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Booh yah!



  • Can you take a photo of your current drawing setup? You've talked about not having to lean over your desk, and I'd like to see how you have your tablet and computer arranged.
  • Ah, the feeling of looking at something you know that selling everything you own wouldn't afford.
  • Thanks! It's great that this forum thread is open on your screen in the photo too. I'm guessing the tablet slides back out of the way when you want to use the keyboard.
  • I'm guessing the tablet slides back out of the way when you want to use the keyboard.
    Yep. The Cintiq is mounted on one of these, so it can move up and down and side to side and tilt any which way. I can type a bit without moving it (like if I need to do a quick Google Image search for some reference or something), but if I'm gonna do any real browsing or typing I just push it out of the way.
  • I'm going to buy an ergotron monitor stand. That is, after I buy my new laptop.
  • I had a really good evening. A friend is in Berlin for the film festival, and had a free evening. We met up, chatted, walked, ate, and chatted more. We've known each other for many years (since 2002) and it's great our friendship keeps flowing back and forth after so much time.
  • Managed to go from utterly depressed and lethargic to upbeat and active in just four days, possibly a record for me.
  • Just got Yotsuba&! 4 - 7 and Scott Pilgrim 4 - 5. I must say I liked the ADV covers better.
  • Just got Yotsuba&! 4 - 7 and Scott Pilgrim 4 - 5. I must say I liked the ADV covers better.
    Yay! More Yotsuba&! for all. The rest of them need to be released faster. I don't mind the small change, but it is pretty obvious when you compare them from the spine, but it doesn't matter because I have Yostuba.
  • I finally got my animanga :P
    They are awesome, now I just need to find the movie :P
  • edited February 2010
    I don't like the new translators for Yotsuba as much.
    Post edited by gomidog on
  • Managed to go from utterly depressed and lethargic to upbeat and active in just four days, possibly a record for me.
    Are you bi-polar?
  • I don't like the new translators for Yotsuba as much.
    As I'm reading the non ADV translations, there seems to be a lot of apparent literal translations.
  • Are you bi-polar?
    Not sure, I then went back into a worse slump, feeling determined to give up on everything but today I'm feeling kinda stable.
  • As I'm reading the non ADV translations, there seems to be a lot of apparent literal translations.
    That's exactly the reason I don't like it. ADV's dialogue was a lot more naturalistic.
  • Tomorrow, the one and only Richard Stallman, pioneer of free software and neckbeards, will be speaking at RIT.
  • DAMN, Erwin!
  • Tomorrow, the one and only Richard Stallman, pioneer of free software and neckbeards, will be speaking at RIT.
    I want to go to there. What time is it at, again?
  • I just got accepted into Seattle University! Now I don't have to worry about not getting to go to university!
  • I may be getting good news from work tomorrow, so this is a tentative boo-yah. Very tentative.
  • I may be getting good news from work tomorrow, so this is a tentative boo-yah. Very tentative.
    Finally going to get a promotion?
  • tentative congrats
  • Finally going to get a promotion?
    I'm not at liberty to say.
  • Wild old sewing machine has appeared:
    You used "electricity", ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE!
  • edited February 2010
    Just found a huge single bedroom apartment with a full kitchen (no, seriously, gas range and stove with a double basin sink, storage everywhere, and a long, unadorned countertop for prep) and a massive closet to use as either a pantry, hideaway library, bike storage, or pantry/library combo. Cats allowed, as well.

    On this day, victory is mine!
    Post edited by WindUpBird on
  • edited February 2010
    For a moment I thought that said "full kitten".
    EDIT: Now I see it said "Cats allowed". WTF are you doing, brain? WTF?
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • I found a anime store in town. Or rather I found out a store I drive past a lot is actually an anime store. They need a better sign. Also I finally found a copy of the 3rd FLCL disc. SUPER WIN!!!
  • Due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, I'm getting an extra $400 on my tax return!
  • Due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, I'm getting an extra $400 on my tax return!
    I'm not!

  • In fact, I owed an additional $400 this year. You got my $400!.
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