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Games You are Currently Playing



  • Oblivion - So far, I'm beating it's ass stupid, simply because I went the thief route, and after thrashing through a number of side-quests with it, I've got some absurdly overpowered magic items, and a shit-ton of gold - Propably helps that my procedure for "Fence XYZ amount of money" missions was to go to a house with nothing but my sneakyness helping magic items, a few potions of feather(which allow you to carry much more, if they're strong enough) and rob literally every single thing in the house that's worth even a single gold piece.
  • Oblivion - So far, I'm beating it's ass stupid, simply because I went the thief route, and after thrashing through a number of side-quests with it, I've got some absurdly overpowered magic items, and a shit-ton of gold - Propably helps that my procedure for "Fence XYZ amount of money" missions was to go to a house with nothing but my sneakyness helping magic items, a few potions of feather(which allow you to carry much more, if they're strong enough) and rob literally every single thing in the house that's worth even a single gold piece.
    I have played only a little bit of Oblivion, but from what I've heard it is on a easy side of games.
  • edited February 2011
    I have played only a little bit of Oblivion, but from what I've heard it is on a easy side of games.
    That depends - If you were a straight up combat character, or a nice squishy mage, or trying to be moral in any way, I can see it being harder. But the thief class focuses on thiefing off with anything that's not nailed down and on fire, and sneak-attacking for anything from triple to six times damage from a distance, and escaping if that doesn't work - and since the main barrier to kick-ass magic items is generally money and/or them being owned by someone else, there you go. I do have some difficult spots occasionally - sometimes the difficulty will ramp up weirdly when I go up a level or two - and since my main skills that give me levels are stealth, security, acrobatics and marksman, I went through the first few levels like a hot knife, which lead to me getting my ass kicked a bit when the difficulty caught up.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • edited February 2011
    stealth, security, acrobatics and marksman,
    You should farm out Rockmilk Cave. It's got a nice boss chest at the end, and even at level 4 the last guy was dropping enchanted gear. I got a cloak of water walking and a dagger with 10 charges of lightning. You can also turn in the black bows to the king of that area for 100g a piece, and there's like 20 a run. The bows aren't bad to use either. They were better than any other available bows at the time.
    Post edited by Vhdblood on
  • You should farm out Rockmilk Cave. It's got a nice boss chest at the end, and even at level 4 the last guy was dropping enchanted gear. I got a cloak of water walking and a dagger with 10 charges of lightning. You can also turn in the black bows to the king of that area for 100g a piece, and there's like 20 a run. The bows aren't bad to use either. They were better than any other available bows at the time.
    I lucked out, and managed to grab a dwarven bow from a random drop earlier than when they become common, but good idea. I already finished that cave the first time - to become a knight errant - but farming it isn't a bad idea.
  • Got an iTunes card as a gift, so decided to spend it on game apps. 99cent puzzle game Trainyard is pretty good time. Bought mobile version of Zooloretto and it is absolutely worth the $5. Also bought Neuroshima Hex board game app for $5 but haven't played it yet.
  • Oh mans, Trainyard is the logic-puzzley business. Here are some iOS games I've been playing:
    Flight Control - surprisingly fun, and doesn't take any time to play
    Peggle - yeah...
    Frotz - contemporary Interactive Fiction is actually pretty good (though I usually just replay Zork)
    I Dig It - basically a dig dug clone
    Osmos - another very quick game, but beautifully done

    And, of course, I have a MineCraft Reference on my iPhone.
  • edited February 2011
    And, of course, I have aMineCraft Referenceon my iPhone.
    I thought I was high tec using a second screen for that.
    Post edited by Rainbow matress on
  • edited February 2011
    I found my box copy of Battlefield BC2 doing nothing in a pile of stuff. If someone wants the CD-Key code (I should be able to deactivate the account.) I'll swap it for a LOVE 6-month code ($13). Shoot me a message if you're interested.

    Edit: Seems the code has a 10 disc-less install limit. I've installed it once so it will have 9 installs left.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Buying Magicka was so worth it, it's a steal at $10, it's worth so much more.
    Especially when you get into an exclusive Magicka-playing group since it's tough to get into a public multiplayer game.
  • BSG browser MMO?Is it fun? Will have to check it out since it's free.
  • BSG browser MMO?
    At first, I was like,


    But then, I was like,

  • I have been rocking out on WTF! (Who's that Flying) it is a shoot em up that easily be a game changer to the genre....literally. $5 on PSN and Steam, check it out.
  • BSG browser MMO?Is it fun? Will have to check it out since it's free.
    Looks kind of meh from the video I saw. I can't be sure until I've tried it though (I probably won't actually try it).
  • Final Fantasy Tactics. Abusing the hell out of this glitch that gives me infinite JP for certain classes.
  • Oh yeah, I recently 100% completed and got all trophies for Assassin's Creed 2. Love that game. Need to decide what I want to pick back up next.
  • Finished Fable 3 last night. I can't put my finger on why I didn't enjoy it as much as Fable 2. All I can say is that Fable 3 was pretty much Fable 2 but with the soul sucked out it. I'll be moving onto Stacking next. Hopefully I'll enjoy it as much as Costume Quest.
  • I haven't played many PC games lately, although I have a significant backlog on Steam.
    However, I'm currently playing Mario Galaxy 2 and Donkey Kong Country Returns on the Wii.
  • Finished Fable 3 last night. I can't put my finger on why I didn't enjoy it as much as Fable 2. All I can say is that Fable 3 was pretty much Fable 2 but with the soul sucked out it.
    One of the reasons is because you can't put yourself into the shoes of your character, because they have a voice unlike the previous two where you played a silent character. Additionally there are plot holes you could drive Albion through, and many other things I could discuss.
  • Finished Fable 3 last night. I can't put my finger on why I didn't enjoy it as much as Fable 2. All I can say is that Fable 3 was pretty much Fable 2 but with the soul sucked out it.
    One of the reasons is because you can't put yourself into the shoes of your character, because they have a voice unlike the previous two where you played a silent character. Additionally there are plot holes you could drive Albion through, and many other things I could discuss.
    I think you're right, it's not one underlying thing, just several little annoying things.
  • However, I'm currently playing Mario Galaxy 2 and Donkey Kong Country Returns on the Wii.
    I approve of this combination.
  • Just started Singularity last night on Steam and WOW was that game underrated when it was released. It's basically BioShock in communist Russia. I'm really enjoying so far.
  • In communist Russia, Bioshocks you!
  • Started playing Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (PS3) on Saturday. Initial thoughts: Game is pretty, but perhaps too pretty at times. There's so much animation going on in the background, combine that with near seizure inducing special attack and assists, and its easy to get lost at times. Marvel vs. Capcom 2, also had busy 3D backgrounds, but the characters themselves were 2D sprites, so there was always that separation. Game play itself at first glance seems like MvC2 on baby mode, with everything being simplified and all. No longer do you have separate buttons for punches and kicks, instead you simply have Light, Medium, and Heavy attack buttons. Going L>M>H always results in a combo, no matter the character. The real challenge of the game seems to be finding an open in which to unleash your combos. Once you're started, it's very easy to get at least a 10 hit combo going, and there are plenty of options to keep your chain going.

    The game is all about fan service, offering all sorts of alternate colors/costumes for the character, catch phrases, name dropping, etc.; but with that being said the character roster itself is quite odd to say the least. Does M.O.D.O.K. really have that big of a following that they just had to put him in there, instead of say, Gambit? Or the version of Nathan Spencer from the 2009 3D Bionic Commando over MegaMan? This game has tremendous potential for DLC, and I'm curious to see what they do with it

    Overall, it IS fun. Makes for good shit-talking fodder for buddies on coach having drinks.
  • Started playingMarvel vs. Capcom 3(PS3) on Saturday.
    I thought it comes out tomorrow?

    Also, I don't understand what their problem is. Release a game with EVERY Marvel character and EVERY Capcom character. Not that hard guys. Nobody even cares if they are just model swaps with the same moves. Look at Soul Calibur where you can make your own character. The model is different, but the moves are from one of the existing characters. They should have so many characters you have to browse for them like DDR songs.
  • edited February 2011
    I thought it comes out tomorrow?
    I have my ways... my SEXY ways :-p
    Also, game needs more Juggernaut (bitch.)
    Post edited by ColombianShadow on
  • Started playing Enslaved: Journey into the West. Pretty fun, great graphics, really beautiful settings. The chunks of New York they've used in the post-apocalyptic landscape are all well done. They backgrounds are almost too detailed, as the handholds Monkey has to jump to need to flash for you to see them at all. The controls are really decent, combat is pretty straightforward, and so far the plot is engaging.
    There is nothing ground-shattering about the gameplay, as it's stuff you've probably seen before, but they do it well. There's lever puzzles, button-mashing combat, some light 3rd person shooting, and platforming. Some of the platforming bits are a bit on the easy side, as is some of the combat, but I think they went more for accessibility and less for difficulty.
    The voice acting is really top-notch. The voice actors really did a bang-up job, particularly Trip, in making you feel they are really afraid or upset. The facial animations during cut-scenes are really great too and communicate character emotion well. I'm not near done playing yet, but some of the cut-scenes are very touching and/or well done.
    To quote Kate "Bitch killed my hopefish!"
  • If you got an XBox, and you aren't playing "Stacking" you are fail.
  • If you got an XBox, and you aren't playing "Stacking" you are fail.
    I tried the demo. Was not impressed.
  • If you got an XBox, and you aren't playing "Stacking" you are fail.
    I tried the demo. Was not impressed.
    I don't even...
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