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  • edited November 2011
    Just a warning about Epic Yarn, since I recently beat it. It's absolutely worth playing just to appreciate the style, and if you want to make sure you gold-medal every level then that is great and I hope you enjoy the challenge. Do not expect to get any in-game reward though. For the first third of the game I was playing at 100% pace, until I peeked at an online guide to see what sort of unlockables I should be expecting. Aside from (useless) furniture items to decorate your (useless) apartment, there is no reward. The game does not even acknowledge that you have accomplished 100% apparently.
    Post edited by Matt on
  • Just a warning about Epic Yarn, since I recently beat it. It's absolutely worth playing just to appreciate the style, and if you want to make sure you gold-medal every level then that is great and I hope you enjoy the challenge. Do not expect to get any in-game reward though. For the first third of the game I was playing at 100% pace, until I peeked at an online guide to see what sort of unlockables I should be expecting. Aside from (useless) furniture items to decorate your (useless) apartment, there is no reward. The game does not even acknowledge that you have accomplished 100% apparently.
    Truth. Once I beat the game, I pretty much just stopped going to gold medals or the mini-games because it doesn't matter.

  • Oh dear lord what is transpiring on that love seat? Perhaps I've answered my own question...

    I guess they don't call him Prince Fluff for nothing. OHHHHHHHHHHH
  • Metaknight just watches.
  • Just a warning about Epic Yarn, since I recently beat it. It's absolutely worth playing just to appreciate the style, and if you want to make sure you gold-medal every level then that is great and I hope you enjoy the challenge. Do not expect to get any in-game reward though. For the first third of the game I was playing at 100% pace, until I peeked at an online guide to see what sort of unlockables I should be expecting. Aside from (useless) furniture items to decorate your (useless) apartment, there is no reward. The game does not even acknowledge that you have accomplished 100% apparently.
    Truth. Once I beat the game, I pretty much just stopped going to gold medals or the mini-games because it doesn't matter.
    The one challenge worth seeking is to go back and make sure you gold-medal the bosses. Those two extra levels you can unlock in each world are all alternate-mode-Kirby focused and they're great fun.


    How much for the chocolate cupcake footstool?

  • edited November 2011
    Long bus ride and general dislike of playing iOS games = playing Chrono Trigger on the DS for the first time. Why did no one tell me this game was sooooo good? ;)
    Post edited by jabrams007 on
  • Long bus ride and general dislike of playing iOS games = playing Chrono Trigger on the DS for the first time. Why did no one tell me this game was sooooo good? ;)
    The whole universe told you.
  • I know... I typed that partially in jest, but still... This game is amazing. I can't believe they had non-random encounters, combined attacks, and a whole bunch of other stuff so many years ago. It's like after this game, Japan forgot about every innovation Chrono Trigger made to the genre for the next 10 years and went back to the same FF forumula.
  • Epic Yarn – Didn’t expect anything to unlock really, just playing for 100% as I always do. I feel that is usually how the designers want you to play. It certainly turns an “infinite lived” romp into a test of reflexes. In fact, I have to say apart from the visual style (which I was expecting be awesome) this game is exceeding my expectations in every way – as long as you play for Gold medals and all 3 items per level. Very well balanced.

    Chrono Trigger – Duh... :) But I do have a comment – If you like Chrono, I urge you to try Radiant Historia. Its really a refreshed Chrono with a REALLY cool combat system. Great music as well.
  • Chrono Trigger – Duh... :) But I do have a comment – If you like Chrono, I urge you to try Radiant Historia. Its really a refreshed Chrono with a REALLY cool combat system. Great music as well.
    Cool! Thanks for the recommendation. I'll definiteliy check it out.

  • Playing Oblivion for the first time... only slightly embarrassed to admit it. I didn't have a gaming rig or an Xbox when it was released, so that's my excuse.
  • Playing Oblivion for the first time... only slightly embarrassed to admit it. I didn't have a gaming rig or an Xbox when it was released, so that's my excuse.
  • Playing Oblivion for the first time... only slightly embarrassed to admit it. I didn't have a gaming rig or an Xbox when it was released, so that's my excuse.
    hah! I've been playing Morrowind. My excuse is that I wanted an RPG like that but have no money, and well I've played oblivion and wasn't the biggest fan.

  • edited November 2011
    I finally broke down and purchased Crysis: Warhead so that I could get Crysis Wars and play Mechwarrior Living Legends. I'm excited, because it might be the MW5 I've been waiting for.

    I've only played it for about half an hour so far, but I am incredibly impressed. Hopped in a missile vehicle and was unleashing torrents of LRMs at enemy mechs before I knew it. Then I got nailed by a PPC.
    Post edited by SquadronROE on
  • I'm currently playing Saints Row: The Third.
  • PS2 + Newly repaired HDTV via Component cables up-scales Shadow Of The Colossus beautifully.
  • I just got Saints Row the Third anyone interested in co-oping after I get past the tutorial missions?
  • Skyward Sword is amazing, and Super Mario 3D Land is easy so far, but is still really fun.
  • 28h on Saints the third (I went for ALL the side missions and collectibles) about to finish it, and I'm still not tired of it.
  • Playing Oblivion for the first time... only slightly embarrassed to admit it. I didn't have a gaming rig or an Xbox when it was released, so that's my excuse.
    Same here picked it up on the steam sale. Also with the total war mega pack.
  • Finished the first dungeon in Skyward Sword. The 1:1 sword has to be felt to be believed. It's pretty damn nice.
  • Because I have... pretty much no money, I've been playing Nitro Racer. You know, that other game that came out on 11/11/11. Horrible release timing. xD But it's actually pretty good. Basically a surprisingly slick Tron racing game. And FREE! Major bonus. :3
  • If it's Tron-style racing games you want, Nitronic Rush is a neat recent release from the students at DigiPen. The "story mode" is kinda short, but the challenge levels are amazing(ly frustrating in some cases).
  • Lemme see...:
    Zelda: OoT 3D
    Super Mario RPG
    Mega Man X
  • Dead Island was on sale for $20 via Steam. I picked it up and for a $20 game it's quite enjoyable.
  • Do not buy Kane and Lynch.

    Buy Limbo.
  • Serious Sam 3: BFE is the best single-player FPS I've played in ages.
  • Orly? This I shall have to try. There is something very satisfying about the Serious Sam formula.
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