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  • Are the single player campaigns of the Modern Warfare worth playing, or rather purchasing, the game for? I own Modern Warfare 2, and have only played the multiplayer. I refrained from playing single player since I haven't played the first Modern Warfare at all, and haven't bought MW3; am I missing anything by skipping the first game, or should I try and acquire the first one on the cheap cheap?
    Well, maybe at sale prices. You can put a joint in the oven for a Sunday roast, finish the game, and still have time to put the vegetables on by the time you finish watching the credits.

  • Let's play Ancient Greek Punishments!
    Go on, beat the high score. I dare you.
    I tried to break the Zeno one, but the game outsmarted me.

  • edited January 2012
    Are the single player campaigns of the Modern Warfare worth playing, or rather purchasing, the game for? I own Modern Warfare 2, and have only played the multiplayer. I refrained from playing single player since I haven't played the first Modern Warfare at all, and haven't bought MW3; am I missing anything by skipping the first game, or should I try and acquire the first one on the cheap cheap?
    Well, maybe at sale prices. You can put a joint in the oven for a Sunday roast, finish the game, and still have time to put the vegetables on by the time you finish watching the credits.

    The story of the first Modern Warfare made me really, really angry and the gameplay left me cold, so I'll say no. I much prefer Rainbow Six Vegas 2 when I want over the top military action, but as always, your mileage may vary.
    Post edited by Hitman Hart on

  • Well I beat Modern Warfare 3. It's just Call of Duty, but again. As flawed as it is, its still fun multiplayer which is the reason I got it.
    Are the single player campaigns of the Modern Warfare worth playing, or rather purchasing, the game for? I own Modern Warfare 2, and have only played the multiplayer. I refrained from playing single player since I haven't played the first Modern Warfare at all, and haven't bought MW3; am I missing anything by skipping the first game, or should I try and acquire the first one on the cheap cheap?
    Hmm, well they're fairly fun but I would say get them cheap or just borrow them from a friend if you can. I think I clocked in at around 6 hours and change for the regular single player campaign on MW3. I didn't bother gathering intel or playing on veteran. And the Survival Mode is just horde mode.

  • Oh my god, Pushmo. If you have a 3DS and you don't have it, what is wrong with your life? It's 7 bucks for an immensely charming an clever puzzle/platformer that has absolutely nothing to do with any of Nintendo's existing franchises. Also, free consumer made DLC!
  • Gahh. I guess I'm never buying an Ubisoft game ever again. First I tried to play Driver, and they wanted me to LOG IN TO THEIR SHITTY SERVICE TO PLAY A SINGLE PLAYER GAME, then the same thing happened with Ass Creed. I don't pirate games anymore, but I'll make an exception for theirs.
  • Just buy them on the Xbox when they get cheap. A lot of pirated pc games don't work right either, in my experience.
  • But why would I keep giving them money (especially for the same games) if they've already demonstrated that they'll just take the money and run? I don't trust them at all now.
  • You still have to log into their service on the Xbox.
  • Wait, what? How does that even work? Isn't it already drm'd just by the fact that it's on the Xbox?
  • Nope. Once you boot up the game, you have to log into their U-Play service from the main menu. They provide a 2-day "trial" for any multiplayer services if you didn't buy the game new, but you have to pay them $10 if you purchased it used or rented it.
  • An old-school arcade recently opened up close to where I live, and it is heaven. They have pinball, skee-ball, a row of fighting games, Galagas, Pac-Mans, everything I could have wanted from an arcade out of my childhood. I live in New Hampshire, maybe an hour and a half away from the fabled Funspot - but this new Pinball Wizard arcade is right in my hometown. It's far smaller than Funspot, but it captures the spirit of the 80s/90s small-town arcade next door to the local pizza parlor beautifully.

    My favorite arcade game was S.T.U.N. Runner and when I saw that this arcade had it, I quite literally sprinted to the token machine and began throwing my money into it. I now hold the high score on the machine because I am the greatest person who ever lived.

    You owe it to yourself to check this place out if you live in southern new Hampshire or northern Massachusetts. It's maybe a half-hour from Boston, so if you folks have time to kill before or after PAX East, perhaps I will see you there!
  • edited January 2012
    It seems Driver: San Francisco requires me to login to some BS Ubisoft service so I can play it offline. Guess that's a game I'll never play. (Too bad, since it looked pretty interesting)
    It is pretty interesting, but Ubisoft drm is always annoying.

    It's pretty short too, I just beat the story in <11 hours. Plenty of side missions left though.

    Edit: Apparentally less than signs break <code><br> tags? That can't be good.
    Post edited by Pegu on
  • An old-school arcade recently opened up close to where I live, and it is heaven. They have pinball, skee-ball, a row of fighting games, Galagas, Pac-Mans, everything I could have wanted from an arcade out of my childhood. I live in New Hampshire, maybe an hour and a half away from the fabled Funspot - but this new Pinball Wizard arcade is right in my hometown. It's far smaller than Funspot, but it captures the spirit of the 80s/90s small-town arcade next door to the local pizza parlor beautifully.

    My favorite arcade game was S.T.U.N. Runner and when I saw that this arcade had it, I quite literally sprinted to the token machine and began throwing my money into it. I now hold the high score on the machine because I am the greatest person who ever lived.

    You owe it to yourself to check this place out if you live in southern new Hampshire or northern Massachusetts. It's maybe a half-hour from Boston, so if you folks have time to kill before or after PAX East, perhaps I will see you there!
    I forgot all about that game, it was incredible. I wasted so many quarters on it! It was just so goddamn FUN!
  • Anybody know anything about Q.U.B.E.? I played the demo. I really want more developers to take inspiration from Portal, but it has to be done right. The demo needed to sell the idea that the game mechanics could be fun and that they were going somewhere interesting with the whole thing, which it didn't quite do for me. Is this because the demo sucks, or because the game wasn't going anywhere interesting?
  • Finished Dead Space 2. Definitely better than the first; I especially like that they gave the protagonist a voice and personality this time. The weapons were hit or miss, expect for the mines. The mines are definitely the most important weapon in the game. The difficulty curve was well done for the most part, although towards the end, the game started feeling a little cheap.
  • I've got so many graphically-rich and gameplay-rich games on my plate right now I decided to take a bit of a break and go back to my "gaming" roots.

    No, not NES. Not SNES, Quake, Doom, or even Half Life... but MUDs. Specifically SWMud which was the first "MMO" I ever played, I suppose. I was into it back in 2000 or so, and it looks like my character is still around. Anyone want to join me in a bit of nostalgia?
  • I forgot how bad the driving controls are in L.A. Noire.
  • edited January 2012
    Kawata Shoujo is out.
    And reportedly, really, really good. Even better than the demo suggested.

    Apparently, they've included an option to turn off the hentai scenes, which is reportedly getting a fair bit of use - people are just playing for the actual story, rather than the cripplefuckin'
    Post edited by Churba on
  • As I didn’t get into handheld gaming until the DS, I’ve missed most of the GBA generation save for a select few. Advancewars, Metroid, Mario Kart, Golden sun, and one of the Castlevania games (don’t really like them)

    A mate came down and he was carrying around a copy of Yoshi’s island on his GBA Micro. He is trying to 100% it. I’ve never seen a Micro before, they are a nice little piece! Made of metal, not plastic, they feel very solid.

    I immediately went out and got a Micro and a copy of Yoshi. Yes, I already own a DS lite, a SP and 3 original GBA (for my 4 swords cube setup) but… I like tech and I REALLY like the Micro a lot!

    As for Yoshi, what an amazing game. Perfect controls, REALLY fun to try to get 100%, getting all 5 flowers, 20 red coins and not getting hit enough times to make your life counter to low.

    I assume most people have played this game already… But DAMN, what a fine 2D platformer! Possibly the best??

    Anyway, since I got a Micro and am on a GBA kick, any suggestions for GBA games that should not be missed? You absolute favourites?

    My want list so far is:

    Advance wars 2
    Warioware Twisted
    Minish Cap.

    Anything considered. I hear Mario Golf and Tennis are good too?
  • FF6 is fairly expensive if you eBay it. Just warning you.
  • edited January 2012
    FF6 is fairly expensive if you eBay it. Just warning you.
    Eh, I work. I'll do it if someone from here recommends it enough.

    FYI, I have played FF3 and FF4 on the DS. I quite liked them. Hard to LOVE them when you have games like Radiant Historia, Inside Story and TWEWY on the same system... :)

    But if it's good, i'll bite.
    Post edited by InvaderREN on
  • Don't get Twisted, get the original WarioWare.
  • Didn't they give FF6 a re-release on the GBA? Is that too fairly expensive?
  • Didn't they give FF6 a re-release on the GBA? Is that too fairly expensive?
    Think it was on the DS.

    You could get a full-sized GBA flashcart for your Micro, and use carts for things like Twisted that have extra hardware. Just a thought.
  • Didn't they give FF6 a re-release on the GBA? Is that too fairly expensive?
    Think it was on the DS.

    You could get a full-sized GBA flashcart for your Micro, and use carts for things like Twisted that have extra hardware. Just a thought.
    Oh shit... True. I use an R4 on the DS. I should google that. Does it work pretty much the same? Micro SD?

  • edited January 2012
    Didn't they give FF6 a re-release on the GBA? Is that too fairly expensive?
    Think it was on the DS.
    GBA- I have it here on my emulator, as I'm a cheap bastard. FF6 is worth it, and is my second-favorite Final Fantasy game. (My favorite is Final Fantasy Tactics).
    Post edited by Linkigi(Link-ee-jee) on
  • Didn't they give FF6 a re-release on the GBA? Is that too fairly expensive?
    Think it was on the DS.

    You could get a full-sized GBA flashcart for your Micro, and use carts for things like Twisted that have extra hardware. Just a thought.
    Oh shit... True. I use an R4 on the DS. I should google that. Does it work pretty much the same? Micro SD?
    Some of them do. Check out the PocketHeaven wiki for details. I'm not sure how many strictly-GBA carts are still in production.

  • FF6 got a GBA release, and a PS1 release as well. If you don't want to pay a lot just use a SNES rom on your DS or a GBA rom on your PSP if you've got one. I was lucky enough to get Final Fantasy 4 and 6 on SNES from a guy from my Mom's work. I probably wouldn't want to beat the game on the SNES though, since I don't trust the batteries in those things anymore.
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