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  • I FB stalked him because I was curious to see why he said that because I am enjoying the game. The first thing I found was a link for Skyward Sword.

  • edited November 2011
    Not visible due to privacy settings.
    YouTube mirror:

    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited November 2011
    I was curious to see why he said that because I am enjoying the game.
    I've been playing it for less than four hours and I'm almost done with world 8. I had the same experience with Galaxy 2. Absolutely zero challenge.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • edited November 2011
    PA wrote about this. It is a shame they do his by default and not let you have the option of turning it off. I can see why they need this for people getting into Mario along with perhaps really young gamers.

    If this does happen to me, I won't be using that golden leaf.

    I haven't put much time into it but playing like one world every now and then. I have bee having issues with the depth perception and accidentally falling off to the side. I want to see how Street Pass works for this.
    Post edited by Rochelle on
  • Not visible due to privacy settings.
    YouTube mirror:

    Does youtube force that video to be mirrored, or was it intentional?
  • Photobooth is dumb.
  • I flipped it with a video converter if you need/want it.
  • PA wrote about this. It is a shame they do his by default and not let you have the option of turning it off.
    Since you can simply not pick the item up, I don't see the problem.
  • edited November 2011
    The problem is that the game is easy even without the Cheat Leaf. I only used it twice, the first time when it appeared and I didn't know what it was, and then again when I shot this video. I beat the main game in about five hours total. The existence of the Cheat Leaf was sort of the last straw. There are eight more worlds, basically a "new game+" with rehashes of the earlier levels, but I feel too burnt and disappointed by this game to really want to play them.

    [Edit] A few positive points and things I enjoyed about the game since I don't want to sound like a total hater: The controls are flawless and the way the 3D works with depth perception is flawless. Pretty much every level makes use of that spacial recognition absolutely perfectly. It did meet my expectations of blending 2D and 3D Mario styles and did it very well. Every level is unique and introduces several new things, just like the Galaxy series, but also has the feel and elements of SMB3/SMW/NSMB. If only Nintendo wasn't so goddamned afraid of making this game too hard.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I don't know what Super Mario Galaxy 2 you played, but that game got really freaking hard eventually, especially if you're going for the Green stars.
  • Saints Row the Third starts with a Star Wars style credit scroll, followed by a Japanese energy drink commercial. You then rob a bank, everyone wearing giant Johnny Gat masks. This of course goes terribly wrong.

    "How long till the helicopter arrives?"
    "I dunno, two waves of SWAT guys?"
    "That sounds about right."

    You end up on a plane, kill everyone on it, jump out, and have a shootout while skydiving. Then you rob a National Guard armoury and escape in a helicopter with piles of munitions. Then the game starts for real.

    I knew I had made a good choice when I started the game up and the menu displayed:

    "Whored Mode"

    I saw that, threw my hands in the air, and cried "GAME OF THE YEAR!"
    THIS, best $45 spent in the year.

  • I'm playing so much Binding of Isaac. I finally beat Sheol for the first time today. Brimstone + chocolate milk is terrifyingly overpowered.
    Beat mom's heart for the second time recently. I'm taking my time.

    Got a new computer recently. Game lost all my data, items, characters, etc, in the move.

    Got to room with door to Mom. Killed by turret thingy before I can fight Mom.


  • I got Saint's Row 3 free on OnLive but haven't started it yet. Really looking forward to it.
  • edited November 2011
    Sail, have you gone and finished Super Mario Land 3D yet? From what I had read & heard, the game's 8 worlds are very easy on first pass, but when you think you have beaten then game, it reveals itself to only be half done. You then have to play through the hard versions of each of these stages, which are apparently quite fun and challenging twists on all of the originals. I'd like to know if this statement was the case for you, or were the "second half" levels lame as well?
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Sail, have you gone and finished Super Mario Land 3D yet? From what I had read & heard, the game's 8 worlds are very easy on first pass, but when you think you have beaten then game, it reveals itself to only be half done. You then have to play through the hard versions of each of these stages, which are apparently quite fun and challenging twists on all of the originals. I'd like to know if this statement was the case for you, or were the "second half" levels lame as well?
    I beat the main game in about five hours total. There are eight more worlds, basically a "new game+" with rehashes of the earlier levels, but I feel too burnt and disappointed by this game to really want to play them.
    I played the first special world and it wasn't enough to keep me. Perhaps the challenge I was looking for would have been there if I had kept going, but like I said, I just felt too burnt on this game to care. I traded it in this morning and got $28 off Skyward Sword. No reason to bother with SM3DL when I have so many other new games I could be playing that will offer me a satisfying and rewarding experience from the get-go.

  • Oh yeah that's what I get for skimming a thread. I'm a ways off from playing it myself (don't even have a 3DS yet) but I hope I have a better experience.
  • Son of a fucking bitch, Saints Row the Third is good, and it just keeps getting more gooderer. That's right, it's so good I can't be bothered to articulate it properly.
  • Son of a fucking bitch, Saints Row the Third is good, and it just keeps getting more gooderer. That's right, it's so good I can't be bothered to articulate it properly.
    All I can say is "Power by Kanye West".
  • So while my girlfriend has been playing through the Uncharted games from the beginning (and using up my TV to do so), I've been working through Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.
  • Son of a fucking bitch, Saints Row the Third is good, and it just keeps getting more gooderer. That's right, it's so good I can't be bothered to articulate it properly.
    All I can say is "Power by Kanye West".
    I was directed to the wiki page for SR3 by a friend of mine, who told me to look at the song list for the metal radio station. Expecting shit like Bullet for my Valentine, Linkin Park, etc... Was hit with Opeth, Between the Buried and Me, Mastodon, and Amon Amarth, among others.

    Plus, Ride of the Valkyries on the classical station. GOTY.

  • So, I started playing Fate/Extra the other day. I'm still in the first week, and I'm enjoying it so far. The combat is a simple "each round of combat is six rounds of rock-paper-scissors with damage numbers" but it has managed to be engaging thusfar. My only problems are the continuation of the alarming trend of untranslated combat chatter and the fact that the Servant I decided to start with, Saber, is the hugest bitch. I can't really complain, though: knowing who she's supposed to be, the personality actually fits perfectly.
  • So while my girlfriend has been playing through the Uncharted games from the beginning (and using up my TV to do so), I've been working through Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.
    Hey, no complaining about girlfriends taking up the TV to enjoy video games! That's a problem you want to have.

  • So while my girlfriend has been playing through the Uncharted games from the beginning (and using up my TV to do so), I've been working through Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.
    Hey, no complaining about girlfriends taking up the TV to enjoy video games! That's a problem you want to have.
    Who says I'm complaining? I'm merely stating a fact that since I can't use the TV, I'm getting caught up on my portable games instead. Believe me, I'm ecstatic that she is loving those games as much as I do.
  • Finished up Batman Arkham City (PS3) last week and Sonic Generations (Xbox 360) a couple of nights ago. I enjoyed both games immensely, for both different and similar reasons.

    Arkham City is, of course, as everyone else is saying the world's best (Goddamn) Batman simulator. Sneaking up on, beating up, terrifying the shit out of bad guys and thugs, and then zipping away into the dark is one of the most satisfying experiences in gaming. The plot is one the of the best Joker stories I've ever watched/read/played. The dialogue though is a bit dodgy at times (especially Batman's.) And the map itself is so packed to brim with riddles, secrets, and easter eggs for Batman fans that it's bound to keep on occupied for a bit. I finished the main story and all the side quests except for the Riddler challenges and trophies.

    Sonic Generations is very solid game, also packed with little references and in jokes for Sonic fans. The boss battles are no fun though. Especially the last one. The actual levels and their missions are a blast to play. The feeling of speed and freedom are emphasized greatly in the level design, although it tends to get in the way in some of the more tight platforming areas where precise jumping is needed. Frustrating levels aside, it's a nice solid game that I enjoyed.
  • Roughly three days till Arkham city is Availiable for PC.
  • image

    Petz Catz 2
  • Super Paper Mario has been laid to rest. Now I'm in a holding pattern, trying to figure out if I will go back and finish that second half of Dead Space, or continue plowing through my 2007-2008 era pile o' shame on the Wii and DS.
  • I say finish the pile of shame.
  • Pile of shame here. About halfway through Epic Yarn. When you are going for a GOLD medal every level, the game is really quite challenging! Then it's on to Skyward Sword (JOY!!) and then DK country returns and finally back to my default game, Xenoblade.

    I do own a PS3, honest. But Nintendo are just in the zone for me right now.
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