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  • edited November 2009
    Also, usually when a company says "Turbo" or something like that, that just means improved burst speed, not consistent speed.
    I have never seen any bursting. I should have seen this trouble coming after I failed to upload photos to flickr a few days ago.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • They don't have a "fair use" policy shoehoned in there somewhere do they? I know other here it is common practice by at least one company to throttle those that use the internet for something other than browsing the web and then claiming that it is because it is against their fair use policy for you to have the service you are paying for at peak times.
  • edited November 2009
    They don't have a "fair use" policy shoehoned in there somewhere do they? I know other here it is common practice by at least one company to throttle those that use the internet for something other than browsing the web and then claiming that it is because it is against their fair use policy for you to have the service you are paying for at peak times.
    No, in fact they mentioned the word gaming when I signed up for the service. They're basically just the AT&T; of Internets. Shitty ass network that can't handle the load.
    Post edited by Apreche on
  • They don't have a "fair use" policy shoehoned in there somewhere do they? I know other here it is common practice by at least one company to throttle those that use the internet for something other than browsing the web and then claiming that it is because it is against their fair use policy for you to have the service you are paying for at peak times.
    No, in fact they mentioned the word gaming when I signed up for the service. They're basically just the AT&T; of Internets. Shitty ass network that can't handle the load.
    I have Time Warner and my ping is usually sub-70 or so. It's not the fastest ever but it's quite playable. I have a feeling that it has something to do with your building.
  • Also, usually when a company says "Turbo" or something like that, that just means improved burst speed, not consistent speed.
    I have never seen any bursting. I should have seen this trouble coming after I failed to upload photos to flickr a few days ago.
    I cannot speak for Time Warner, but I've seen studies on Comcast "PowerBoost", and the findings were that, yes the connection would get boosted during downloads... for maybe a second or two at a time. Not really noticeable to the person.
  • edited November 2009
    No, in fact they mentioned the word gaming when I signed up for the service. They're basically just the AT&T; of Internets. Shitty ass network that can't handle the load.
    Try the official servers, not "best dedicated".
    Post edited by MrRoboto on
  • I've noticed that I get some lag when fighting chargers and tanks in campaign mode. That's about it. Scott, when you came into our game you brought some lag with you. When you left, it was over. Either way we usually play local hosted games because the servers were pretty pinged up. Our local hosted games had good pings. Campaigns are really fun but I really love vs. I can't wait until I know all of the maps like the back of my hand. We're going to play later tonight if anyone wants in on a VS game. Maybe in an hour or two.
  • I've noticed that I get some lag when fighting chargers and tanks in campaign mode. That's about it. Scott, when you came into our game you brought some lag with you. When you left, it was over. Either way we usually play local hosted games because the servers were pretty pinged up. Our local hosted games had good pings. Campaigns are really fun but I really love vs. I can't wait until I know all of the maps like the back of my hand. We're going to play later tonight if anyone wants in on a VS game. Maybe in an hour or two.
    Well, I can't play shit with this Internet connection.
  • Steam is way too convenient.
  • So, I tried to play again at 11PM just now. I figured that less people would be using the Internets, so the pipes would be less clogged.

    I was correct. I started a game on a server, and my ping got way down way low. It was nice, except that it was still lagging like a motherfucker.

    I turned on the net_graph 2 in the terminal, and I noticed something. Basically the pings are just fine, but every few seconds the spike like crazy, then go back down to normal. Then spike like crazy then normal again. The spikes cause major lag and make the game unplayable. I'll do some more testing tomorrow to make sure that it's really not my problem. Either way, it sucks balls.
  • To the L4D players: Is this new game a lot harder than the previous one? That seemed to be the consensus from all the people I played with tonight.
  • Where are you Mankoon? I've been trying to find a game but I can't get one with a decent ping. It bugs me that you can't look at the latency before joining the server.
  • To the L4D players: Is this new game a lot harder than the previous one? That seemed to be the consensus from all the people I played with tonight.
    Much harder. In L4D1 the survivors were basically overpowered. Especially when they got to tier 2 weapons. They seemed to have beefed up the infected and weakened the survivors. I fear the pain that will be caused with coordinated spitter/charger/boomer strikes.

    Also, the AI fails hard in this game. Sometimes (allot actually) it just runs around melleing and ignores you while you die.
  • Also, the AI fails hard in this game. Sometimes (allot actually) it just runs around melleing and ignores you while you die.
  • I had the same exactly problem super early in the morning.
  • I had the same exactly problem super early in the morning.
    Most likely, at a MUX either in or just past your building, it gets overloaded and periodically queues up all of the traffic momentarily. Every time that happens, you see a latency spike. The solution is more bandwidth downstream from the MUX, and is entirely the provider's fault.

    The other possibility is packetloss. Try playing with the fullest, fullest netgraph and see if there's packetloss.

    If my building has the same problem, face-stabbing.
  • If my building has the same problem, face-stabbing.
    Never try and cheat an IT professional on his internet service.
  • All evidence was pointing to Time Warner. Then I remembered something. Just a few days ago I was playing Shattered Horizons online, no problem. Hmm.

    I try some NS, and some L4D1. Big time problems. Big time. Then NS sort of crashes when I exit, like it does now and then. Then I see something. A Windows 7 security firewall something something window. What the fuck. I turned all that shit off. At least I thought I turned all that shit off.

    I turn it all off again, for real this time. Now we're cooking! NS is going stupid fast, packet loss went form a fuckton to none. L4D1 and 2 are much better, but still choppy. Hmm.

    I go back to the net and search some more. One post on a forum says to turn OFF the multi-core rendering. I have two cores, so I figured it was a good idea to have it on. I go to turn it off, and try L4D2 again. Got on a server with 80 ping, and it was rockin.

    Windows security off. Multi-core rendering off. You're in business.

    Let's kill some zmobies.
  • Awesome, and thanks for the Multi-core tip. I'm going to try turning that off tonight.
  • Originally L4D2 was giving me huge problems. I would crash every game with a R6025 error. I turned off multi-core rendering and it hasn't happened since. I also tried to fix it by getting through some windows updates. I'm not really sure what fixed it but it's probably the multi-core rendering.
  • Originally L4D2 was giving me huge problems. I would crash every game with a R6025 error. I turned off multi-core rendering and it hasn't happened since. I also tried to fix it by getting through some windows updates. I'm not really sure what fixed it but it's probably the multi-core rendering.
    I wonder if the multi-core rendering works better on quad core, because it sure isn't working on dual-core.
  • I had the same problem with the demo, Mankoon, and spent about an hour fiddling with the video settings to isolate what was causing the issue. It struck me as a really amateurish design flaw.
  • Weird thing is that the multi-core rendering only screws me in multiplayer in single-player it's just fine.
  • edited November 2009
    Hmmm. It might be a problem with how networking is handled while multi-core rendering is in use, then - specifically, a threading issue.
    Post edited by lackofcheese on
  • Hmmm. It might be a problem with how networking is handled while multi-core rendering is in use, then.
    I'm willing to bet the multi-core rendering needs at least two full cores. If you have one of your cores doing something else, like handling network traffic or rendering a video, the multi-core rendering option probably asks too much of your CPU. Could be one case where a quad-core actually helps. I would be very interested to experiment, but not willing to pay any money to do so.
  • I just found, which is by the same guys as It seems to be a handy little tool. It measures packet loss, ping, and jitter.
  • GeoGeo
    edited November 2009
    I'm finishing up the last two levels of Ganbare Goemon 2. For those of you that do no know, it is the sequel of what we know as Legend of the Mystical Ninja. The latter is just a bastardized name given because Nintendo was pretty sure that people wouldn't know who Goemon was, but that's what always confused me, what does it matter, but I digress. It's entirely in Japanese and (surprisingly) lacks a translation, but you are pretty much able to pick up the story as you go along. I can understand why the rest of Super Famicom/SNES sequels weren't brought over here as it relies heavily on Japanese humor and would only cause confusions to people uninitiated in the ways of Japanese humor. All in all, it's a good game, and that's pretty much all I have to say about it.
    Post edited by Geo on
  • edited November 2009
    Originally L4D2 was giving me huge problems. I would crash every game with a R6025 error. I turned off multi-core rendering and it hasn't happened since. I also tried to fix it by getting through some windows updates. I'm not really sure what fixed it but it's probably the multi-core rendering.
    I wonder if the multi-core rendering works better on quad core, because it sure isn't working on dual-core.
    My processor is a Intel(R)Core(TM)2 Quad Q6600 2.40 ghz.
    Post edited by Mankoon on
  • My processor is a Intel(R)Core(TM)2 Quad Q6600 2.40 ghz.
    VERY interesting. I've got a 3.0ghz dual-core.
  • VERY interesting. I've got a 3.0ghz dual-core.
    Sounds like something that will be patched.
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