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  • Super Crate Box on iPhone, best $0.99 I've spent in a while.
    It's $2!

  • edited February 2012
    It was on sale a couple of weeks ago or so. But I would gladly give up another dollar for it.
    Post edited by ColombianShadow on
  • Playing LittleBigPlanet 2 and having a pretty good time with it. Been playing/watching a ton of user generated levels/films and will being watching a 50 minute film on there that apparently is outstanding from what I heard.
  • Saints Row the 3rd is still stupid fun with co-op.
  • I'm picking up MGS4 again. Last night I watched around an hour and a half of cut scenes, played for around 20 minutes. It's insane and the story line is completely off the wall almost to the point of it being a word salad, but I still like it quite a bit.

    Not as much as Uncharted 2 (that was like playing through an awesome Indiana Jones movie) but it's pretty fun.
  • Going to finish up AC: Brotherhood today. Overall it's not as good as AC2 in terms of content, but it was still a fun romp. Now I'm going to wait until AC: Revelations gets really cheap too before picking that one up.
  • Going to finish up AC: Brotherhood today. Overall it's not as good as AC2 in terms of content, but it was still a fun romp. Now I'm going to wait until AC: Revelations gets really cheap too before picking that one up.
    did you like the multiplayer? I found it fun but terribly buggy and imbalanced

  • edited February 2012
    Witcher, Tribes, Battlefield 3, and probably a bit of skyrim. Should throw down more TF2, but there are only so many free hours in the day, I have things to do.
    Post edited by Churba on
  • Tried pirating Layton and the Last Specter. Got a FAT error on my pirate card. Decided to buy it. Hoping for some quality puzzles.
    yeah, I might pop for it as well. Nearly at the end of the DS's life. Layton, Kirby Mass Attack and (depending on reviews) Shin Megami 2. That will pretty much round out the DS right? Then it's just a Tetris and 3D Picross machine.
  • My poor DS games. They get no love from me. I still haven't finished Layton or Mario 3DLand, and have barely touched Mario Kart.

    I hear that Animal Crossing comes out in May. I don't know if I want to get back into the crack.
  • I hear that Animal Crossing comes out in May. I don't know if I want to get back into the crack.
    I've had the same conflicting thoughts about AC as you have. Sometimes I feel like wanting to go back to it (for whatever reason), but then I remember how much of a mafioso that Tom Nook was and always imagined that he'd break your kneecaps if you didn't pay the money you owed (sorry Ryan/Li_Akahi, for stealing your joke).

  • I'm thinking of buying a used DS while I'm here since I can't play my roommate's any more...again. I mostly used my piracy card so region locking isn't a problem...except Pokemon, I'll have flash that or however it is you get data from card to computer. Cheapest I've seen is ~$50, just gotta remember where that was.
  • Bastion was on sale for 600 points. Playing it now.
  • Been playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution recently. Good stuff, especially breaking faces. I really like the "complex chat scenes" where you have to choose 3 options correctly to get the "silver tounge" award. The scene with Haas at the police station was pretty good.
  • RymRym
    edited February 2012
    Been playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution recently.... I really like the "complex chat scenes"
    I was a little annoyed with them. They were trivially easy: I perfected every one on my first try and never even bothered to get the social enhancer.

    Maybe the body language was just over-exaggerated, but it was always obvious what option to choose to get the guy to do what I wanted.
    Post edited by Rym on
  • Just got SpaceChem for my ipad... jesus christ
  • I actually jumped back to Jagged Alliance 2 last night. I think this is a game that I will ALWAYS be able to go back to for short periods of time. Apparently I had been used to playing using some sort of obscenely old version, as now when I play the gold version there are new things. Very new things. Also a .ini editor built right into the directory structure. This, of course, leads me to building a mercenary team who are death-dealing god-men.
  • Going to finish up AC: Brotherhood today. Overall it's not as good as AC2 in terms of content, but it was still a fun romp. Now I'm going to wait until AC: Revelations gets really cheap too before picking that one up.
    did you like the multiplayer? I found it fun but terribly buggy and imbalanced
    I didn't play the multiplayer at all. Playing games with strangers online has never really been my thing.
  • Double post, but I finished off VVVVVV last night. It has become one of my favorite platformers ever. While some rooms were certainly frustrating, the exploration and cleverness of the areas made for a really rewarding experience. And the length was just right.
  • Just got SpaceChem for my ipad... jesus christ
    Is it playable on iPod? Android version?
  • Just got SpaceChem for my ipad... jesus christ
    Is it playable on iPod? Android version?
    Wikipedia says no.
  • Played a ton of Wargame European Escalation last night.

    Holy. Shit.

    This is the game that Ruse should have been. It excellently handles strategic level maneuvers while taking into account a fairly realistic and detailed combat system on the tactical level. One thing that I'm kinda mixed about is the deck building/unlocking system, but you gain points at a steady pace that you are almost always unlocking units every couple games. However, you either become a NATO player or Warsaw Pact player to min-max you capabilities.

    I love how you have to establish supply lines in order to keep your units operations and well armed and the region grabbing gameplay is nice. I wish they had a wider variety of maps but the ones they have now are nicely detailed. The game also runs like a charm which is nice.

  • edited February 2012
    Been playing The Crusader Kings 2 demo over and over again. I have found something to fill the hole in my life left by EU3.
    Post edited by GreyHuge on
  • If there's a hole left by EU3, why not play EU3?
  • If there's a hole left by EU3, why not play EU3?
    Because I've played it every which way and it's gotten boring.

  • If there's a hole left by EU3, why not play EU3?
    Because I've played it every which way and it's gotten boring.
    To add to the point - He's got put nearly a thousand hours into EU3.

  • If there's a hole left by EU3, why not play EU3?
    Because I've played it every which way and it's gotten boring.
    To add to the point - He's got put nearly a thousand hours into EU3.
    I have over a thousand hours put into EU3 on Steam. I also played it from gamersgate for a long stint which has added at least five hundred, maybe another thousand the way I play it. I have played EU3 to completion, that is to say I am done with it.
  • Played a ton of Wargame European Escalation last night.

    Holy. Shit.

    This is the game that Ruse should have been. It excellently handles strategic level maneuvers while taking into account a fairly realistic and detailed combat system on the tactical level. One thing that I'm kinda mixed about is the deck building/unlocking system, but you gain points at a steady pace that you are almost always unlocking units every couple games. However, you either become a NATO player or Warsaw Pact player to min-max you capabilities.

    I love how you have to establish supply lines in order to keep your units operations and well armed and the region grabbing gameplay is nice. I wish they had a wider variety of maps but the ones they have now are nicely detailed. The game also runs like a charm which is nice.

    You're just playing the multiplayer beta right? Or is the full game out?

    I've been very curious about this game but can't find a whole lot of information on it just yet, so I'm glad to hear that it's turning out well.

    I put a few more hours into JA2 last night... and figured out something very interesting. Basically, the version that I am playing has a mod that was so good it is basically an update to the original game. A group of dedicated fans basically updated everything in the game except for the core concepts, story, graphics and sound. They added hundreds (literally) of different guns, new classes of ammo, an entire load bearing system that takes into account sizes of pouches, revamped the action point system, optimized AI... it's kind of incredible.

    I'm really curious about JA3 but can't find any reviews of it anywhere. Anyone have any information about whether or not it's decent?
  • I'm really curious about JA3 but can't find any reviews of it anywhere. Anyone have any information about whether or not it's decent?
    Giant Bomb Quick Look should sort you out.

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