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  • Batman: Arkham City was pretty awesome
    I wouldn't know, since the PC release was already a month behind consoles, and now it's been pushed back another Two weeks.
    Hopefully that means it will be a good port.

  • Batman: Arkham City was pretty awesome
    I wouldn't know, since the PC release was already a month behind consoles, and now it's been pushed back another Two weeks.
    Hopefully that means it will be a good port.
    It'd fucking want to be, considering they recently doubled the price for it here. From fifty to $99.99 to, quote, "Bring it into line with retail pricing."

    How about kiss my sweaty balls you greedy cunts. It's to bring it in like with ripping us the fuck off is what it is.
  • Cracked open Frozen Synapse last night. I think I remember someone here saying that the first mission was way hard, but i got through it no problem. I'm enjoying it.
  • About to beat Dead Rising 2. It's... not a very good game. Most of the boss rights are brutal trial and error, the missions are a lot of running around, and dying is NOT FUN. But there are a few elements to the game play that I like and would work in better constructed games. Specifically: A clock that is always ticking down to the end of the game and the ability to use almost anything as a weapon or combine things to create new weapons.
  • I'm finally getting around to finishing Bastion on a new game + run. Holy shit, those totems make the game hard. It basically turns the game into a "oh my god, if the enemies touch me I will be murdered slightly afterwards" game.
  • I'm finally getting around to finishing Bastion on a new game + run. Holy shit, those totems make the game hard. It basically turns the game into a "oh my god, if the enemies touch me I will be murdered slightly afterwards" game.
    There are certain strategies that come into their own with full idols up. The life-leech one comes to mind. Once I adapted to using that instead of potions, life became much easier.

  • I just run around with the Calamity Cannon and the Brusher's Pike. THEY WILL NEVER TOUCH ME. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  • edited November 2011
    I blew the dust off of the Wii this weekend, and started by playing Bit.Trip Beat, which I had previously only played a few rounds of. There are three levels and I beat the first two, but the third is absolutely nuts. I got about halfway through and realized it may just be a bit too far beyond my skill cap. These are 15 min stages of "musical pong bullet hell" with very little margin of error.

    I then cracked the shrink wrap on Kirby's Epic Yarn, which is an OK platformer. Not an incredibly challenging platformer, but this thing oozes style and polish, which kept me playing. About halfway through, I'm starting to see some challenge in the stretch goals such as finding hidden objects and high score challenges as you go through and trounce the standard levels.

    I've been so into board gaming these past two years that my video gaming has been pretty much all short games and indie stuff like Super Meat Boy. I really have not played a first-rate $60 title in two years. I checked my Xbox profile and I started Dead Space in January of 2010, got halfway through, and it's been all arcade titles since then!

    I am starting to miss the grandiose video games though. Video game season is about to kick in. Even though I've got a big unplayed stack, the buzz on Skyward Sword is very very positive and now I want to spend more monies...
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I'm finally getting around to finishing Bastion on a new game + run. Holy shit, those totems make the game hard. It basically turns the game into a "oh my god, if the enemies touch me I will be murdered slightly afterwards" game.
    Only thing that I seriously hated on Bastons new game + with all totems on was those birds that would hug you and kill you in a moment. They came in flocks and kinda just drained your life away in a moment.

  • edited November 2011
    I'm finally getting around to finishing Bastion on a new game + run. Holy shit, those totems make the game hard. It basically turns the game into a "oh my god, if the enemies touch me I will be murdered slightly afterwards" game.
    Only thing that I seriously hated on Bastons new game + with all totems on was those birds that would hug you and kill you in a moment. They came in flocks and kinda just drained your life away in a moment.
    Those things were a pain in the ass in the regular game.

    Also, the Fire Bellows is not as useful as I would have liked it to be.

    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • I used the rifle most of the game, switching my secondary weapon little bit depending on the level. Rifle has awesome range and is powerful after you learn the timing of the power shot. But that's one thing I kinda like in that game everyone has their different favorite weapons so most of them are more or less good and useful.
  • I usually use the Dueling Pistols or the Fang Repeater with the Brusher's Pike with the doppleganger ability (I can't remember the actual name of it), but the appeal of the fully upgraded Calamity Cannon is too much.
  • Only an hour and a half into Uncharted 3 so far, but loving every minute of it. Hopefully I can finish it before I leave town for the weekend.
  • I'm really liking The Binding of Isaac. I'm beaten the heart thing twice, but I still feel like there is a ton left to explore.
  • Wizorb is another fun little indie game. Brickout with RPG Elements, it's actually pretty fun, but comes with the regular brickout difficulties/complaints.
  • I was a shotgun/rifle, then pike/repeater for a while. The mortar is also amazingly overpowered. That game executed very well in the weapons department.
  • Breath of Death VII during class. Feels good, man.
  • Sonic Generations. Holy shit, it is good, and it is FUN.
  • Sonic Generations. Holy shit, it is good, and it is FUN.
    I know. It is good. I beat it last week. Fun times. The last boss is a doop though.

  • Sonic Generations Gameplay.
    That shit looks like a fantastic game!
  • Fuck that does look like fun.
  • Never thought I'd get the chance to say it again, but that Sonic game looks good.
  • It's so good you guys!! I am so happy.
  • Not a game but I picked up the Nyko Kinect adapter and I can now play Kinect games without moving my couch.
  • I've been playing the shit out of Dark Souls and Isaac. I guess I just hate myself.
  • Still playing BF3, but I've been putting a ton of time into Battletech. Holy crap, are some of the guys I play with good. I thought I was doing well to have good army composition, and they're running circles around me, unloading LRMs. Case in point, I figured out that using Swarm LRMs allow LRMs that miss to retarget nearby units... and promptly destroyed two of my own units in one round using them.
  • I've been playing the shit out of Dark Souls and Isaac. I guess I just hate myself.
  • I've been playing Skyrim. Ask me this question again in 6 months, and the answer will likely be the same.
  • Don't have enough money for Skyrim, unfortunately. Nitronic Rush came out on the same day, so I played it instead. And... it's actually really fun. :3
  • Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim
    Bathroom bathroom

    Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim
    Bathroom bathroom

    Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim
    Bathroom bathroom

    Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim
    Bathroom bathroom
    Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim Skyrim
    Argh! Sleeeep! Sleeeeeep! Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! oooh its a sleeeeeeeep!
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