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  • I'm currently in the process of replaying ME and ME2 on the 360 in preparation for ME3. I beat them on the PC but I don't want to use origin so I've decided to switch consoles.
    Couldn't you just buy a physical copy instead?
    Origin is still required for the physical copy.
    Wow, mega-bullshit. Way to screw a great franchise that requires a continuity between save files, EA.
  • Valve did the same thing with HL2 and Steam.
  • Valve did the same thing with HL2 and Steam.
    Do save files carry over between Half-life installments?
  • Wow, mega-bullshit. Way to screw a great franchise that requires a continuity between save files, EA.
    Well, the obvious solution is to just re-buy Mass Effect 1 and 2 on Origin in order to play Mass Effect 3 properly. I mean really, that is completely plausible for everyone who has spent hours upon hours playing both games multiple times. Just do all that all over again before the end of March.

  • I did the opposite; I originally played them on console but I'm playing ME3 on PC because I've moved to being pretty much PC exclusive. As such it's a mad rush for me to rebeat ME1 and ME2 before ME3 comes out.
  • edited February 2012
    If you have PC copies of them already, the saves still transfer, because Bioware puts their saves into a separate folder than Origins. I got ME1 and 2 on Steam, getting a physical copy of ME3 for PC. Origin may suck, but I can still run ME3 through Steam (I did it with Dragon Age II, also bought through Origin).
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Valve did the same thing with HL2 and Steam.
    Yeah but steam doesn't suck.
  • I didn't know about the Mass Effect "Interactive Story Mode vs. Combat Mode vs. RPG Mode" thing until today. I'm surprised it hasn't gotten more press. It's a cool idea, but it also points to some odd consequences and possibilities. I want to troll out a slippery slope argument about "I like multi-player first person shooters, but I don't like losing", so a company creates a modes so that everyone feels like they're winning.

    Actually Bioware's other big game lately could have benefitted from these features. I would have liked being able to just "turn on" automatic good/evil mode choices for a character in SWTOR at points and with certain characters. Similarly, I'd like to "turn-off" character stat upgrades and stuff in PvP and just have a static progression. But there's also some issues with segmenting the population and various other things... rawrgbargle.
  • edited February 2012
    Wow, mega-bullshit. Way to screw a great franchise that requires a continuity between save files, EA.
    The saves still carry over just fine, it doesn't prevent you from doing that in any way.
    Yeah but steam doesn't suck.
    Origin doesn't suck. It performs perfectly well in all the things it sets out to do. It's just generic and simple - basically, origin isn't bad, it's just not as good as Steam. Which is kinda understandable, since Steam has a massive lead time-wise, and they set an extremely high bar. It's like putting you on the field, fresh out of high school track, and expecting you to compete with Usain Bolt. Your only chance is to either have something he doesn't have, train for years to match him, or to hope he pulls a muscle or something.

    I will say in Origin's favor, though, I consistently get much faster downloads from Origin. Steam, It'll max out at about 1 Mbp/s, whereas I've almost never seen origin dip below 2.5 or so, and the lowest I've seen it go is 1.9, for about 30 seconds.

    Post edited by Churba on
  • The only real problem with Origin is that it's not Steam.
  • The only real problem with Origin is that it's not Steam.
    This is a HUGE problem. Until it is addressed I won't be using Origin.
  • I haven't had any issues with Origin. Plus, your Mass Effect 1/2 saves are all stored locally on your PC. I don't see what the problem is.
  • You can play Origin games through Steam. It's really easy. I do it with Dragon Age II. Don't see the issue.
  • You can play Origin games through Steam. It's really easy. I do it with Dragon Age II. Don't see the issue.
    I don't trust Origin. I was burned by D2D. Steam is the only digital distribution source of non-trivial games (e.g., not phone games) I am confident will never fuck me.
  • I trust also.
  • I trust also.
  • Rhythm Heaven Fever. Forever.
  • I trust also.
    Only insofar as the purchase itself. I assume they'll disappear the next day and I'll never be able to visit or interact with them again. If I couldn't just download the installer, itself with no ties to them at all, then I would never consider doing business with them.
  • The only real problem with Origin is that it's not Steam.
  • The highest sustained download rate I've gotten off of steam before (that I've noticed) was somewhere between 4.2-4.4 MB/s. Have you tried seeing how your connection fares on different servers Churba? For me at least, there has been noticeable differences depending on what server I use and when.
  • You can play Origin games through Steam. It's really easy. I do it with Dragon Age II. Don't see the issue.
    I don't trust Origin. I was burned by D2D. Steam is the only digital distribution source of non-trivial games (e.g., not phone games) I am confident will never fuck me.
    Origin has saved the entire game to my hard-drive. I'm not super worried.

  • I've had around 7 MB/s but that's on college internet.
  • I've played a shit ton of Wargame EE and even though it's not even fully released yet, I've more than gotten my moneys worth out of it.
  • You can play Origin games through Steam. It's really easy. I do it with Dragon Age II. Don't see the issue.
    I don't trust Origin. I was burned by D2D. Steam is the only digital distribution source of non-trivial games (e.g., not phone games) I am confident will never fuck me.
    Origin has saved the entire game to my hard-drive. I'm not super worried.
    The worry is not that it will be magically deleted, the worry is that you'll either be unable to download it again in the future (that's what happened to Rym) or that you'll for whatever reason be locked out of the game.
  • If that happens, then you sue. Unless something in the EULA says I can't sue them for removing my right to play a game that I paid for, in which case, I got swindled and deserve whatever happens to me. But I highly doubt that is the case.
  • By accepting these terms, you and EA expressly waive the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action.
  • edited February 2012
    Well, never downloading another game. Glad I got a physical copy of Mass effect 3. Running it through Origin doesn't stop them from letting me play it. If they remove my ability to play Dragon Age II or it, I'll pirate it.
    Post edited by Axel on
  • Remember Ubisoft and their DRM servers? Didn't EA recently prevent someone from playing their legally purchased copy of Dragon Age because of a forum ban?
  • Mass Effect 3 Demo: The single player is still good. It's more ME2. That's what I want.

    Multiplayer is suprisingly fun. I'm not a fan of the "random draw" aspect of it, but it's anice little cherry on top of scifi sunday.

    Dark Souls is still a FUCKER!!!
  • Remember Ubisoft and their DRM servers? Didn't EA recently prevent someone from playing their legally purchased copy of Dragon Age because of a forum ban?
    They undid that, and apologized.

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