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Booh yah!



  • I did the Polar Bear Plunge last night and as I jumped in, I yelled out "White whale! Holy Grail!." My friend Katie (a different Katie, not Anrild) yelled out "I am a polar bear" in German. It was a rather epic night.
  • I did the Polar Bear Plunge last night and as I jumped in, I yelled out "White whale! Holy Grail!." My friend Katie (a different Katie, not Anrild) yelled out "I am a polar bear" in German. It was a rather epic night.
    When I did that in leeds for new years with Alex and her boyfriend, I said "Silly fools, This cold can't stop me!" just before I lept in , and then shouted "I'M THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH!" at I hit the water.
  • I think, I think, if I am reading all of the tax code information correctly, that there will be no estate tax to pay on my grandmother's estate, no inheritance tax in New York, and assuming that the fair market value of the cabin at death is roughly the same as it is now, no capital gains tax to pay. Maybe. So it's a tentative boo-yah.
  • I think, Ithink, if I am reading all of the tax code information correctly, that there will be no estate tax to pay on my grandmother's estate, no inheritance tax in New York, and assuming that the fair market value of the cabin at death is roughly the same as it is now, no capital gains tax to pay. Maybe. So it's a tentative boo-yah.
    Didn't the estate tax stuff expire without renewal this year? I think it's gone for like, a year, and then it comes back. So, you know, if your rich relatives were planning on dying anytime soon, this year would be a good time to do it.
  • So, you know, if your rich relatives were planning on dying anytime soon, this year would be a good time to do it.
    This has been "Legal advice with Nuri," be sure to join us again next week.
  • Didn't the estate tax stuff expire without renewal this year?
    Well, the estate tax is irrelevant, since the entire value of the estate is less than $1 million. The only thing we need to care about is the capital gains tax we would pay for selling the property, and even that probably won't be too bad.

    If, however, you have a rich relative with an estate worth billions, it would be very convenient for them to kick off this year.
  • If, however, you have a rich relative with an estate worth billions, it would be very convenient for them to kick off this year.
    Unless you happen to like said relative.
  • This discussion is so many kinds of awful.
  • If, however, you have a rich relative with an estate worth billions, it would be very convenient for them to kick off this year.
    Unless you happen to like said relative.
    It's a question of how much you like them then, isn't it?
  • Today I'm one year older, I have survived! Onwards to next year!
  • Happy birthday, man!
  • Today I'm one year older, I have survived! Onwards to next year!
    Another year of life to survive. Good luck man.
  • We beat Pandemic! Booh yah!
  • We beat Pandemic! Booh yah!
    Gratz. Here's the sequel.
  • edited January 2010
    I don't think that's the Pandemic Nuri meant.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • A masterpiece of American Comics, I haz it!
    You know, I was just in the comic book store yesterday asking about any politicial themed comics and this would have fit the bill nicely.
  • We beat Pandemic! Booh yah!
    Gratz. Here'sthe sequel.
    The board game, not the Flash games. Those are completely different.
  • Talking of board games,we had a game night last night at a friend's house. I played four different games, and enjoyed all four. This is quite uncommon!

    Game 1: Medina - build houses and claim them, reminiscent of Carcason, but takes less time.
    Game 2: Ghost Stories - cooperative game where you play against the deck, with a village being attacked by many kinds of ghosts. I was tired and the rules are quite complex, and I almost fell asleep before it began. But once it started I really got into it, and I had a lot of fun. The cooperative nature makes it stand out from most games.
    Game 3: I can't remember the name, but it revolved around putting counters on numbered cards to show that you didn't want to pick it up. We played 4 games, because they were very short, and I managed to lose one game in the most spectacular fashion.
    Game 4: Twixt - a connecting game, which looks like it's impossible to win if you go second, but half way in I suddenly grokked what was going on, started a new attack on a different part of the board, put the first player into the defensive, and stormed to the finish line ahead.
  • H1N1 vaccinated.
  • I made my sister ROFL in real life. It was GLORIOUS!
  • I made my sister ROFL in real life. It was GLORIOUS!
    How so?
  • Just bought a drum set to play with. Hopefully it will arrive with no damage and in good time. Now I just need to find a place to play it...
  • Just bought a DS again. My last one was stolen about a year ago, and I have had more important things to spend my money on since (food, gas, bills). Now that my life is settling into something resembling a routine, I want to get back into gaming. Plus I've got a shit-ton of DS games to play.
  • Finished designing my new computer. Having my parts shipped to the dorm next week; I'm excited for some huge storage and Dragon Age.
  • Ooh, that's pretty. One thing, though. Will 650W of power supply be enough?
  • edited January 2010
    Looks like you've done well. 650W is plenty; it's enough for 2 graphics cards, even.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • edited January 2010
    Looks like you've done well. 650W is plenty; it's enough for 2 graphics cards, even.
    Yeah, I don't think I'll ever go SLI (that 5770 packs a punch), but I might drop in four more drives and a RAID card over the summer, so I need the juice.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Note that it's called Crossfire (CrossFireX now, in fact)for ATI cards.
  • Note that it's called Crossfire (CrossFireX now, in fact)for ATI cards.
    Yeah, I know. I just jump to SLI when I think dual cards...Old nVidia habits die hard.

    I might as well ask: Is there any other connector I'll need than SATA? I just need to know what I need to get this thing together.
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