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Booh yah!



  • Its your little turtle guy saying boo yah because someone bought his Turtle App.
    john have u been "rockin the ganj" itt???

  • edited July 2013
    Its your little turtle guy saying boo yah because someone bought his Turtle App.
    In that case, you should've spaced the slash over a bit.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • edited July 2013
    I know for a fact that my students have learned at least one thing. We had the 4th off but were still supposed to have classes today. I didn't want to be here either, so I taught them what a quorum was and told them that if we didn't have a quorum, there'd be no point in having class today because we'd have to repeat the lesson on Monday. The only student that came was there to make up a test.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • edited July 2013
    Okay so I understand that what I'm about to post could definitely find a home in the "YouTube videos I made" thread but I am just so excited about this that it HAS to go in the Boo-Yah thread.

    Last night, I ran a workshop at Anime Expo that I've (and to my knowledge, no one) has ever done before. It was called "So, You want to make an audio drama?". The goal being that the entire audience and I would make an audio drama, with me explaining every step, in the span of an hour and a half. Along with that, I would teach them a brief history of audio dramas and radio in general.

    And we did it! Well, kinda. Despite all my pre-preparing of materials, technical difficulties with the projector in the room delayed the actual creation process by about a half hour, so, while we did everything, including recording all the lines, there just wasn't time to actually stitch the whole thing together.


    Seriously, I must have had the best audience in the world because I have to imagine having a room of about 150-200 people be quiet enough to record seriously is a hard thing. Not a cough was coughed while we were recording, holy crap.

    Anyway, the audience named it, created the characters, managed the auditions, voiced it, customized the script, and chose the sound effects and music. Here is the end result.

    Post edited by Victor Frost on
  • I am finally getting over my "Office crush" :D
  • Finally have a free moment after a pretty hectic month. Partly wrapping up the arse end of my degree and all the stuff that comes with it. Which is both good and bad as it means if will have finally left education after the best part of 20 odd years and now have to be an adult. The best bit of the month has to have been a week of cycling the coast of Normandy with my dad. Was an amazing experience and great chance to hang out with my dad whom I don’t get to see that much. Saw some amazing stuff and got my history nerd on quite a bit, it’s always awesome to actually put the stuff that you’ve learnt into practice. Quite proud of the fact that I could manage 50 miles a day without much trouble, which is quite a bit when you consider that I have been stuck underground for the best part of a year. The trip also gave me time to think and sort out some plans and ideas that I’ve had kicking around in my head for a couple of years and should start to bear fruit in the next couple of weeks now that I have free time.
    Also had my first big LARP event at Empire which was awesome, abet I did get rained on but even that became a bit fun. Met some amazing people and had a wicked time putting the hours of kendo and fencing to good use. The down side of that is not I have to convince Kriz that I need to buy some mail, and that brewing mead is a great idea.
    Made it back to Swansea last night and now sorting out a presentation of several of my Doctors and Professors on my dissertation topic which again is a double edged sword as it’s a great opportunity to talk to them but they are scary people. So all in all not a bad couple of weeks.
    I also turned twenty three but no one really noticed so it’s not the end of the world.
  • I got a job working IT Support at my school!
  • Signed the lease for a new apartment this weekend. It's at least double the size of our current one yet only 33% more in price. Plus the new one is better in pretty much every way. Can't wait to move ^_^

    Seriously though, my week in Japan was one of the coolest trips I've ever been on. I could flood you with recommendations, but there are others here who could probably do even better, and I'm sure you'll be doing your own research.
  • edited August 2013
    I read "Jealous Ray's" and thought you were giving him a pizza.
    Post edited by chaosof99 on
  • Back at home. Installed Win7 onto my new computer. Installed the network adapter (that it didn't come with b/c I don't know). Copied over all my old files. Enjoying the best Pizza Burger in all the North East. Shit feels great.


    You're all legit and shit.

  • Just survived my first real internship, and I'm now halfway to Chicago where I'm going to hang out with WuB. Pretty happy.
  • Had a good time at CPR/First Aid training. There was also a sight chart there and I can read the 10ft line from 20ft, so my eyesight isn't getting worse.
  • I threw a birthday party for myself and brought along a piano, bongos, harmonica and guitar with the idea of the whole deal being a jam session. From 7:30 to 12:00 the party averaged about five people and one or two other musicians. Then the goddamn mayor showed up, and behind her came about forty people I've never met in my life, including a professional band who just finished a gig and an eccentric girl named Rose who could hardly keep herself off me while we played together. We rocked out until 4 AM. Oh what a night.
  • What the what? The mayor? Like the leader of your local government or is this some other person?
  • Yes. The literal mayor of my home town came to my birthday party.
  • Dude, that's sweet.
  • Pretty sweet indeed.
  • So, one week after getting a sweet new apartment, I got a freaking sweet job at Amazon. My pay is literally increasing over 60%. Plus I get to work with one of my best friends. This month has been AWESOME!
  • edited August 2013
    I wish my mayor came to my birthday party. Bloomberg, y u no rsvp?

    I wish people threw me birthday parties.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • Yes. The literal mayor of my home town came to my birthday party.
    How big is your hometown?
  • edited August 2013
    Yes. The literal mayor of my home town came to my birthday party.
    How big is your hometown?
    Its got about 10,000 people in it, and our mayor is known to be both an alcoholic and a loose woman. So it isn't as crazy as it sounds, but still, pretty crazy.
    I wish my mayor came to my birthday party. Bloomberg, y u no rsvp?

    I wish people threw me birthday parties.
    I threw my own damn party. It was so awesome that half the conscious people in town heard about it and showed up.
    Post edited by Walker on
  • our mayor is known to be both an alcoholic and a loose woman.
    Sounds like a potential very good time. j/k
  • our mayor is known to be both an alcoholic and a loose woman.
    Sounds like a potential very good time. j/k
    Actually, yeah, but only as a spectator.
  • our mayor is known to be both an alcoholic and a loose woman.
    Sounds like a potential very good time. j/k
    Was that her platform? "If I am elected, there will be booze and bj's for everyone!"
  • Just a note, but keep in mind that that joke probably wouldn't have happened if it was a male mayor.
  • Just a note, but keep in mind that that joke probably wouldn't have happened if it was a male mayor.
    That's just because then we'd be making Bob Filner jokes.
  • Just a note, but keep in mind that that joke probably wouldn't have happened if it was a male mayor.
    That's just because then we'd be making Bob Filner jokes.
    Or Carlos Danger.
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