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Booh yah!



  • In fact, I owed anadditional$400 this year. You got my $400!.
    But you said that people that were not able to do their taxes and ended up owing or giving extra were stupid. :O
  • In fact, I owed anadditional$400 this year. You got my $400!.
    I wonder who will get my money this year?
  • In fact, I owed anadditional$400 this year. You got my $400!.
    Your $400 is going toward my PS3. Every time I play Demon's Soul on it, I will revel in the succor that is your suffering.
    But you said that people that were not able to do their taxes and ended up owing or giving extra were stupid. :O
    There's a tax credit for last year that you couldn't've planned for. However, if you make more than a certain amount, you don't get it. So that actually gives a bit of a hint as to how much Rym makes. (More than $75,000)
  • But you said that people that were not able to do their taxes and ended up owing or giving extra were stupid. :O
    He changed pay grades this year, so I think it wasn't a matter of planning.
  • But you said that people that were not able to do their taxes and ended up owing or giving extra were stupid. :O
    No. Getting a refund is stupid. You want to owe the maximum amount possible (without additional penalty) every year. That way, you hold on to that extra money and draw interest from it before forking it over to the IRS at the last possible second.
    So that actually gives a bit of a hint as to how much Rym makes. (More than $75,000)
    Up it an order of magnitude and you'll be closer. ^_~
  • Up it an order of magnitude and you'll be closer. ^_~
    Still less than I was getting as a Purser with a major australian airline.
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2010
    Well it's here...tonight is opening night of the musical that I'm working on occurs. For anyone who is curious, the musical is The Music-Man, which I think is pretty good as far as musicals go (I haven't seen many so I can't really make a detailed opinion about it). My job is assisting the person in charge of lights by telling him when the light cues are about to occur.

    Our production is much different than The Crucible or Arsenic and Old Lace since it isn't exactly the Drama Club's production being that it isn't as independently run as the Drama Clubs' productions are. By that I mean, they get professional help and services (professional set designers, sound people, etc). Yet despite all that, we still assist them in any way we can because we love theater so much and are willing to work on any school production there is.

    I'll go into more detail about my experience after the musical's run ends, because this experience was markedly different than previous productions and I have a few things to say. This particular post is a Booh-Yah because I'm really pumped up about this. Depending on how well our production goes and the overall reception of the audience, the aftermath will either be posted here or in the Fail of Your Day thread.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited February 2010
    PETER uses HARD WORK. It's super effective! The wild BUREAUCRACY faints! What? PETER is evolving! PETER has become a SENIOR FOOD BACTERIOLOGIST!
    Post edited by TheWhaleShark on
  • PETER uses HARD WORK. It's super effective! The wild BUREAUCRACY faints! What? PETER is evolving! PETER has become a SENIOR FOOD BACTERIOLOGIST!
  • edited February 2010
    PETER uses HARD WORK. It's super effective! The wild BUREAUCRACY faints! What? PETER is evolving! PETER has become a SENIOR FOOD BACTERIOLOGIST!
    Congrats! Now go fight some bacteria! You should totally get like a cape and a utility belt with the promotion.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • PETER uses HARD WORK. It's super effective! The wild BUREAUCRACY faints! What? PETER is evolving! PETER has become a SENIOR FOOD BACTERIOLOGIST!
    This? This is why I love you. However, your knowledge of Poke'mon text formatting is somewhat disconcerting.
  • You forget that two years ago at the shore, this was all anyone did in the evenings. It was the summer of Pokemon.
  • You forget that two years ago at the shore, this was all anyone did in the evenings. It was the summer of Pokemon.
    I wasn't there, so there was nothing to forget. :P
  • It was the summer of Pokemon.
    And Seaking and the goatse T-shirt, IIRC.
    However, your knowledge of Poke'mon text formatting is somewhat disconcerting.
    Well, I think there should have been something like "You win the battle" or some similar phrasing before the evolution text, but I omitted it because I couldn't remember it perfectly.

    I don't think I'm helping my case here.
  • I don't think I'm helping my case here.
    nope, not really
  • edited February 2010
    No. Getting a refund is stupid. You want to owe the maximum amount possible (without additional penalty) every year. That way, you hold on to that extra money and draw interest from it before forking it over to the IRS at the last possible second.
    I always view this the opposite way, as a good citizen, I give my government around 2,500 dollars every year as a loan to collect interest for me, the government kindly gives it back to me at the end of the year, and I kindly spend it on something big that I would have never saved for normally. This is the way I both stimulate the government and the economy in two broad strokes, I am clearly a model American citizen.

    (that and if you own a house and a normal job it's hard not to get a refund.)
    Post edited by Cremlian on
  • I both stimulate the government and the economy in two broad strokes

    When your financial situation changes, you're pretty much screwed in your planning for withholding. I got a refund this year because I stopped working halfway through the year, so I made only slightly more than half of the salary they were withholding for.
  • Up it an order of magnitude and you'll be closer. ^_~
    Braggart. :P

    Go down an order of magnitude and you'll find my salary.
  • I am the god of SQL!
  • I will be brief. The Music Man went over very well and I'm very happy everyone's efforts paid off.
  • SNOW DAY!Wow, didn't see this coming.
  • SNOW DAY!Wow, didn't see this coming.
    I miss those high school days, where snow day was the greatest thing in the world. Heck it is still the greatest thing in the world if only because I have to go to work. But every once in a while I would like to play hooky and feel like a kid again :P
  • GeoGeo
    edited February 2010
    SNOW DAY!Wow, didn't see this coming.
    Says he who (on Facebook) said such as "Snow Day is not happening. Nope, nope, not all".
    Post edited by Geo on
  • SNOW DAY!Wow, didn't see this coming.
    Says he who (on Facebook) said such as "Snow Day is not happening. Nope, nope, not all".
    Yeah, I know...I ate my words.
  • edited February 2010
    Oops wrong thread.
    Post edited by Viga on
  • So my humanities class has to do a project called an artist tree, where we have to make a tree diagram showing the influences of a particular artist (music or art). So I asked my professor if I could do mine on Hatsune Miku because of the uniqueness of influences put into her music. We had a short discussion where I explained how it's a synthesized voice and music under her name is made by fans all over the internet. I also brought up Rym's point on how, while MJ and other musicians may die, how she will never die because she never lived. And also, how the character has almost gained a life of her own through the combined creative efforts of musicians, artists, and fans.

    Here comes the booyah...

    Even though she said no to using it for the tree (has to be a real person), she said I could give a quick lecture to the class on Hatsune Miku and her (and the over arching concept of her) significance to the Humanities!
  • University of Toronto is 10 000 a term for international students, but I am predicted grades that would get me a 5 000 scholarship! Booya!
  • I won back all the money I spent on cheese playing seven card stud high-low at father in-law's 17 1/2 birthday!
  • @ Timo: What?
  • @ Timo: What?
    I bought some cheese, with money. Then I won about twice as much money playing seven card stud high-low. It's really pretty simple.

    If you have any further questions leaping to mind, I'm sure you'll figure out the answer.
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