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  • Found Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island for cheap. Got the good old' SNES out of storage. Nothing but love and nostalgia.

    I blame Invader Ren.
  • Found Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island for cheap. Got the good old' SNES out of storage. Nothing but love and nostalgia.

    I blame Invader Ren.
    How is that game not on the VC? The fuck Nintendo...

    Still playing through world 4 :)

  • edited February 2012
    Started Skyrim just a few hours ago. All I gotta say is


    What else is there to say? Really? Running across the wide open grasslands becoming one with the universe.
    Post edited by Xiphias3 on
  • I'm really curious about JA3 but can't find any reviews of it anywhere. Anyone have any information about whether or not it's decent?
    Giant Bomb Quick Look should sort you out.
    Thanks! I watched most of it and it kind of confirmed what I thought. I'll pick it up eventually, when it goes on sale.

    Until then, I'll just keep on playing JA2. I spent 2 hours last night just outfitting my mercs with all the proper pistols/ammo and making sure each squad has a mechanic (with toolbox) and medic (with at least 2 med packs).

  • Have you guys heard of this game called Mass Effect? It's pretty good!
  • Have you guys heard of this game called Mass Effect? It's pretty good!
    No it's not. As a game it sucks. As an explorable world, it's pretty decent. ME2 will be a good game.
  • Started Skyrim just a few hours ago. All I gotta say is


    What else is there to say? Really? Running across the wide open grasslands becoming one with the universe.
    The comedian who opened for Donald Glover at RIT a few weeks ago (DC Pierson) said something along the lines of this:

    "Skyrim, I will say, has made me think about (I don't really believe in God) but, if there's a creator or God or something, how he must feel about how we go through life--because I think about, like, when I'm in Skyrim, I like, want to look at everything and like, when it's, like, a beautiful day, I'll like, look around and just try to, like, take it in, because I'm like, "Someone made this and look how, like, beautiful and amazing it is.""
  • Have you guys heard of this game called Mass Effect? It's pretty good!
    No it's not. As a game it sucks. As an explorable world, it's pretty decent. ME2 will be a good game.
    Uh, no.
  • Have you guys heard of this game called Mass Effect? It's pretty good!
    No it's not. As a game it sucks. As an explorable world, it's pretty decent. ME2 will be a good game.
    Uh, no.
    Which part do you disagree with? The fact that the game-part of Mass Effect is bad, or that Mass Effect is much better as a game?

    For the record. The Mass effect universe is incredibly interesting, and the characters in the game are some of the best in the medium. I'm just asserting that the first game does not have the best gameplay.
  • Which part do you disagree with? The fact that the game-part of Mass Effect is bad, or that Mass Effect is much better as a game?

    For the record. The Mass effect universe is incredibly interesting, and the characters in the game are some of the best in the medium. I'm just asserting that the first game does not have the best gameplay.
    Well, really, Mass effect wasn't that bad of a game, on the whole, it was actually in the middling area of good, I'd say. ME2 was indeed better as a gameplay experience, but that doesn't make ME1 bad.

    I would like to hear why you think it sucks as a game, though.

  • Crusader Kings has released and I am stuck at Uni, can't wait to get home.
  • ME2 was alright in terms of gameplay when viewed from the point of "At last, I can get at what RPG fans enjoy.". Much as it would be nice to have TribesTieEffect, games have definitely shifted closer to movies for now, being more about spectacle.
  • Mass effect was not consistent with it's difficulty. Even on the easier difficulties, you could easily get stuck on a specific part. The controls (at least, on 360) were very good for shooting, and they were fiddly in general. The pacing of the gameplay wasn't great either. A lot of time was spent running through empty corridors. The combat wasn't terribly exciting either.
  • edited February 2012
    Eh. I'm having a lot of fun with it, so to each their own.

    Also, Engineer Alice Shepard is a complete bad-ass. Taking down Geth Colossus by herself with a fucking pistol.

    One thing I do have to ask, though: why the fuck is everything in the Mass Effect universe controlled by games of Simon?
    Post edited by Li_Akahi on
  • edited February 2012
    See, I set the game on casual mode and power through all the combat because I think the actual "gameplay" of the Mass Effect games is not very fun. The only meaning any of the fights have to me are story-related.
    Post edited by Sail on
  • I agree. I recently (in preparation for ME3) replayed Mass Effect 2 on a really hard difficulty to unlock an assault rifle you could only get on higher difficulties. It was anti-fun, and after getting it, I lowered the difficulty from Hardcore to Veteran.
  • I really like taking the Mako off some sweet jumps and flipping it.
  • I hate the Mako with a passion, but I won't get into it.
  • I hate the Mako with a passion, but I won't get into it.
    I only use it to get from point A to point B and to occasionally weaken a larger enemy. I like to kill enemies without it as so that I can get more XP.

  • In Mass Effect 1 I drove around every planet's surface with the Mako. Also on my laptop those section ran about half the framerate it normally ran and it didn't run too great by default ether. You might see why I had deep deep hatred towards that vehicle by the end of the game.
  • You huys are making my mouth is watering...I wants to play ME so bad! But...I dont have a console or computer that can play it. Someday I'll play it...
  • I gave up on ME1 because of the Simon mini games. I would open the mini game, press one button then lose. I still have no clue what I am doing wrong.
  • I gave up on ME1 because of the Simon mini games. I would open the mini game, press one button then lose. I still have no clue what I am doing wrong.
    I was quite happy they got rid of those for ME2. And that stupid fluid minigame.

  • I want all the music from Bastion. The game was very good.
  • I'm currently in the process of replaying ME and ME2 on the 360 in preparation for ME3. I beat them on the PC but I don't want to use origin so I've decided to switch consoles.
  • I want to play them in order because I have been told that if you don't the default choices the game assumes you made in previous games suck. It's like they punish you for not buying their earlier games.
  • I want to play them in order because I have been told that if you don't the default choices the game assumes you made in previous games suck. It's like they punish you for not buying their earlier games.
    They only suck because the questions you get are not simple to answer. So for every decision you make in that game, there's only a 50% chance that a default would be the one you chose. Given that you make dozens of big decisions, the chance that you'll end up with something you outright disagree with is very large. You simply cannot make everyone happy.

    Speaking of decisions, In both games I made bad decisions right near the end of the game. Decisions I regretted. Decisions I'm not going to redo, because that would not be fair to the game.
  • I kept replaying the scene where Shepard decks that reporter woman, just completely out of place. I must have done it about 5 times.

  • I'm currently in the process of replaying ME and ME2 on the 360 in preparation for ME3. I beat them on the PC but I don't want to use origin so I've decided to switch consoles.
    Couldn't you just buy a physical copy instead?
  • edited February 2012
    I'm currently in the process of replaying ME and ME2 on the 360 in preparation for ME3. I beat them on the PC but I don't want to use origin so I've decided to switch consoles.
    Couldn't you just buy a physical copy instead?
    Origin is still required for the physical copy. The advantage is that you don't have to download it, and the collectors editions are physical copies. That's about it.

    Post edited by Churba on
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