I finally, FINALLY have a government-issued photo ID. Current benefits include personal college checking and savings accounts, and proving my age for R-rated movies (read: late night Rocky Horror Picture Showings). Yessss
Yesterday, rather than studying, I spent like two hours on TVtropes.org (don't ever visit that site, you may never return), about three hours watching the Hockey finals and a lot of time with various other things completely unrelated to the exam (oral exam on the history of the Alps-Adria Region from the start of human history there up to about 1500 CE). Still got an A
For those who don't know, the Alps-Adria-Region is southern Austria (carinthia were I live and souther Styria), Slovenia, Northeast Italy and parts of northern Croatia. And yes, that stuff had a lot of Roman history included.
I left a blizzard, spent 10 hours on various planes and in various airports, then managed to make my friend's party on time! Oh, and not a personal boo yah, but a homeless friend of mine in Berkeley is still alive, and back in school. I'm really happy for him.
I left a blizzard, spent 10 hours on various planes and in various airports, then managed to make my friend's party on time! Oh, and not a personal boo yah, but a homeless friend of mine in Berkeley is still alive, and back in school. I'm really happy for him.
Dropped a class that was unnecessary, and in doing so, gained HOURS to focus on Calculus and Chemistry, get my GPA up, and get myself on the Premed track. I will still finish the year with 18 hours per semester due to AP/ACT credit and the like, and no need to take a summer course. Also, this class was giving me some trouble, so the moment I dropped it, I could *feel* the stress dissolve.
I successfully transformed a pGLO plasmid (Ampicillin resistance with Green Florescent Protien marker) with an E. Coli culture. Next up, steal Pete's job.
I successfully transformed a pGLO plasmid (Ampicillin resistance with Green Florescent Protien marker) with anE. Coliculture. Next up, steal Pete's job.
Get back to me when you're an expert at isolating and characterizing Campylobacter. I'll think about starting to worry then.
I successfully transformed a pGLO plasmid (Ampicillin resistance with Green Florescent Protien marker) with anE. Coliculture. Next up, steal Pete's job.
Get back to me when you're an expert at isolating and characterizingCampylobacter. I'll think about starting to worry then.
I was going to say, I was doing pGLO transformations in high school.
I believe I just received a serious offer to do a guest lecture for the Environmental Health class during the coming Fall semester at the Albany School of Public Health.
There is much planning that needs to happen to get this to be a reality, but if it happens, it'll be really fucking cool.
Played combat tonight. Sucked at the start, due to cold hands and tiredness, but rocked out by winning all the team games. In the final game I lost to Alex, a young juggler who has obviously been practicing far more than I have.
Summer internship in Albany, doing all the things I wanted to do for my internship. That includes working with the state legislature, state regulatory agencies, and non-profit environmental groups on energy and climate change issues. Plus, I am working for a center run by my school, so I can continue working with them during my second year (assuming I don't fail out!). BOOH YAH!
For those who don't know, the Alps-Adria-Region is southern Austria (carinthia were I live and souther Styria), Slovenia, Northeast Italy and parts of northern Croatia. And yes, that stuff had a lot of Roman history included.
If this isn't a booh yah, I don't know what is.
There is much planning that needs to happen to get this to be a reality, but if it happens, it'll be really fucking cool.