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Booh yah!



  • You know that feeling where things and ideas just start madly tumbling into place? That's happening with me and calculus. I love that feeling.
  • You know that feeling where things and ideas just start madly tumbling into place? That's happening with me and calculus. I love that feeling.
  • You know that feeling where things and ideas just start madly tumbling into place? That's happening with me and calculus. I love that feeling.
    Yeah, well, let's hope it lasts through the exam on Wednesday and that my brain isn't just playing tricks. However, not including tonight I have three more study days. I've got time.
  • My patchy beard is gone.
  • edited February 2010
    Greatest Valentine weekend ever.

    Laura Bought a 50' 1080p- Plasma TV.
    I bout a 7.1 sound system and brought us out to na Brasa all you can eat meat!!!

    So lets get this straight, Laura and I spend the weekend buying big TV's and eating our fill of EXTREMELY tasty meat. Booh Yah :-p
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • Crossover games running on my macbook. Next step: NS
  • Greatest Valentine weekend ever.

    Laura Bought a 50' 1080p- Plasma TV.
    I bout a 7.1 sound system and brought us out tona Brasaall you can eat meat!!!

    So lets get this straight, Laura and I spend the weekend buying big TV's and eating our fill of EXTREMELY tasty meat. Booh Yah :-p
    Boo yah indeed, my friend, boo yah indeed.
  • edited February 2010
    Going to go home and play the NS training map tonight.

    Also, that steak place sounds amazing. I haven't had meat in almost a month! (been trying to save money, and meat is/feels expensive. I guess it isn't that expensive in this country. Maybe I should make a steak tonight?)

    UPDATE: Also, just made my first bread ever! Look at it in all its misshapen glory!

    UPDATE: Post eating: Wow! It turned out ok! I had it with some pasta and tomatoes.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited February 2010
    PC COMPLETE! Worked out the last HD kink (needed a SATA2 connector), and am attempting to breath some life into it with Windows 7 Professional.

    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • PC COMPLETE! Worked out the last HD kink (needed a SATA2 connector), and am attempting to breath some life into it with Windows 7 Professional.

  • PC COMPLETE! Worked out the last HD kink (needed a SATA2 connector), and am attempting to breath some life into it with Windows 7 Professional.

    I am mildly disappoint, Windows 7 is freeze while trying to install using a USB DVD drive.
  • Posted By: Sonic
    PC COMPLETE! Worked out the last HD kink (needed a SATA2 connector), and am attempting to breath some life into it with Windows 7 Professional. I AM PRIDE.
    Wolf'd for posterity:

  • 83 degrees in February. Booy-Ahh.......
  • 83 degrees in February. Booy-Ahh.......
    Be warned, it gets cold and gloomy in June. Hence the term.
  • 83 degrees in February. Booy-Ahh.......
    Be warned, it gets cold and gloomy in June. Hence theterm.
    The wikipedia article makes it sound awesome. I still say Booy-Ahhh....
  • edited February 2010
    83 degrees in February. Booy-Ahh.......
    Be warned, it gets cold and gloomy in June. Hence theterm.
    Hey, I'm from Chicago, and I likely have SAD. As such, I beam during the summer and am cheerful during huge thunderstorms. June Gloom sounds like paradise.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • Just got a second interview at a seemingly awesome IT Consulting firm! Four interviews down, five to go!
  • 83 degrees in February. Booy-Ahh.......
    Fuck yeah. My friend from New York is in town with his girlfriend from England. Perfect timing. :)
  • This is being posted from a computer I scratch built, that can run any game I want to at near- to full-specs, on a 23" monitor at 1920x1080, with a copy of Windows 7 free from MSDNAA...while I listen to Oingo Boingo's "Dead Man's Party."

    Booh. Yah.
  • I'm proud of you, son.
  • edited February 2010
    I'm proud of you, son.
    Thanks. The last kink to work out is the RAM, which appears to be clocked too high for my processor (only 2 out of 4 GB are available). I'm going to overclock it in BIOS, and hopefully everything will work out without jeopardizing my system stability.

    EDIT: System overheated and crashed. I'm going to force the clock speed on the RAM down to the CPU's level, and that should be okay.
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • I just got accepted into Seattle University! Now I don't have to worry about not getting to go to university!
  • Congrats!
  • I just got accepted into Seattle University! Now I don't have to worry about not getting to go to university!
    Hey awesome! That's just a little ways south of where I live. Have some friends who really liked it there.
  • edited February 2010
    I purchased my cap and gown for graduation today. So close...
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • I purchased my cap and gown for garduation today. So close...
    To your DOOOOOOMMM
  • Just realized that I got a bonus in this week's paycheck. Also, I'm getting a pretty dang good tax return this year. Boo-yah x2.
  • One step closer to the perfect drawing setup:

  • Can you take a photo of your current drawing setup? You've talked about not having to lean over your desk, and I'd like to see how you have your tablet and computer arranged.
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