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Booh yah!



  • Wait, if you really were old fashioned, wouldn't you have your tea served to you by a woman in a gingham dress?
  • Wait, if you really were old fashioned, wouldn't you have your tea served to you by a woman in a gingham dress?
    Do you think I haven't tried?
  • Call me old fashioned if you absolutely must, but I prefer to have a spout, rather than the little curved lip you have on that teapot. Though, admittedly, my main teapot is not entirely dissimilar - Borosilicate glass, basket infuser, so on. I might grab a picture later on.
    I have one of those, too.
    Wait, if you really were old fashioned, wouldn't you have your tea served to you by a woman in a gingham dress?
  • My AR15 upper is on it's way. ^_^
  • I've got all the equipment I need to fully equip 2 people to play airsoft (minus an extra set of BDUs). I also have 2 more M4/M16 mags on the way just to fill out the equipment.
  • Wait, if you really were old fashioned, wouldn't you have your tea served to you by a woman in a gingham dress?
    I do, actually. I make my own tea.
    I mean... what?
  • I do, actually. I make my own tea.
    I mean... what?
    You know where you are?
  • edited October 2011
    Went to the Strand for the first time today, despite having been in New York for most of a year. Got some cheap Asimov books and found that they were breaking street date on Terry Pratchett's Snuff by three days, and with it at half price!
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Oh shits! Snuff's coming out on Tuesday?!
  • Oh shits! Snuff's coming out on Tuesday?!
    Yep. And Terry Pratchett's signing it at the Tribeca Barnes & Noble on Thursday.
  • Despite barely knowing anything about coding, I was hanging out with some friends as they worked on challenge problems in preparation for code sprint. Using my knowledge of discrete math, I was able to help with a few and ended up hanging out with them all night.
  • Today I got a free OnLive console, met Ashly Burch, and ate brownies with Kip from The Pains of Being Pure at Heart.
  • edited October 2011
    So I totally started doing this Medifast thing with my wife. (Your Mom) And regardless of the long term consequences of my actions, I lost 12.2 pounds in one week. I'm sure much of it is water weight. but I dropped from 238.8 to 226.6 in 7 days. Wow. you know what I want to celebrate a fucking Cheeseburger..... Regardless, the only time the diet has sucked so far is when I'm out with friends since I'm a social eater and drinker.

    //Also moved BMI from Obese to overweight.. Nice ;-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Casually learned how to sign "Winter is coming" in ASL this morning.
  • Casually learned how to sign "Winter is coming" in ASL this morning.

  • I know that Dell computers are not the highest of quality (understatement of the year), but I just picked up a sweet XPS for about 150$. After having only a netbook for about a year it's nice to have a system that can actually play games and watch movies at actual high quality.
  • Matt Harding, star of the "Where The Hell is Matt?" dancing badly all over the world videos is coming to Germany to dance badly for his next video. I'm going to make it down to Dresden on Saturday to join in. And, I hope, get a video of him dancing and me juggling in the same video. Should be a fun crossover!
  • On Saturday, I finally got my first pilot's lesson (I had to cancel twice before due to poor weather). It was awesome flying around in the skies over Mansfield, MA, with me at the controls (though the instructor handled the harder parts like take-offs and landings).
  • edited October 2011
    On Saturday, I finally got my first pilot's lesson (I had to cancel twice before due to poor weather). It was awesome flying around in the skies over Mansfield, MA, with me at the controls (though the instructor handled the harder parts like take-offs and landings).
    Awesome, good work! As for the rest, It's alright, takeoffs and landings are not that bad, you'll be sticking them easy before you know it - the hardest part is to remember to fly the plane and not the instruments. While simultaneously keeping an eye on the instruments, one out the windscreen, and managing your flight controls+power. Which isn't really as hard as it sounds.

    I remember my first landing...It was neither graceful nor dignified. In fact, the words "Bouncing down the runway like a fucking tennis ball" were used at one point.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Not many days you save yourself 81k but today I did refinancing my loan and reducing the time to 15 year and 4% from 5.25 and 30... Wooo. (for 600 bucks)
  • On Saturday, I finally got my first pilot's lesson (I had to cancel twice before due to poor weather). It was awesome flying around in the skies over Mansfield, MA, with me at the controls (though the instructor handled the harder parts like take-offs and landings).
    Awesome! Flying is one of my favorite things in the world.
  • FORZA 4 IS HERE!!!! ^___^
  • FORZA 4 IS HERE!!!! ^___^
    I've got the "limited edition" version waiting for me right now. I can't wait.
  • On Saturday, I finally got my first pilot's lesson (I had to cancel twice before due to poor weather). It was awesome flying around in the skies over Mansfield, MA, with me at the controls (though the instructor handled the harder parts like take-offs and landings).
    1. Person talks on interweb about flying, but not worrying about take-offs or landings.
    2. GITMO
    3. ???
    4. Profit.
  • On Saturday, I finally got my first pilot's lesson (I had to cancel twice before due to poor weather). It was awesome flying around in the skies over Mansfield, MA, with me at the controls (though the instructor handled the harder parts like take-offs and landings).
    1. Person talks on interweb about flying, but not worrying about take-offs or landings.
    2. GITMO
    3. ???
    4. Profit.
    Actually, from what I've read, it's SOP that you don't get to take-off or land for your first few lessons. :) That tends to come later once you have shown the instructor that you have the skills to do so. Trust me, I do plan on learning how to properly take-off and land a plane, but only once my skills are such that it's safe for me to do so. :) As Churba said, it's not too difficult to learn, but it's definitely not something you want to learn until you can safely fly the thing when you're a couple thousand feet up in the air.
  • edited October 2011
    As Churba said, it's not too difficult to learn, but it's definitely not something you want to learn until you can safely fly the thing when you're a couple thousand feet up in the air.
    True dat. You have to learn a few more things and start getting a handle on what you're doing when you're flying a plane, before you're really able to do it safely enough to practice landing. Well, more than once, at least. It's just a matter of becoming familiar enough with the plane, how it handles, what you're doing, and generally just getting comfortable flying - because landing is easy once you get a handle on these things, but you're still trying to do quite a bit, and divide your attention between a number of things, while you're moving kinda quick and pretty close to the ground.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Landing in Top Gun was difficult enough, I'm imagining real life landing is a bit more difficult.

  • It's not so hard.

  • edited October 2011
    Okay, I realize y'all expect a lot out of me, but I only flew light aircraft, and I've flown a Jet aircraft once, and it wasn't solo. A fighter pilot I am not, and there is no fucking way I could land on a carrier. I wouldn't even want to try. I'd look like that NASCAR guy when they put him in the V8 Supercar.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Wow. Ordered a pair of Sennheiser HD 201s for $15 free shipping on Sunday, and they arrived today.
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