean seriously, I'm sure a lot of the music I listen to would elicit cringes from most people.

    Still ~gettin mad at band names~ though.
    Electric Light Orchestra?
    Welp, you got me. One of my favorites, them.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • Argument nullified.
    This man's voice annoys me greatly. That milk hotel is anything but neutral.
    Electric Light Orchestra?
    Welp, you got me. One of my favorites, them.
  • I've been emailing back and forth with an elderly couple who has to give up the bunny they have hand raised since birth. She's a purebred Dutch, around 7 months, and her name is Boo Boo. Upon emailing about my interest and explaining a little about my background with rabbits and why I want to adopt her, the current owners have told me they really like me and that I'm "exactly the kind of person they were hoping to find" for their bunny. They sent me a bunch of specific background information on her and also this video:

    ...I'm totally pumped about getting another rabbit. Not that I'm trying to replace Thumper; I love him like crazy and there's never going to be another Thumper. But I really want a bunny here. They help me get through a lot.
  • You'd better stop before the fujoshi get here.
    Boys kissing.
  • There is a crepe place in a local mall now.
  • edited September 2011
    Do they serve crepes properly (like street food that you can walk while eating) or fancily like the American bastards they are?
    Post edited by Greg on
  • DC exploded in crepes the past 2 years. The best is this street stand in Chinatown.
  • The best is this street stand in Chinatown.
    Can I get a Mongolian Beef crepe?
  • image
  • Community Season 2 is out and it is awesome :D

    Annies' boobs is so cute :D
  • Do they serve crepes properly (like street food that you can walk while eating) or fancily like the American bastards they are?
  • The best is this street stand in Chinatown.
    Can I get a Mongolian Beef crepe?
    That sounds nasty. XP Also, no. They have a good breakfast crepe and other savory and dessert types!
  • Boo Boo! I love dutch rabbits. (My forum avatar may be some indication.)
    They have such a pretty shape as a breed and they are often very active and friendly.

    Also, Viga, speaking of Avatars, I love yours.
  • Problem room mate will be leaving in 2 months! ^-^
  • This guy is teaching my Intro to Comp-Sci class. From the one class I've been to so far, I have only good things to say about him.
  • edited September 2011
    Boo Boo! I love dutch rabbits. (My forum avatar may be some indication.)
    They have such a pretty shape as a breed and they are often very active and friendly.
    I've never had a dutch or really had any personal experience with one, so I'm glad to hear that they have traditionally good temperaments. Boo Boo's owners used to be breeders, so I feel like they probably know how to raise her pretty well. She's the smallest of her litter. They can't keep her because they have a vicious Pekingneses dog, but they say they've been handling her consistently for her whole life. All in all, the situation and bunny both sound super promising and I'm really excited and hopeful!
    ...I'll probably rename her "Beatrix" though, after Beatrix Potter. That way I can keep the name Boo Boo but she can also have a nicer/more formal name. Also, I've always wanted to name a bunny after Beatrix Potter.

    PS: Unrelated, but for those who are wondering because of my very emotional explosion earlier this week, Ryan/Li and I are fine now. We sorted things out and came to an understanding.
    I'm super glad, I hate being upset with that guy.
    Post edited by Anrild on
  • edited September 2011
    I'll probably rename her "Beatrix" though, after Beatrix Potter.
    That is a great name. And good, I'm glad.
    Post edited by Sail on
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