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Booh yah!



  • Happy Birthday
  • Happy Birthday
    also, ziggurat
  • Happy Birthday
  • Happy Birthday
  • Hoopy Barthday.
  • Happy Birthday
    I thought we had a thread for this.

  • Happy Birthday
    Am I too late for Birthday celebrations?
  • So is Axel just the god of post-ziggurats? He didn't say something even mildly controversial this time.
  • Birthdays aren't controversial?
  • I for one believe that every time someone dies, it's God's punishment for having a birthday.
  • I would argue I don't usually say controversial things, just argumentative things.
  • Bona fide booyah:

    My team was losing 0-2 in the 1st final match, but we ended up winning 3-2. Now we have to win on Wednesday to get rid of the Once Caldas curse.
  • edited December 2011
    Post edited by Erwin on
  • Oh mans. So I woke up from a nap and checked into my flight on the SurfBox in the hostel lobby around 8pm. Got up to get some dinner, and who's in the lobby but a high school friend I haven't seen in three years! We chatted for around half an hour, I met her badass friends (one of which is also from Chicago), and we got some greasy food and hit up a pub with live traditional Irish music for some good craic. The guitarist knew Chicago and the states pretty well, and he played us an Irish folk song about immigrants in Chicago, as well as the Pogues' "Fairytale of New York" (it being Christmastime in Dublin, and all). Made plans to see them all when I get back to the States (it was her last night in Europe for this trip), and saw her off to the bus.

    Fuck yeah travelling.
  • Speaking of traveling, I'm about to embark on my epic journey to Norway. I'm posting this now because tomorrow I won't have much time. (That is, I won't have much time that's spend at a computer). I'm quite excited, I hope I'll get in some sleep tonight.
  • Speaking of traveling, I'm about to embark on my epic journey to Norway. I'm posting this now because tomorrow I won't have much time. (That is, I won't have much time that's spend at a computer). I'm quite excited, I hope I'll get in some sleep tonight.
    Smuggle in some butter. You'll make a killing.

  • I've just had my best session of Counter Strike so far. Until tonight I've usually had more kills than deaths for the first rounds, but soon my luck runs out and my kills lag behind my deaths. Tonight I got 4 or 5 kills without dying (handily my team won a few in a row) and I just stayed ahead. At one point I was way ahead, but then a cheater on the opposite team wiped us all out over and over until he was banned. I think he got 56 kills to zero deaths or some nonsense. I decided to keep playing until my deaths outnumbered my kills, but it didn't happen for almost an hour, so I stopped. I feel quite proud after only 13 hours playing Counter Strike in total.
  • edited December 2011
    My office does a Secret Santa gift exchange every year. For the second year in a row I pulled one of the attorneys who doesn't talk much at work. Other than knowing a little bit about his family, I knew that he used to be a sports writer and that his favorite team is the Mets (last year I got him a lot of Mets stuff, including a Mets lunch bag since he often brings in his lunch).
    I was really scrambling for an idea that was personal, thoughtful, within the set price limit, and wasn't just more Mets memorabilia. Then I remembered that he mentioned months ago that he loved the cocoa mix I brought in for the office. He doesn't drink coffee or tea, but he loves hot cocoa.
    Thus, the uber-cocoa bucket was conceived.


    The visible top layer includes:
    - 10 assorted Land O'Lakes Single Serve Cocoas
    - 3 canisters of Starbucks Cocoa (Toasted Marshmallow, Salted Caramel, and Double Chocolate)
    - 2 canisters of Canterbury Naturals Snuggle Up Hot Cocoa (Peppermint and White Chocolate)
    - 1 green Starbucks mug w/single serve Starbucks Peppermint Hot Cocoa Mix
    - 1 single serve Silver Leaf Collection Peppermint Hot Cocoa
    - 6 Candy Canes
    - 4 bags of marshmallows (Chocolate, Chocolate Mint, French Vanilla, and "Original")
    - 2 chocolate dipped spoons
    - 1 small dry-goods scoop

    The bottom layer includes:
    - 2 Canisters of Ghirardelli Hot Cocoa (Double Chocolate)
    - 3 Canisters of Stephen's Gourmet Candycane Hot Cocoa (the original hot cocoa I brought in that he really liked)

    I Christmas'd the shit out of that bitch!
    Post edited by Kate Monster on
  • That's a lot of goddamn cocoa.
  • Daaaaaaaaang, that's making me envious of you guys. We don't get cocoa per se here. We get chocolate.
  • Holy hell that's a ton of cocoa. That is an incredible secret santa gift and you, my dear, have Won Christmas.
  • edited December 2011
    you, my dear, have Won Christmas.
    Post edited by George Patches on
  • Went to Five Guys after doing some Christmas shopping and they gave everyone who was eating lunch by themselves a $10 gift card.
  • Earlier this evening I booked my big trip for next year: 4 weeks touring Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Should be epic! And expensive, considering I'm paying for me and my girlfriend. But mostly epic.

    It'll be a trip of a lifetime! And it's cool that I have at least one or two trips of a lifetime every year.
  • Sweet. Next time, if I'm still down here, make it to Colombia. I'll gladly act as guide and translator.
  • Sweet. Next time, if I'm still down here, make it to Colombia. I'll gladly act as guide and translator.
    I did Bogota this year already. Maybe I'll do my own vacation with my own money to South America some time, but it's a long way down the list.

  • I've booked 5 days of freelance work in the first 8 days of the new year. Altogether I'll be invoicing $30 less than 3 weeks of pay at my regular job for 5 days of work.
  • Sweet. Next time, if I'm still down here, make it to Colombia. I'll gladly act as guide and translator.
    I did Bogota this year already. Maybe I'll do my own vacation with my own money to South America some time, but it's a long way down the list.

    Dammit. I should've registered here before.
  • Doublepost notwithstanding, this is an official BOOYAH!

    My team is the new champion in the Colombian League. Nothing can ruin my Christmas now! BOOYAH!
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