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Booh yah!



  • Do you mean the cabling? Most of that will come with the motherboard and power supply.
  • edited January 2010
    Do you mean the cabling? Most of that will come with the motherboard and power supply.
    Ah. I thought the cables with the PSU were purely for supplying power to components and not for connecting stuff to the motherboard. It's all good then.

    Edit: I just realized that the floor here is all carpeted and I don't have a grounding bracelet or antistatic mat. Fuck.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited January 2010
    Do you mean the cabling? Most of that will come with the motherboard and power supply.
    Ah. I thought the cables with the PSU were purely for supplying power to components and not for connecting stuff to the motherboard. It's all good then.
    Nah, the power supply cabling is just power. Other than that, yes, the SATA cables with the motherboard are all you'll need. Everything else slots into the motherboard, and video cables come with the video card.

    Also, some stuff to do.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Also,some stuff to do.
    Very helpful.

    You have that Antec 902, I saw. Does it need any special screwdrivers, or is it standard Phillips and Flathead stuff?
  • I haven't bought the computer I put up a little while ago yet, so I don't have that case right now, but I do have a friend who has one. As for the screws, Google tells me they're Philips.
  • Very good then. Thanks for the help.
  • YoshoKatana, happy birthday!
  • Oh, haha, thanks!
  • SAAB is being sold, not shut down! Woot!
  • SAAB is being sold, not shut down! Woot!
    Excellent. It would have been a shame to see such a storied company disappear.
  • Because there has been a lot of dysfunction in my life (which some of you unfortunately had to endure), I decided to end it all today. I signed up for a class that taught breathing exercises and some meditation. I cannot believe that it works, I feel so...pure and...centered. I'm going every single day as a result.
  • I decided to end it all today.
    You need less dramatic phrasing.
  • edited January 2010
    Because there has been a lot of dysfunction in my life (which some of you unfortunately had to endure), I decided to end it all today.
    Matt, no! There's so much to live for!
    . I signed up for a class that taught breathing exercises and some meditation. I cannot believe that it works, I feel so...pure and...centered. I'm going every single day as a result.
    Ooooooooooooooooooh. THAT'S what you meant. That's pretty awesome. I've been learning a bit about meditation myself, and trying to remember to get on a regular schedule, and it does seem to have some pretty powerful effects.

    EDIT: Dammit whaleshark.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • I decided to end it all today.
    You need less dramatic phrasing.
    Well what would you have me say?
  • I decided to end it all today.
    You need less dramatic phrasing.
    Well what would you have me say?
    Anything that sounds less... suicidal. Something along the lines of "solving my problems" would suffice.
  • Well what would you have me say?
    I've decided to put a stop to it.(?)

    You honestly sounded like you were going to end your life before I read the rest of what you wrote.
  • Not really...I thought I was being quite clear that I was ending the dysfunction because dysfunction can come in many different varieties.
  • You're taking it too seriously, Matt. :)
  • edited January 2010
    You're taking it too seriously, Matt. :)
    That's a shock. :P

    But yes, it honestly sounded suicidal and not "I decided to take control of my problems." Here's what you wrote:
    Because there has been a lot of dysfunction in my life (which some of you unfortunately had to endure), I decided to end it all today. I signed up for a class that taught breathing exercises and some meditation. I cannot believe that it works, I feel so...pure and...centered. I'm going every single day as a result.
    Here's how you could have communicated it more clearly:
    Lately, there's been a lot of dysfunction in my life. In order to combat that, I started taking a class that teaches breathing exercises and meditation. It's worked so well that I've been going every single day!
    Can you see how those two are very different? My re-write is entirely positive, with no unnecessary dramatic phrasing. Hell, it's even shorter, which is a rarity for me.

    I'm not trying to criticize you; I'm just saying that it might behoove you to consider the way you phrase some things, in order to facilitate clear and effective communication.

    Also, good on you!
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • You're taking it too seriously, Matt. :)
    The meditation or the misunderstanding?
  • The meditation or the misunderstanding?
    The misunderstanding. But maybe the meditation too, I don't know. ;)
  • The meditation or the misunderstanding?
    The misunderstanding. But maybe the meditation too, I don't know. ;)
    Oh okay, s'allright ;)
  • This is a really minor Boo Yah, but I have a tendency to hunch over my Cintiq when I'm drawing, which is no good for my back. I set up my computer to play a chime every five minutes to remind me to sit up straight. It's working, I'm getting in the habit of sitting up straight much more often, and my back is feeling a lot better.
  • The odds of my promotion actually happening appear to be very good. I still won't hold my breath, but it may happen before the start of the new fiscal year, which would kick all sorts of ass.
  • This is a really minor Boo Yah, but I have a tendency to hunch over my Cintiq when I'm drawing, which is no good for my back. I set up my computer to play a chime every five minutes to remind me to sit up straight. It's working, I'm getting in the habit of sitting up straight much more often, and my back is feeling a lot better.
    That's actually pretty ingenious. I would do the same when I'm at work (aka sitting for 10+ hours) except that I listen to my PSP most of the time.
  • That's actually pretty ingenious. I would do the same when I'm at work (aka sitting for 10+ hours) except that I listen to my PSP most of the time.
    Maybe you could do it with a popup. I'm using this program, which can do sounds, popups, and I think a lot of other stuff.
  • This is a really minor Boo Yah, but I have a tendency to hunch over my Cintiq when I'm drawing, which is no good for my back. I set up my computer to play a chime every five minutes to remind me to sit up straight. It's working, I'm getting in the habit of sitting up straight much more often, and my back is feeling a lot better.
    I should totally do that.
  • That's actually pretty ingenious. I would do the same when I'm at work (aka sitting for 10+ hours) except that I listen to my PSP most of the time.
    Maybe you could do it with a popup. I'm usingthis program, which can do sounds, popups, and I think a lot of other stuff.
    That app looks pretty good. Alas I work in a very secure environment so we can't download any programs whatsoever. Maybe if someone made a similar program in Javascript... which I could actually do myself if I knew JS better.
  • If your PSP is hacked, maybe write a LUA script?
  • If your PSP is hacked, maybe write a LUA script?
    It might make me less geeky than others, but I prefer using my devices for their intended purposes. I dunno, is it weird for a programmer to not have any hacking sense whatsoever?
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