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  • edited November 2009
    Holy crap, I never even looked at what Borderlands was before. I want to play that game so badly, and 98% of the reason is just for the visual style. I'm such a pathetic sucker for grimy postapocalypses. I also really like the proportions they're using for the characters -- I wish more "serious" games would go for a more cartoony style. It's just so much more interesting to look at.
    Post edited by Funfetus on
  • L4D2
    It's out! Tonight, zombie cleanup! Everyone 6PM Eastern, be on Internets.
  • Beneath a Steel Sky and Shadowgate....DEATH!!!!
  • 15 minutes of L4D2 then work, damn I have a concert to go to tonight...The Cranberries..
  • I want to play, but I have to clean up my apartment for guests coming this weekend. :(

    At least that's the excuse I'm going to use so ya'll don't discover I only pretend to game. :P
  • edited November 2009
    At least with L4D2 I can learn the campaigns on single player until friends are ready for co-op and vs. mode. Unlike games like Newerth where I can't play at all unless someone else shows up.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • At least with L4D2 I can learn the campaigns on single player until friends are ready for co-op and vs. mode. Unlike games like Newerth where I can't play at all unless someone else shows up.
    That's where we differ, I'd rather have the experience of 4 players never having played the campaign going through as if they were actually survivors then a elite group of people already jaded to the experience trying to get the highest kill ratio.
  • That's where we differ, I'd rather have the experience of 4 players never having played the campaign going through as if they were actually survivors then a elite group of people already jaded to the experience trying to get the highest kill ratio.
    Me too. I'm just saying that at least this game is playable even if my Steam friend's list is totally empty. Nothing is worse than being in the mood to play a game, and being unable to because nobody else is available.
  • That's where we differ, I'd rather have the experience of 4 players never having played the campaign going through as if they were actually survivors then a elite group of people already jaded to the experience trying to get the highest kill ratio.
    Me too. I'm just saying that at least this game is playable even if my Steam friend's list is totally empty. Nothing is worse than being in the mood to play a game, and being unable to because nobody else is available.
    The AI is SOOOOOO incompetent that its almost unplayable (for what I've played)
  • The AI is SOOOOOO incompetent that its almost unplayable (for what I've played)
    Damn, it was at least okish in the original.
  • Tonight I'm playing Megaman Legends 1 and Lego!
  • My major complaint about L4D was that when you seriously wanted to win as survivors, you went Auto Shoties and never moved more then a foot away from each other. There was no good way to consistently split up the survivors unless you had a tank. Even with the tank if the survivors were good they could hear the music and a)rush the tank spawn and light him on fire or b) run to a safe area. Either way the game wasnt the infecteds to win, but the survivors to lose. (except for certain finals) This was annoying. My second complaint was corner camping by survivors whenever the shit hit the fan. It felt too calm and safe. Whenever you got in a bad situation, run to a wall and group together.

    All 3 classes added for L4D2 have the ability to split up a group and cause chaos. Charger and Jockey handle my first complaint and Spitter handles the second. Also, panic events can no longer be camped out. The game is no longer, "survivors win unless we get a tank".
  • I made some Steam events for L4D2 tonight.
  • I made some Steam events for L4D2 tonight.
    I'd join but alas most don't stand for the obvious lag-a-thon that it is.
  • Uh oh... Looks Like the new Beatles RB DLC comes out on 360 today... Must hold off purchasing Sergeant Pepper until after I 5 star all songs in story mode...
  • I just finished playing through all the L4D2 campaigns solo. They do some really interesting things to mix up the gameplay this time.
  • I'm buying L4D2 probably tomorrow night, but I won't be able to play it until next week...

    Meanwhile, I've got a DS arr-pee-gee craving, which yielded the following list:

    Chrono Trigger (got halfway done but never finished)
    Disgaea DS (I hear good things)
    Mario and Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story (Yeah!)

    Also, Layton numbers 1 and 2.
  • Just got home from work and am loading the L4D2. It will hopefully be done by 6 PM. See you soon.
  • edited November 2009
    Ok, just finished the first campaign on advanced, how BAD is the AI you ask?

    -I died 6 times (all of them either a smoker/hunter/jockey with at least 2 AI at my side, me with almost full health, fuckers just stood there) and had to kill 4 of my team mates (as they thought it was funny to stand on a fire and die while the other two bots tried to lift the 3rd and proceeded to drop him when they realized they were on fire too, again and again, until I shot them all. The other one decided to just turn back and walk towards the beginning of the map.)

    -The AI won't pick a thing: At the end where you have to pick up the 8 cans of gas, the bots won't pick up a single one.

    Edit: Oh, at one point the 3 AI had the hunting rifle at the same time, so when a charger caught me, instead of shooting it, they all switched to melee and began chasing after the charger.
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • I'm cooking dinner, and waiting in the GeekNights chat room. I'll be ready for action after I eat.
  • edited November 2009
    Everyone tell me if I should get L4D2. I did not play L4D1.
    Post edited by Sail on

    So when playing Newerth last week I was unable to get a server list, but I could play online just fine. I chalked it up to it being beta.

    Now I try to play L4D2, and every server I play on I get a 200+ ping, unplayable.

    So I start to realize, I have not really played any real-time online games at my new apartment.

    Sure enough, I start to investigate, and it's really bad. I went to check NS, and the lowest ping I got on any NS server was 70. The good server I got a ping of 100+. I'm using to having a ping of under 30. Now, my ping to is over 100!

    I don't know what the fuck to do. I can't get a different service provider. There is only one choice. I can't move, I'm stuck here for a year. Does this just mean I can't play any real-time games online? I'm going to call and complain, but can I seriously expect any results from that? I'm paying $10 extra each month for "Turbo" instead of regular service. This isn't very turbo to me.

    Meanwhile, with Cablevision we got crazy slow pings and crazy good bandwidth with the lowest level of service possible. Time Warner can die in a fire.

    W T F am I supposed to do?
  • You're just going to have to learn to deal with it, I suppose.

    Are your cables bad?
  • That's odd. We just switched from Time Warner to Version because of the crappy service, but we never had a speed problem.
  • Going to have to get yourself some good single player RPGs to fill the year with.
  • You're just going to have to learn to deal with it, I suppose.
    There's nothing to learn to deal with. It's just unplayable. Period. I can not play any multiplayer real-time games over the Internet. No L4D2, no NS, no NS2, no nothing.

    I just started a game of L4D2. I chose best available dedicated server. I was playing alone. My ping was almost 300. Game unplayable.

    I also just noticed during my investigation that my router is really blinking a hell of a lot. Like, constantly. Even if I unplug the ethernet cable from it, it blinks a fuckton.

    My guess is that even though each apartment in this building is paying for internet separately, we are basically all sharing one-person's worth of connection. I'm going to check in the morning and see what the ping is like. If I am correct, the other tenants will be using the Internet less in the morning.

    Either way, I am going to stab someone in the face.
  • Caved and got L4D2.
  • This is exactly the same problem I have with Comcast at my place. Only thing that I can get, and while the download speeds are good and reliable (300 KB/s on average), the upload is horrendous, often just cutting out entirely. I really don't even bother playing online because most of the time I will get kicked off for lag.

    Also, usually when a company says "Turbo" or something like that, that just means improved burst speed, not consistent speed.
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