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Booh yah!



  • edited August 2013
    Finally beat the indie rogue-like-like shooter Paranautical Activity, which is pretty friggin' difficult. (It's basically first-person Binding of Issac.) RNG is kinda needed because you really need those damage drops to beat that final boss, but I finally did it!

    I didn't even get the scissors either, which I always thought was absolutely nessesary (it cuts item prices in half). Basically I just conserved bombs, and when I got to the end boss i just hammered on it and threw sixty bombs at once, taking out her lackies (she summons some of the previous bosses) in one go. They dropped enough health (and I had the magnet, pulling it right to me) that I could survive to the end of the fight. Though I went into the room with no armour and 2 hearts, which suuuuuucked, because I never found the sandals but had a ton of speed drops, so I kept running into the acid.

    Game glitched out in the credits though. :( Welp, the new patch is out so time to learn how to beat it all over again!
    Post edited by open_sketchbook on
  • I think the solution is just to use laminated cardstock cut in the shape of coins.
  • Picking up my first Car in three years tomorrow. A mighty 1299cc Ford Ka! In purple as well I shall, to quote the inbetweeners, "Be drowning in the clunge". Ah yes independence is sweet.
  • Only one screwup transcribing Japanese greetings (Okaerinasai if you wanted to know)
  • I just put in an order for a funny hat!
  • Timo wins all past, present, and future boo-yahs.
  • edited August 2013
    Timo wins all past, present, and future boo-yahs.
    Aww shucks, you make me blush ;-). The hat was expensive though, so maybe a victory is warranted.
    Post edited by Dr. Timo on
  • edited August 2013
    It fits.

    Post edited by Anthony Heman on
  • edited August 2013
    My friend had one of those. It was quite comfy to sleep on. We lit it on fire.
    Post edited by canine224 on
  • What is with this forum and couch fires?
  • I blame Rym and Scott. If I remember right, they told a story about a couch they blew up on the show.
  • I thought the story was that they were in apartments at RIT and one day there was just a couch, on the lawn, on fire.
  • That was, in fact, the entirety of the story. However, whenever they talk about missing RIT on the show they say "nothing quite like the warmth of a burning couch."
  • My kerbal cosplay made the front page of reddit :3
  • My kerbal cosplay made the front page of reddit :3
    That was you? Holy shit!
  • Yeah, I was the engineer, so I had it easy relative to the others haha
  • My kerbal cosplay made the front page of reddit :3
    Awesome! The only time I've been on the front page was for being an asshole to someone's Castle-on-a-hill in /r/minecraft.
  • Just sent a book to the printers!
  • Just sent a book to the printers!
    I did that once.

    They mailed it back with a Cease and Desist order.

  • Just sent a book to the printers!
    I did that once.

    They mailed it back with a Cease and Desist order.

    Out of curiosity, on what grounds was the C&D letter sent to you for?

  • I just got my first professional screenwriting gig. I have to do a polish on a friend's film that has actual money on the line. Woo! Something I can put on my resume!
  • Just sent a book to the printers!
    I did that once.

    They mailed it back with a Cease and Desist order.
    Well, an autographic collection of dick pictures is not to everyones taste...
  • I have a degree! Pretty stoked about that one considering I was told it wasn't worth my trying to do my stats. Now to eat a massive sandwich and do some strimming.
  • This one not strictly my own; It appears that I am married to a drug czar!
  • That something you really wanna put on the internet, Timo?
  • You're married to Walter White?
  • You're married to Alex Vaus?
  • Today, a friend of mine told me that I gave her hope.
  • I just got an amazingly good email bearring bad news from the band Titus Andronicus. I don't want to post the full text here, b/c I don't know that he'd want everything he said to be public (it was a very angry rant about current forces in the vinyl market) but I will quote him when he said "may whenever we next speak be after the fall of Capitalism."
  • I played Bonanza with four people who'd never played before tonight. They all instinctively know how to talk while playing.
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