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Booh yah!



  • Is that for the FPS roguelike? I'm really excited about that game.
  • It is. I found out how to make gifs from video super easily and have now been abusing the privilege.

    Firing A Shotgun
  • The super old case I have has fans that haven't seen lubrication since the Clinton administration and made a horrible grrrrrr noise when I start them up. Cleaned my whole case and re-lubricated all the fans, now everything is cooler and quieter.
  • I'mma fixing everything!!
  • edited June 2013

    I'm sorry about the giant fucking gif, but I am just unreasonably proud of how this game looks.

    (UI cut off in the corner, we're still working on that.)

    This Game is Purdy

    I mean seriously, when I saw the first build with the UI implemented my heart rate jumped.
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I'm pretty amped to try this game, if only for the Bee Gun.
  • Bees are tracking targets as of today, which is great.

    What's hilarious is that we haven't got them periodically updating their pathfinding yet (we're gonna make it really infrequent so they are kind of stupid; think the Hive Hand projectiles in HL1) so they recalculate every frame. With some of these shotguns rapid-firing ten bees at a time, the game very quickly becomes lag city.
  • Got two job interviews! Got commissions!
  • GeoGeo
    edited June 2013
    After so many weeks of writing, editing clips, and going to all manner of lengths to get this thing right, I have finally finished my very first panel.

    I feel really good about this thing! I can hardly wait until my time to shine at CTCon comes!
    Post edited by Geo on
  • I got my gaming group started on Mouse Guard!
    I was going to start a mouse guard game, read the rules on the weekend, remembered why I didn't like the game and started a Burning Wheel dwarf game instead.
    BW, in my opinion, requires players to be really engaged with the rules. MG is a softer introduction to a lot of the same concepts, and also half of them were already familiar with the comic.
  • edited June 2013
    1) Business cards ordered.
    2) Domain registered.
    3) Headboard/shelving/dresser unit designed for a client, who needs to take measurements before we discuss construction.
    4) Found a Festool seminar in Chicago so I can learn to use the tools I want before I buy them.
    5) More job apps going out.

    A good day in terms of my career goals.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I've decided to take ~1 month off before the fall semester starts to go do something somewhere. Looking into things like WWOOF to mitigate costs as well as learn hands things. Just need to figure out where to go now.
  • edited June 2013
    This is, perhaps, the most awesome telephone conversation, I've ever had.

    Dude: Hello, My name is |Name of dude| and I'm calling from Windows Safety Services.
    Me: Uh huh.
    Dude: I am calling because we have detected that your network is affecting our servers.
    Me: In what way?
    Dude: Well, we have detected that there is a virus on your computer and it is affecting our servers.
    Me: On my home network?
    Dude: Yes sir, on your home computer.
    Me: Oh, really? That's terrible. How were you able to determine what virus it is?
    Dude: I'm sorry?
    Me: What kid of virus is it?
    Dude: Oh, um, it is a, uh... a red one... worm.
    Me: Oh my! What's the attack vector?
    Dude: What?
    Me: Malformed UDP packets? Is it using a zero-day exploit? Is it attacking IIS? Apache? Samba? DNS?
    Dude: I'm... I.. I don't understand what you're saying.
    Me: And there is a very good reason for that. I am a trained and certified systems administrator. You are just a call center lackey being paid less than minimum wage to cold call people and attempt to scare them into downloading your quote-unquote system cleaner software, which is actually scareware in and of itself. Isn't that right?
    Dude: ...Yes.
    Me: Did you watch Mr. Rogers when you were little?
    Dude: *in a voice of shock* Mr. Rogers?
    Me: Yes. Mr. Rogers.
    Dude: Yes...
    Me: Well, ask yourself this: Are you being the kind of man Mr. Rogers knew you could be?
    Me: I didn't think so. But you can change. Everyone of us has the capacity to do great things. You can do better than this, dude. Go on and go make something of yourself.
    Dude: Okay... *click*

    Then I just sorta stood there and thought, "Wait a minute, did that just work?"
    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • Victor...

    You won the internet, and my heart.
  • I got my gaming group started on Mouse Guard!
    I was going to start a mouse guard game, read the rules on the weekend, remembered why I didn't like the game and started a Burning Wheel dwarf game instead.
    BW, in my opinion, requires players to be really engaged with the rules. MG is a softer introduction to a lot of the same concepts, and also half of them were already familiar with the comic.
    Most of the mechanics of MG are fine and I really love them, but I really dislike the GM-turn/Player-turn mechanic. But I'm not saying it's a bad game, it just doesn't flow with my style of gaming and GMing.

  • This is, perhaps, the most awesome telephone conversation, I've ever had.

    Then I just sorta stood there and thought, "Wait a minute, did that just work?"
    Bluff Check - Natural 20.

  • I do like how you managed to string proper nouns together and come out sounding actually competent. I am impress.
  • If a telemarketer calls you and you pretend you're being held hostage then have them call the police to another address, is it you or them who take the fall for wasting police time?
  • This totally sounds like something you made up - but even if you did, it's an awesome story. I elect to believe you.
  • If a telemarketer calls you and you pretend you're being held hostage then have them call the police to another address, is it you or them who take the fall for wasting police time?
    Probably you, if they could have reasonably believed you were legitimately in trouble. Don't do that shit.

  • Woot, Dunhams actually had .22lr.
  • edited June 2013
    Got the Dream Job with a very prominent Chicago coffee company!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Got the Dream Job with a very prominent Chicago coffee company!
    Congrats! You've got your fingers in a lot of pies though, what flavor is Dream Job?
  • edited June 2013
    Got the Dream Job with a very prominent Chicago coffee company!
    Congrats! You've got your fingers in a lot of pies though, what flavor is Dream Job?
    Barista with full benefits, great tips, and really great upward mobility. The company hires up from within and sends employees out of country to source all their coffee, so I'm psyched.

    [Doubt they care about my net presence at all, but I'm keeping the name under wraps until my background check clears and I'm formally hired. If you're a coffee geek, you can probably guess.]
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited June 2013
    If you're a coffee geek, you can probably guess.
    Yeah, I was gonna say. It's the obvious one. It's the one that's at the top of every "best coffee in Chicago" list.

    Moved into a new apartment. Have furniture, a big TV, and two weeks until I start my job. Hooray!
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • I'm finally free to talk about what has been going on in my life lately.

    Monday was the first day that my course in the Yale Summer Intensive Filmmaking Course.

    It is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I'm surrounded by film enthusiasts and people who want to make movies as well as people who already work in film. What's awesome is that concurrent to us is an acting class that allows to us to not only socialize with them in general, but also work with them in our projects. We all love it.

    However, the term "intensive" is 100% accurate. To give you an example of what the curriculum is like...

    Day 1: Shot Types and Composition
    Day 2: Learn Final Cut X
    Day 3: Editing Project
    Day 4: Directing Actors/Basic Operation of the Camera

    Add in a screening every single night (of several shorts and a feature) followed by 3+ readings afterwards...gosh its rough. However, I've fully adjusted to it now and it's nothing to me.

    I hope I can get to the point where I can show you all what has come of this class.

  • edited June 2013
    I am going to be 100% dead serious in this advice: do not let this educational opportunity pass you by without developing a specialty. Focus on it and begin your mastery of it. I know a ton of people who went through TV and Film educations, both intensive and non (4-year degree). The kids who thought they were all going to be directors are still out of work or can't get more than PA temp jobs. The kids who were intently focused on learning the ins and outs of lighting, or became expert cameramen, instantly got work and become some of the highest paid people I know.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Had a wonderful trip to the shops and found the best way to deal with sexual harassment dicks. Could of dudes were sitting out side of waitrose leering at women and making cat calls. These were super skeevy dudes who may or may not have looked like a primal throw back. One stands up grabs his cock and makes remarks of what he would like to do to one of the school girls that was leaving with her mum, this girl must have been about 15 if that. Both mother and daughter were pretty shocked and hurried off, everyone else is looking really embarrassed.

    I chose this moment to loudly join in making remarks to the affect of "Aw yeah it rip them a new one" and "They would look sweet on my dick". Scummy dudes start to laugh and give me the thumbs up. I turn to the and say "Oh I was talking to you boys, you looking fine. Real fine with pretty mouths and tight asses aw yeah", and generally giving them as much creep as they were giving some of the women. This carried on for a couple of minuets before they called me a fag and left looking rather embarrassed.

    All was balanced in the world, well save for now I was getting odd looks from some people after the rather strange sexual triad I launched against them. I mean I did tell one that I would shave his body, oil him up and ride him like a bobsleigh.
  • edited June 2013
    I am going to be 100% dead serious in this advice: do not let this educational opportunity pass you by without developing a specialty. Focus on it and begin your mastery of it. I know a ton of people who went through TV and Film educations, both intensive and non (4-year degree). The kids who thought they were all going to be directors are still out of work or can't get more than PA temp jobs. The kids who were intently focused on learning the ins and outs of lighting, or became expert cameramen, instantly got work and become some of the highest paid people I know.

    Mark Twain said, "Write without pay until someone offers pay. If nobody offers within three years, the candidate may look upon this as a sign that sawing wood is what he was intended for." Lots of people see this as "Follow your dreams," but I prefer to think of it as "Follow your dreams, but make sure you also know how to work a saw."
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Dropped of thesis for rewiev.
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