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  • Oh boo hoo. Back in my day, we had eight characters and we were grateful.
    Name me another game that gets a sequel and gets MUCH less characters. Give me one.
  • edited February 2011
    Also no Frank West makes me mad.

    He's covered wars y'know.
    Post edited by Kaptain K on
  • Name me another game that gets a sequel and gets MUCH less characters. Give me one.
    They're going to give you more characters as DLC. DUH.
  • Oh boo hoo. Back in my day, we had eight characters and we were grateful.
    Name me another game that gets a sequel and gets MUCH less characters. Give me one.
    You should be happy with the embarrassment of characters that you have, sonny! Back in my day, you were lucky if you had eight and two weren't pixel swapped! Not git off mah lawn!
  • Name me another game that gets a sequel and gets MUCH less characters. Give me one.
    They're going to give you more characters as DLC. DUH.
    Yeah, and I'll have to pay for them. They know what they are doing, it's just bullshit. I mean, Shuma-Gorath and Jill Valentine were announced as DLC and PICTURES were released of them before the game was even released. I'm just hoping it's cheap, like 1 dollar a character.
  • Back in my day we worked hard to unlock Noob Saibot and we liked it.
  • A roster of only 36 characters is pretty meh. The DLC for characters is going to nice, but it's still for gouging the fans. Hell, I don't think anyone would of wanted Storm or Sentinel if they weren't top tier in the 2nd Game. I do like a lot of their choices, some of the irregulars are pretty cool ads, but others I'm really tired of. (Chun-Li, Hulk, Morrigan, Akuma)
    No love for Akuma? He's different enough from the rest of the Shotokan Warriors to warrant being in there, but I'd drop him like a bad habit if Evil Ryu made a come back. I've been playing Akuma since I started playing fighting games in middle school. The only reason I'm not bothered about the DLC characters is that my roommate has announced his intention to buy all of them regardless.
  • like 1 dollar a character.
    That's NOT cheap.
  • Don't be such a jew Scott.
  • edited February 2011
    Don't be such a jew Scott.
    Listen, I kinda want to get MvC3, but it's $60, which is insane. Newegg has it on sale for $50, which is still insane. I'm waiting for the bargain bin on this mofo. But if they have a whole bunch of extra characters that are $1 each DLC, that adds up! Even if I get the game six months or a year from now for $20, adding another $20 for extra characters is bull shit.

    So you bought a box of Monopoly. Sorry, it only has the Dog and the Top Hat. More playing pieces are $1 each!
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • Scott how do you even see the computer monitor with your huge jew nose blocking your view
  • Scott how do you even see the computer monitor with your huge jew nose blocking your view
    Everyone can see their nose at all times. However, the brain erases it from your vision, unless you intentionally try to look at your nose, then it will magically appear! Just like you don't feel what your tongue is up to, unless you try to think about it.
  • Man, now I can't stop seeing my nose and feeling my tongue
  • Scott do your horns ever get in the way of you attempting to wear a hat?
  • Man, now I can't stop seeing my nose and feeling my tongue
    That's the idea.
  • A roster of only 36 characters is pretty meh. The DLC for characters is going to nice, but it's still for gouging the fans. Hell, I don't think anyone would of wanted Storm or Sentinel if they weren't top tier in the 2nd Game. I do like a lot of their choices, some of the irregulars are pretty cool ads, but others I'm really tired of. (Chun-Li, Hulk, Morrigan, Akuma)
    No love for Akuma? He's different enough from the rest of the Shotokan Warriors to warrant being in there, but I'd drop him like a bad habit if Evil Ryu made a come back. I've been playing Akuma since I started playing fighting games in middle school. The only reason I'm not bothered about the DLC characters is that my roommate has announced his intention to buy all of them regardless.
    Akuma is just too much like Ryu, but overpowered. And from the videos, he just looks obnoxious. If you are going to only use 4 Street Fighter Characters, why no Guile or Dhalsim or someone with more variety? (I'm secretly hoping for Abel or Dudley)
    like 1 dollar a character.
    That's NOT cheap.
    Trust me, 1 dollar would be generous. I know you've seen DLC for SSF4 before. It costs 5 dollars to get COSTUMES for 5 Characters. That's not even adding any true content.
  • Is Guile seriously not in MvC3?
  • edited February 2011
    Is Guile seriously not in MvC3?
    He is not. I don't even think anyone else uses his charge-control system. For example, I didn't say we need Zangief because Haggar is going to be the big thrower character.
    Post edited by Nukerjsr on
  • If they would just make one final game with every single character, I would pay $100 for it. When I say every character, I mean every character. Every street fighter, every Capcom, every SNK, every Marvel, every every.
  • Man, now I can't stop seeing my nose and feeling my tongue
    That's the idea.
    Yeah, it's exactly like how if you think about breathing, all the sudden you cannot breath without thinking about it. Are you thinking about breathing yet?
  • Man, now I can't stop seeing my nose and feeling my tongue
    That's the idea.
    Yeah, it's exactly like how if you think about breathing, all the sudden you cannot breath without thinking about it. Are you thinking about breathing yet?
  • I can think about breathing and I keep breathing. Observe without interacting.
  • Is Guile seriously not in MvC3?
    He is not.
    Well fuck that noise.
  • Is Guile seriously not in MvC3?
    He is not.
    Well fuck that noise.
    There is no noise to fuck without a sonic boom.
  • Here is what I thin, I bet in six months we will get "The Game of the Year Edition", then we will get Super Extreme Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Fate of Two Worlds Semi-Final Edition, I will just wait for the final edition.
  • Doesn't everyone end up playing the same few characters anyway?
  • edited February 2011
    Akuma is just too much like Ryu, but overpowered. And from the videos, he just looks obnoxious. If you are going to only use 4 Street Fighter Characters, why no Guile or Dhalsim or someone with more variety? (I'm secretly hoping for Abel or Dudley)
    He's strong but he's always taken damage like a little girl and that hasn't changed. Phoenix is that worst about that though, she dies sooo fast. Akuma's not even that much like Ryu execpt that he's got hadoukens, shoryukens, and hurricane kicks. Aside from that he plays quite different. It's not an SF4 thing, more a X-Men vs. SF thing or even SFIII:3rd Strike.

    I've not sat down and played around in training, but the switch to 4 button seems to have limited the moveset a bit.
    Post edited by Ruffas on
  • Akuma is just too much like Ryu, but overpowered. And from the videos, he just looks obnoxious. If you are going to only use 4 Street Fighter Characters, why no Guile or Dhalsim or someone with more variety? (I'm secretly hoping for Abel or Dudley)
    He's strong but he's always taken damage like a little girl and that hasn't changed. Phoenix is that worst about that though, she dies sooo fast. Akuma's not even that much like Ryu execpt that he's got hadoukens, shoryukens, and hurricane kicks. Aside from that he plays quite different. It's not an SF4 thing, more a X-Men vs. SF thing or even SFIII:3rd Strike.

    I've not sat down and played around in training, but the switch to 4 button seems to have limited the moveset a bit.
    Pheonix is much more silly about that, but at the same time her Level 5 Dark Phoenix Super is just nuts. Especially since you can tag out when that happens and she'll still have that mode set. I know this game isn't about balance, but if you are going to play it a lot, that does play a factor.
    Here is what I thin, I bet in six months we will get "The Game of the Year Edition", then we will get Super Extreme Marvel Vs Capcom 2 Fate of Two Worlds Semi-Final Edition, I will just wait for the final edition.
    I really might wait for that considering how Street Fighter 4 really changed. It became Super Street Fighter 4, and I bought it off Amazon for EIGHTEEN dollars.
  • If they would just make one final game with every single character, I would pay $100 for it. When I say every character, I mean every character. Every street fighter, every Capcom, every SNK, every Marvel, every every.
    Where would you draw the line? Would you have regular Spiderman, Spiderman 2099, Spiderman 1602, Ultimate Spiderman, Ben Riley, Spiderham, Zombie Spiderman, should I keep going?
  • Don't forget about Man Spider and that version of Spiderman where he has the Stark Industries armor.
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