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Booh yah!



  • edited October 2011
    I went as the a comic fairy complete with wings and a skirt made of comic pages.
    ...Those poor babies and their shattered little bodies...
    Don't worry. They were bad comics on death row. Bad evil damned babies.
    You made a whole dress out of Legion Lost Issue 1?!

    Post edited by ElJoe0 on
  • After being lazy and knowing about this method for ages, I finally threaded my eyebrows.

    Why didn't I do this sooner?

    Extremely faster and more efficient than waxing or plucking. Also less painful.

    I'm amazed at the women who play $12 or more to get their eyebrows threaded. Mind you some of these women don't know the basics, but the internet provides such tutorials as well as how to shape your brows depending upon your face type as well.
  • Extremely faster and more efficient than waxing or plucking. Also less painful.
    How is it faster? Aren't they still grabbing it hair by hair? I would think waxing is faster. Also I actually don't think waxing hurts (for me). I like the feel of the hot wax ^_^
  • Extremely faster and more efficient than waxing or plucking. Also less painful.
    How is it faster? Aren't they still grabbing it hair by hair? I would think waxing is faster. Also I actually don't think waxing hurts (for me). I like the feel of the hot wax ^_^
    Well waxing also takes off a layer of skin. I think it's faster and cleaner than waxing. Waxing you have to heat the wax, prepare the strips if you need them and all that jazz. Plus you have a chance of burning yourself.

    Funny thing: Jeremy asked me what it was when he got home. He than asked me to thread his eyebrows. He has some mean bushy eyebrows. He regrets asking.

  • I just peer reviewed my first paper for journal!

  • I managed to grab a good shot of my two cats napping together. They do it a lot (they are very close) but they usually get up when they hear the camera. Added bonus in that their paws are intertwined.
    Oh my god, your black cat looks so much like mine. Tell me, does he have a t-shirt? (white patch of fur on the chest in case you didn't know, rock on if you did.)

    My boo-yah: Three nat 20's in encounters tonight. Rock the fuck on.
  • Life-long dream accomplished: Recorded a full album with my bandmates. If the initial cuts are any indiction, the final product is going to be stellar.
  • Off on my first ever circumnavigation of the world!
  • Registered for my Classes, Declared Majors, everything is prepared for next semester! :D
  • Off on my first ever circumnavigation of the world!
    Airplane, Boat, or hot air balloon?

  • My cast came in first place in our district one-act competition!
    Also, I fixed my frayed, shorted, and burnt magsafe connector.
  • Successfully bought and added 7 doors onto our Ikea bookcases after a 2 hour drive to and from Ikea in freaking Paramus, NJ.
  • Off on my first ever circumnavigation of the world!
    Airplane, Boat, or hot air balloon?

    Plane and boat. Maybe I'll take a hot air balloon ride though. Could be fun!

  • edited November 2011
    I currently have a long weekend from school (through tomorrow), and it's been exceptional so far.
    Wednesday night (admittedly early for me to start counting), I went on a first date with a wonderful girl to see Toni Morrison's Desdemona,
    Thursday night my parents came to town and brought me some things I had forgotten at home, including my 250-year-old Oxford physics book,
    Friday I hung out with my parents and then the aforementioned girl,
    Saturday I rushed Anything Goes with my parents, the girl, and a roommate, and my mother bought me a poster signed by the entire cast.
    Sunday I got to spend more time with my parents, and they bought me a smartphone and a bottle of Scotch.

    Weekend Acquisitions:
    Bottle of scotch
    Droid Bionic
    Anything Goes poster with ALL THE SIGNATURES
    250-year-old physics book

    I'd call this a success.
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Today I'm visiting Kauai, Hawaii. So far it looks like the best place ever for a helicopter ride. I can pretend I'm flying into Jurassic Park.
  • Today I'm visiting Kauai, Hawaii. So far it looks like the best place ever for a helicopter ride. I can pretend I'm flying into Jurassic Park.
    A significant number of scenes from Jurassic Park were filmed there. During my visit I got to see where the iconic gate was constructed.
  • My girlfriend knit me this. I feel so lucky... ^_____^


    Also, she does commissions, is considering knitted work commissions:
  • My girlfriend knit me this. I feel so lucky... ^_____^
    Also, she does commissions, is considering knitted work commissions:
    Reminds me of my Essendon bombers Scarf, but cooler. Much more than 20% before you even think it you fuckers. Stop. Christ.

    Anyways, I like the look of her stuff. I have some projects coming up she might be interested in.
  • Fucking hell, that helicopter flight was awesome. It was more like flying to Jurassic Park than I ever imagined. Also Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean. I only vomited once.
  • Tonight I impressed an Irishman with my drinking skills.
  • edited November 2011
    Tee hee. :3

    In other news, I have a girlfriend now!

    (EDIT: That's the page that displays when someone visits my website with a browser older than IE9. It looks good on IE8, but is still fucked up on IE6. I'll fix it eventually, whenever I get access to that shoddy old browser.)
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited November 2011
    Web snobbery at it's finest.
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • edited November 2011
    Little knowledge of electronics. Rebuilt three schematic images into a single schematic in Fritzing. Heres the rough draft.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Web snobbery at it's finest.
    It is seriously a pain in the ass to develop for IE <9. It's not a matter of snobbery, it's a real issue. By having IE <9, users are making their own lives and the lives of all web developers much more difficult.
  • edited November 2011
    (EDIT: That's the page that displays when someone visits my website with a browser older than IE9. It looks good on IE8, but is still fucked up on IE6. I'll fix it eventually, whenever I get access to that shoddy old browser.)
    I was a bit confused there, because I already have the latest version of Firefox AND chrome.

    Also, been meaning to mention - The overall name for any of my money making ventures, and/or what I put into any form which requires a business name, is always Churba Heavy Industries. Odd coincidence.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited November 2011
    By having IE < 9, users are making their own lives and the lives of all web developers much more difficult.
    Yes. Also, as I mentioned earlier on the twitters, I don't want to work with anyone who still thinks old IE is state of the art, and you can't always tell from a first meeting. I've had clients mention specific jquery and css3 things that they want, and then complain that it doesn't work on IE6.

    By adding this and possibly pissing off a few people, I won't be contacted by the kind of person that would take offense to it. That means the potential clients who do contact me will, at the very least, be able to see my website without weird errors and glitches. Hopefully they'll also be super cool dudes who actually want me to push the limits of web technology, instead of making the same stupid "pixel-perfect" drupal template that my inbox is deluged by requests for every day.
    I was a bit confused there, because I already have the latest version of Firefox AND chrome.
    That page is what people will be redirected to. I'm putting some javascript on my homepage that'll take care of the actual redirection. Unfortunately I'm having a little trouble capturing IE6 right now, since apparently the <!-- if lt IE 9 --> conditional is too new for it to recognize. (IE7+ seems to be ok)

    Also, nice. Heavy industries are best industries!
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Had my first bit of cigar last night. I've been told it was hand-rolled by a mostly Cuban acquaintance with Cuban tobacco (which is apparently the shit) with a cinnamon stick in it (which was awesome).
  • Early Christmas present to myself.


    My friend who sold his iPad1 is offering to sell me his used Zagg Mate keyboard. It should be compatible with the iPad 2. Not bad.

    I also am loving the Kindle app. I will be buying many books, especially knitting ones this way.
  • Love that background so much.
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