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  • Am I crazy, or does that stealth level near the beginning of Wind Waker just plain suck? I just find it frustrating and not fun at all.
    Whenever I want to replay the Wind Waker I get excited, and then I remember I have to do that.
    This exactly. I got through it this time though, so I'm glad.
  • @Matt I really liked PH but hated ST... The central dungeon in PH that most people disliked was again, my favourite part! You keep going back with new abilities, find new shortcuts and always under time pressure. Felt pretty hard core.

    ST... Hard to describe... Just didn't click for me. I wasn't having *fun*.
  • I would agree about that for Spirit Tracks, yeah. I was having fun in one or two dungeons, but the part that I got to towards the end stopped being fun. So I traded it in.
  • edited October 2011
    Dear GAMES I WANT TO PLAY (BF3 and/or Red Orchestra 2), please stop being buggy pieces of crap? Also, BF3:
    • SORT BY FUCKING PING. I don't want to resort every time I refresh the server list.
    • Making me wait if there are less than 8 players in a match? Not fun.
    • I've been trying to join a game that doesn't kick me, make me wait, or spontaneously 404 for about half an hour.
    • I'm not even going to talk about Origin or the shitty web interface.
    UPDATE: Finally got to play. This game is really buggy and unresponsive. When I hit crouch, I want to FUCKING CROUCH BECAUSE I AM BEING SHOT AT.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • SORT BY FUCKING PING. I don't want to resort every time I refresh the server list.
    I've seen it do this occasionally, by which I mean actually show the ping of the server. This was sometimes a problem during the beta, but they fixed it so I imagine it'll get fixed soon.

    Other then that I haven't had too much trouble playing. Although the game has crashed on me a bunch, but it's usually 30 or so minutes into playing.
  • edited October 2011
    I think it heard me. Now it's not showing any pings. :-/

    Also, there's no filter for "don't show me random password protected servers, kay?"
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • San Andreas is a very fun game. This alone was worth buying the complete pack for.
  • edited October 2011
    UPDATE: Finally got to play. This game is really buggy and unresponsive. When I hit crouch, I want to FUCKING CROUCH BECAUSE I AM BEING SHOT AT.
    Another mildly annoying bug - When you go out of scope on any sniper rifle, and you're still holding shift, no matter the reason you went out of scope(Reload, to get a big picture view, whatever, but reloads are the most common), 3/4 of the time, you'll immediately get up and start sprinting. Which is annoying as hell, because if you're picking good spots, half the time you'll run off the edge of something to your death.

    At least they fixed the UMP Instant death bug.

    Also amusing - was on a server having a quick blast when the game had been out for a little while last night, this dude is laying into everyone, and started complaining that his entire team were noobs, and if the other team weren't all shitty noobs, then even he wouldn't be able to carry them to victory. About two seconds later, someone else points out "The game has been out for two fucking hours. EVERYONE is a noob, dumbass." Followed by someone else saying(over multiple messages) "And you're 3/4 of the way down the scoreboard, noob, so you're not carrying your team either. You're sitting at the back, camping, waiting for someone to wander by to snipe, you're fucking useless."

    The guy ragequit with a furious "FUK U N00BS!" a few minutes later.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Aside from the fact that Ico has old-generation controls (meaning wonky and slow to respond, leading to many "WTF game, I didn't tell you to do that" moments), it has been a good experience so far. It's definitely nice to play a game that doesn't hold your hand or give you any hints at all, even though it can also be frustrating at times.
  • Aside from the fact that Ico has old-generation controls (meaning wonky and slow to respond, leading to many "WTF game, I didn't tell you to do that" moments), it has been a good experience so far. It's definitely nice to play a game that doesn't hold your hand or give you any hints at all, even though it can also be frustrating at times.
    Out of curiosity, do you know if the game provides you with subtitles for Yorda, like the Japanese version did, or if you still have no idea what she's saying. Personally, I'd like the option to turn them off or on. There was definitely something cool about not being able to understand what she was saying, but at the same time, as an extra bonus or easter egg, it would be cool to have them.
  • I have a platinum collection copy of the Japanese ICO, I can't recall the subtitles.
  • Aside from the fact that Ico has old-generation controls (meaning wonky and slow to respond, leading to many "WTF game, I didn't tell you to do that" moments), it has been a good experience so far. It's definitely nice to play a game that doesn't hold your hand or give you any hints at all, even though it can also be frustrating at times.
    Out of curiosity, do you know if the game provides you with subtitles for Yorda, like the Japanese version did, or if you still have no idea what she's saying. Personally, I'd like the option to turn them off or on. There was definitely something cool about not being able to understand what she was saying, but at the same time, as an extra bonus or easter egg, it would be cool to have them.
    From playing it only a couple hours, Yorda still speaks in moon language, with no subtitles to indicate what it means. Or maybe I should be more clear. Ico speaks and there are english subtitles. Yorda speaks and you just see symbols like hieroglyphics for subtitles. There may be an option to change that after beating the game once, but on the first run through, there is no option to change the language/subtitles.
  • I started Lost Planet 2, and it seems like it can be tons of fun - had I had friends (who also happened to have the game on 360 and want to play with me), but alone it's kinda... it's still fun, but I feel like I'm missing out. It also feels Monster Hunter-esc.
  • edited October 2011
    I started Lost Planet 2, and it seems like it can be tons of fun - had I had friends (who also happened to have the game on 360 and want to play with me), but alone it's kinda... it's still fun, but I feel like I'm missing out. It also feels Monster Hunter-esc.
    I've been playing it the last few Fridays with 2 other friends. Personally, I don't really like it. I think the skill cap is pretty low, you just point and shoot and stuff either dies or you do. Your dude is SO slow and SO clunky!

    After us sinking 100+ hours into Borderlands we were trying to re-create that magic. Alas... No magic yet.

    Might just wait for BL2.

    I dislike most FPS, BL was the exception. Co-op rocks.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Deus Ex DLC is more Deus Ex. Clears up some things, but more new questions than answers. You also get a cool gun.
  • You also get a cool gun.
    Shurikens and lightning?
  • Shurikens and lightning?
    Shiny gold revolver.
  • edited October 2011
    Shurikens and lightning?
    Shiny gold revolver.
    Funky Cold Medina.
    Post edited by Omnutia on
  • Mirror's Edge is still one of the best looking games I've played in a long time.
  • Mirror's Edge is still one of the best looking games I've played in a long time.
    Too bad that the game itself wasn't too fun.
  • =( I like it.
  • To be honest I seem to be in minority in my hate of Mirror's Edge.
  • Too bad that the game itself wasn't too fun.
    That game was fuckin' great, right up till the end. Yeah, let's have an unarmed protagonist who is terrible in combat, and focuses on moving fast and fluidly, then force them into just crouching around behind cover and slowly moving, making them do combat with heavily armed men with no way around them.
  • That game was fuckin' great, right up till the end. Yeah, let's have an unarmed protagonist who is terrible in combat, and focuses on moving fast and fluidly, then force them into just crouching around behind cover and slowly moving, making them do combat with heavily armed men with no way around them.
    This is my only complaint about Mirror's Edge. The combat is an entirely unnecessary addition to a game that is ostensibly about freerunning.
  • Yeah, let's have [a] protagonist who is terrible in combat, and focuses on moving fast and fluidly, then force them into just crouching around behind cover and slowly moving, making them do combat with heavily armed men with no way around them.
    So... just like Metal Gear Solid then?
    (I have not played ME... and have a sneaking suspicion that it's me and not Snake who's terrible at combat)
  • edited October 2011
    So... just like Metal Gear Solid then?
    (I have not played ME... and have a sneaking suspicion that it's me and not Snake who's terrible at combat)
    Snake is a Marine(correct me if I'm wrong, I know he's a trained soldier, though). Faith is just a deliverywoman. I think it's you.
    Post edited by Yuyuke on
  • Snake is a Marine (correct me if I'm wrong)
    The Metal Gear Wiki says he used to be a Green Beret. So... he's Army (I have have to admit I'm still not sure why those are separate). It's worth noting, however, that his enemies are genetically engineered super-soldiers. How many (aside from the bosses) did you actually kill?
  • Snake is pretty badass as combat. 1v1 there's little chance of losing. 5v1, as long as the enemies are close enough to try and melee you rather than shoot, you're still gonna win. In 4 he's slightly less badass. In 3 you need to tap the dpad a bunch during combat.
  • a1sa1s
    edited October 2011
    That settles it. I can barely manage 1vs1, when I fail to strangle them while they don't see me. Come to think of it, Psycho Mantis told me I was shit at combat. He said other hurtful things too though. Plus I just killed a tank (1 on 1, without even an RPG!) so I had cause to be skeptical.
    Post edited by a1s on
  • What Metal Gear Solid game are you talking? The first one?
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