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  • Dem hex tiles. Dat deployment.

    Getting into that shit.
  • edited January 2012
    I livestreamed my first time playing the game with a bunch of my friends helping me out which would probably be a good introduction. Warning, I didn't record my mic and the video is three hours long.
    Post edited by Andrew on
  • Currently playing:
    Portal 2 (finally)
    ArmA (discovering the franchise since I bought them all on sale)
    Dragon Quest IX whenver I'm dropping a duece or traveling a significant distance.
  • ArmA (discovering the franchise since I bought them all on sale)
    You're alright by my books.

  • And back to NS1.
  • Finished Ico and Shadow of the Colossus over the long-ish weekend (Seattle was mostly shut down the whole week). I really want to love both games, since they do mood and setting really well, and in the case of SotC, badass boss fights, but they suffer a bit too much from old-school design and poor controls. Not that the controls don't make sense, they do, they just lack the polish of most modern games. What I really want is for other game designers to take what these games did well and apply those ideas into their works.
  • edited January 2012
    You know, I really want to be into Batman: Arkham City. The setting is cool, the fighting is everything I wanted, and there are a bunch of neat gadgets. But the gameplay...

    It's like when you're playing D&D, and the party votes to go somewhere the DM doesn't want them to go, and instead of using some ingame maneuvering he just says, "No, you're going to go here, because I said so." It doesn't flow very well, and it makes me stop caring about the objectives.
    Post edited by YoshoKatana on
  • edited January 2012
    YoshoKatana, what are you "stuck" on right now?
    Post edited by trogdor9 on
  • Well, it's mostly little things that bug me. There are a few invisible walls, and I don't like the way secondary quests (for lack of a better word) work. Concrete example? The Riddler's phonecall quest. If I don't make it to the second phone, the game just stops. There's no ingame consequences, you just have to reload from your last checkpoint. Stuff like that destroys my suspension of disbelief.

    I'm giving the game another go, though, because there's so much about the game that I like. Also, I'm almost getting the hang of the combat, even with the unexpected slo-mo stuff that happens.
  • My recommendation is to really put some effort into Super Meat Boy. It's a fantastic game. Don't whine and give up like a lot of people, you will get better! See all the stages, both light and dark. Even go after a few bandages until that starts getting a bit too crazy.
    At least go for the first 20, though - that unlocks Super Meat World, the hub for all the user-generated content.

    I do not like how the UGC has to be unlocked. It's BS.

    I agree on a fundamental level, but practically speaking, given the average difficulty of those custom levels, you probably won't be able to beat more than one or two of them if you can't even get 20 bandages.
    That is a pretty good observation. I am generally opposed to the locking of content as well, but one of the reasons I loved Super Meat Boy so much is how it scaled the difficulty so well. By the end, I was burning through levels I would have originally thought I never had a chance at beating. Someone could get really turned off by the game if they dove right into the UGC. As Pangloss points out, those levels are some of the hardest you'll ever see in the game.

    But this didn't have any effect on me. I still assert that for all the whining about bandage difficulty, you could pick up the first 20 with very little extra effort. My personal wall of "fuck it" was somewhere around 65, yet while everyone's mileage will vary, I think all players are capable of the first 20.

  • I am continuously amazed by how well Race 07 holds up for me despite having not especially great graphics or a very realistic damage model. The mods some people have made for it are mindblowing, though it is hilarious to see AI cars get stuck on barriers because the track modeler didn't do a good job of telling them how to get out of the garage behind the pit area. I do also have rFactor, does anyone else here play that?
  • edited January 2012
    I recently started to buy vintage video-games, I intend to make a room only for vintage gaming. I bought a SNES with the box and a CRT TV.
    With that said, I have been playing Mario World. It's so wierd not to remember much about a game, and as you go through it, every single thing comes back to mind just seconds before they actually happen in the game.
    I also have been playing Demon's Souls for PS3, and after a few frustrating trys at the first world, I finally managed to get through the first part. The game is very dificult, almost nintendo hard. It makes you learn with your mistakes as you do the whole level again, and it also makes you feel stupid about committing some mistakes in the first place.
    Post edited by sucrilhos on
  • I recently started to buy vintage video-games, I intend to make a room only for vintage gaming. I bought a SNES with the box and a CRT TV.
    With that said, I have been playing Mario World. It's so wierd not to remember much about a game, and as you go through it, every single thing comes back to mind just seconds before they actually happen in the game.
    I also have been playing Demon's Souls for PS3, and after a few frustrating trys at the first world, I finally managed to get through the first part. The game is very dificult, almost nintendo hard. It makes you learn with your mistakes as you do the whole level again, and it also makes you feel stupid about committing some mistakes in the first place.
    Why Demon's Souls why not superior Dark Souls?

  • Is there a continuing plot? Or would one at least be able to appreciate the sequel if they had played the first one? I always try to play the entire series of a game because that is likely the case, and the originals are dirt cheap. There are always exceptions though, and I've never asked the question for this series.
  • I recently started to buy vintage video-games, I intend to make a room only for vintage gaming. I bought a SNES with the box and a CRT TV.
    Go to TooManyGames you will thank me later.
  • Is there a continuing plot? Or would one at least be able to appreciate the sequel if they had played the first one? I always try to play the entire series of a game because that is likely the case, and the originals are dirt cheap. There are always exceptions though, and I've never asked the question for this series.
    Dark Souls is more of a spiritual successor than a real sequel so no plot continuity.

  • edited January 2012
    I recently ...
    Why Demon's Souls why not superior Dark Souls?
    Because I haven't played Demon's Souls. Once I finish it I will play Dark Souls. I realize it's not a sequel, but I heard they are equally good.

    Go to TooManyGames you will thank me later.
    Thanks man, I will check that out at home, my interweb is caped at work.
    Post edited by sucrilhos on
  • I recently ...
    Why Demon's Souls why not superior Dark Souls?
    Because I haven't played Demon's Souls. Once I finish it I will play Dark Souls. I realize it's not a sequel, but I heard they are equally good.
    I heard that Dark Souls was like Demon's Souls but better, that's why I got Dark, without playing Demon's.

  • Demon's Souls is like Dark Souls, but with levels instead of Metroidvania awesome. It's older, so they were figuring some things out. My impression is that they're almost equally good, but Dark Souls does without a doubt seem to be the better thought out one mechanic wise, and definitely has the highest scope. It really annoys me that there are so many areas I can't visit though. I haven't played Demon's Souls, but I'm going to.

    I'd recommend anyone who likes Nintendo games to get Dark Souls though. Best game I've played in years.
  • Dark Souls is not my game of the 2011 or anything like that, but it's certainly unique and it takes it's player to a odd place where no other games take you. It might not be a pleasant place, but it's a place worth exploring.
  • May I ask what your game of the year was then?
  • May I ask what your game of the year was then?
    I don't make lists. Dunno. There were lots of great games, Portal 2 and Batman the Batman city comes to my mind as high quality games. Dark Souls fit there too.

  • May I ask what your game of the year was then?
    Portal 2 or Minecraft. What's that, you say Minecraft didn't come out in 2011?

  • Scott trying to be hip to the kids these days..

    I'm giving Fallout 3 another try. This time around I'm stealing anything that isn't nailed down and cheesing the crap out of super mutants who aren't smart enough to go around rocks.

    Problem is that F3 can crash on alt-tabbing which is a big let down for a series that started on the PC.
  • I ordered Megaman X for the SNES yesterday! It was not my priority, I was looking to get Zelda or Super Metroid, but they haven't come up at "mercado livre (Brazilian ebay)" at a good price yet. I also found Duke Nukem Zero Hour in the box sealed for a very good price, since the Nintendo 64 is probably the next console I'm getting, I went ahead and bought it.
  • Playing Sonic Generations (a guilty pleasure, although really good compared to the new shit they come out with), Dark Souls (sort of on the back burner), Batman AA, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, SWTOR, and (sort of) Dead Space 2. Also started replaying Cave Story, which is an awesome game.

    Most of my time is going towards BF3, Skyrim, and SWTOR though.
  • I ordered Megaman X for the SNES yesterday! It was not my priority, I was looking to get Zelda or Super Metroid, but they haven't come up at "mercado livre (Brazilian ebay)" at a good price yet. I also found Duke Nukem Zero Hour in the box sealed for a very good price, since the Nintendo 64 is probably the next console I'm getting, I went ahead and bought it.
    Brazil? I thought you guys were all Sega down there!

  • I ordered Megaman X for the SNES yesterday! It was not my priority, I was looking to get Zelda or Super Metroid, but they haven't come up at "mercado livre (Brazilian ebay)" at a good price yet. I also found Duke Nukem Zero Hour in the box sealed for a very good price, since the Nintendo 64 is probably the next console I'm getting, I went ahead and bought it.
    Brazil? I thought you guys were all Sega down there!

    Also, it wasn't that hard. I bet lots of listeners were yelling the answers.

    Also, if that is too hard, replace hosts with smarter people :P

  • edited January 2012
    I was yelling the answers during ATW9k, but I think you're in the wrong thread?
    Post edited by Matt on
  • I was yelling the answers during ATW9k, but I think you're in the wrong thread?
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